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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

THURSDAY, 5th May, 1887.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., M.P., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the pre- vious Meeting.

Also read those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, Building, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered their recommen- dations to be carried into effect.

Read the report of the Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to the Hythe, Bembridge and Broadstairs Stations.

Also the report of the Deputy Chief Inspector on his visit to the Brooke Station.

Also the Reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their recent visits to the following Stations:— Northern District — Fraserburgh, Dunbar, North Berwick, Berwick-on-Tweed, Boulmer, Hauxley, Alnmouth, Newbiggin, Cresswell, Tyueraouth (two boats), Cullercoats, Holy Island (two boats), North Sunderland, Bamburgh Castle, and Blyth (two boats).

Eastern District—Skegness and Hythe.

Western District—Padstow, Port Isaac, Lyn- mouth, Porthcawl, Port Eynon and Swansea.

Irish District—Valenlia, Tralee, Kingstown, Greystones, Wicklow, Holyhead, Bull Bay, Moelfre, St. Anne's and Lythnrn.

Deep regret was expressed at the decease of Mr. W. H. H ARTON, V.P., who had been a member of the Committee of Management of the Institu- tion for twenty-nine years, and it was decided to send a letter of sympathy to his family.

Also at the death of Mr. JOHN COMPSON who had been Honorary Secretary of the Burnham Branch of the Institution for four years, and it was decided that the condolence of the Com- mittee be expressed to his widow.

Reported the receipt of 900Z. from Mr. GEORGE MOTLEY WARD, of Bradford, to provide a new Life-boat for Broadstairs, to be named the Christopher Waud, Bradford.

Decided that the best thanks of the Com- mittee be conveyed to Mr. WARD for his munifi- cent gift.

Reported also the receipt of 300Z. from a lady towards the cost of the new Life-boat about to be placed at Mullion, Cornwall, which boat is to be named the Edith.

Also the receipt of the following other special contributions since the last meeting:— £ i. d.

LIVERPOOL COMMITTEE OP THE SOUTHPORT LIFE-BOAT DISASTER FUND, per C. H. BELOE, Esq. . 313 16 2 The " Sunlight" Competition, per Messrs. LEVER. BROTHERS, War- ringtou 200 - - FREDERICK M. SMITH, Esq., Eve- sham 200 - - C. D. S 50 - - Employees at the Royal Small Arms Factory, Enfield Lock,perColonel H. T. ARBUTHNOT, R.A. ... 25 3 

431 £ «.. d

Collected at St. Antholin's Church, Peckham Rye, on Good Friday, per the Rev. A. A. W. DREW . 463 —To be severally thanked.

Also that the following legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— £ s. d.

The late Mrs. MARIA NEWEN, of Kensington (duty free) . . . 400 - - The late Mrs. BAIN, of Blairlogie, for a Life-boat for the Scotch Coast 400 - - The late G. H. JOHNSON, Esq., of Kensington (duty free) . . . 105 - - The late S. R. YATES, Esq.,of North- cote, Lancashire (duty free) . . 109 - - The late Commander H. C.WALKER, R.N. (duty free) . • . . . 50 - - The late Mr. J. O. GRIFFIN, of Lewisham 50 - - Voted the thanks of the Committee to Mr.

JOHN EDMONDSON, on his retirement from the Hon. Secretaryship of the Lytham Branch of the Institution, which he had held for about eight years.

The Committee also specially recognised the good services of ALEXANDER NOBLE, who had been Coxswain of the Fraserburgh. Life-boat for thirteen years, and of JOHN PARKINSON, who has been Second Coxswain of the Lytham Life- boat for above twenty years. They had been compelled to relinquish their appointments on account of old age.

Decided that the Life-boat Stations at Solva (Pembrokeshire) and Portloe (Cornwall) be abolished.

Paid 2,969Z. 12s. 5d. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted HI. 8s. Gd. to pay the expenses of the North Sunderland, Aldborough and Southwold No. 2, Life-boats, in rendering the following services:— Lives saved.

Fishing-boat Georgina, of Arbroath. Ren- dered assistance.

Steamer Svend, of Copenhagen. Put a pilot on board.

Barque Norden Havct, of Porsgrund . . 3 (These services are detailed on pages 426- 429.) Voted also 107Z. 9s. Gd. to pay the expenses of the Milford, Clacton, Redcar, Saltburn, Har- wich, Walton-on-the-Naze, Wexford No. 2 and Winterton No. 2 Life-boats in assembling their crews, or putting off, in reply to signals of dis- tress, shown by vessels which did not ultimately need the services of the boats.

Voted also 21. 10s. to five men, for putting off in a boat and rescuing the crew of three men of the schooner Willem, of Hanover, which stranded off Marske, Yorkshire, during a moderate gale from the S.E., on the 6th April.

Also 15s. to a man, for putting off in a small boat, and with much difficulty rescuing five persons whose boat had capsized off Inish- tubber Island, Co. Clare, during a moderate N.B. breeze and a. smooth sea on the 6th March.

If. was also awarded to his wife, who waded up to her neck into the water and rescued another of the crew of the capsized boat, who was drifting ashore clinging to an oar.

Also II. 10s. to three fishermen, for putting off in a boat, and rescuing a boat, -with one occu- pant, which had been disabled, off Donagha- dee, Ireland, during a strong N.W. breeze on the 31st of March.

THURSDAY, 9th June.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., M.P., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the pre- vious Meeting. Also read those of the Finance and Correspondence, Building, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered their recommendations to be carried into effect.

The Chief Inspector of Life-boats presented the Report which he had prepared, in accord- ance with the instructions of the Committee, on the self-righting Life-boats of the Institution.

Decided to replace, with as little delay as possible, all self-righting Life-boats which will not pass far more severe tests than were for- merly considered necessary, and which are not provided with such of the latest improvements as are deemed by the Committee to be of the greatest importance. Also that such boats as are believed to be capable of alteration be tested, and the improvements that may be found necessary added to them.

Head the report of the Deputy Chief In- spector of Life-boats on his recent visits to the St. Anne's and Filey Stations.

Also the reports of three of the District In- spectors of Life-boats on their recent visits to the following Stations:— Eastern District—Dunwich, Southwold (two boats), Kessingland (three boats), Yarmouth, Winterton (two boats), Palling (two boats), Has- borough and Mundesley.

Western District—Pembrey, Carmarthen Bay, Tenby, Milford Haven, Littlehaven, St. David's, Fishguard and Newport (Pembrokeshire).

Irish District—Blackpool, Fleetwood (two boats), Douglas (two boats), Ramsey and Port Erin.

Deep regret was expressed at the decease of Mr. FRANCIS S. CHAPMAN, who had been a member of the Committee of Management of the Institution for two years, and it was decided to send a letter of sympathy to his family.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— £ s. d.

Miss LEICESTER, for the endow- ment of the Robert and Catherine . 2,000 - - Life-boat at Braunton Stewards of the COVENT GARDEN Life-boat Fund, additional... 70 - - BOSTON CLUB, per G. MASSEY; Esq. 20 10 - Collected on board the s.s. Ormuz, of the Orient Steam Navigation Company, per Captain HEWISON 15 - - Collected on board the R.M.S.

Von, per H. B. WHITMARSH, Esq 4 - - —To be severally thanked.

Also that the following legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— £ s. d.

The late WILLIAM LEAK, Esq., of Howarth, York (duty free) . . 250 - - The late JEREMIAH LONG, Esq., of Brighton (to Brighton Branch) (duty free) 50 - - AlsQ_the transmission to their Stations of the new Life-boats for Dunwich, Dungarvan, Port Logan, Mullion and Cadgwith.

The Great Eastern Railway Company con- veyed the Dunwich new and old boats free of charge, between London and Darsham, and the Waterford Steamship Company granted a free passage to the Dungarvan boat from Bristol to Waterford.

—To be thanked.

Voted the thanks of the Committee to the Rev. S. W. E. BIRD and Mr. SAMSOS T. WILLIAMS, in recognition of their valuable co-operation during the period they acted as Honorary Secretaries of the Portloe and Solva Branches of the Institution.

The Committee also specially recognised the valuable services of PHILIP GEORGE, who had been coxswain of the Caister Life-boats for twenty-five years, and bad assisted in saving a large number of lives. He had been compelled to relinquish his appointment on account of ill- health.

Also the good services of WILLIAM Dix, who bad been coxswain of the Muudesley Life-boat for five years, and had been obliged to resign on account of old age.

Decided that various works be carried out at the Porthdinllaen and Hythe Life-boat Stations, at a cost of 1.288Z.

Paid 4,096Z. llg. 4 Z. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 551. 5i. to pay the expenses of the North Deal, New Brighton No. 1, Newquay (Cardiganshire) and Porthdinllaen Life-boats, in rendering the following services:— Lives saved.

7 Schooner Golden Inland, of Fleetwood Sloop Darling, of Bangor. Rendered assistance.

Schooner Industry, of Aberystwith . . 4 Schooner John and Robert, of Nefyn . . 4 The Thorpeness Life-boat assisted to save the disabled ketch Laura, of Harwich, and her crew of five men.

(Accounts of these services are furnished on pages 428-129). ! Voted also 252J. Is. 9d. to pay the expenses of the Wexford No. 1, Palling No. 2, Caister No. 2, Harwich, Rhyl No. 2, Llanddulas, Whitby No. 2, Donna Nook, Aldborough, Orme's I Head, Holyhead, St. David's, Lizard No. 2, j Cadgwith, Montrose No. 2. Broadstairs, Walmer, '' North Deal, Kingsdowne, Cemlyn, Cemaes and Porthcawl Life-boats, in assembling their crews or putting off to the aid of vessels which did not ultimately need their help.

The Ramsgate Life-boat had also been taken out on two occasions, iu reply to signals of distress, but her services were not eventually required.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, and a copy of the vote, inscribed on vellum, to Captain L. Gr. STARR, master, and to Mr. T. EASTAWAY, second mate, and til. to four of the crew, of the S.B. Juno, of Bristol, for rescuing, at great risk of life, the master and crew, numbering sixteen in all, of the s.s. George Moore, of Port Glasgow, which was wrecked on the Smalls Rock, in the Irish Channel during a strong gale from the N.W. on the night of the 20th May. On observing signal-rockets fired from the Smalls Lighthouse, the master of the Juno with much difficulty took his vessel as near as possible to the wreck, when a boat manned by the second mate and four of the crew was launched, and in two trips succeeded in rescuing the shipwrecked men and placing them on board the Juno, The Committee alto expressed their approval of the conduct of the master of the George Hoor£in doing all in his power to help to save the lives of his crew, he being the last to leave the wreck.

Also 41. to four men for saving three of the crew of the fishing-boat Lightning, of Miltown, Co. Antrim, which capsized off Benyon Head during a gale from the N. on the 31st March.

Also SI. 10s. to seven men for wading with lines to the fishing-boat Water Lily, of Bangor, which had stranded in Llandudno Bay during a strong W.N.W. gale on the 20th May, and rescuing a man who was on board the vessel.

Also 21. 10s. to five men, for rescuing the crew of two men from a boat which had cap- sized in broken water on Teignmouth Bar during a strong E.S.E. wind on the 22nd May.

Also 11. 10s. to three men, for putting off in a boat and rescuing three men whose boat had struck a rock off Strond, Harris, and sunk, during a strong S S.E. gale on the 23rd March.

Albo 1Z. 10». to three men for putting off in a boat and saving two of the crew of the fishing- boat Charles Bampini, who had fallen overboard near Mossbank, Shetland, during a moderate breeze on the 2nd April.

THURSDAY, 7th July.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., M.P., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous Meeting.

Also read those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, Building, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered their recommenda- tions to be carried into effect.

Bead the report of the Deputy Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to the Blackpool and Lytham Stations.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations:— Northern District—Thurso, Stromness,.Long-hope, Ackergill, Huna, Dornoch, Nairn, Lossie- mouth, Buckle, Banff, Anstruther, Stonehaven, Newburgh, Port Erroll, Peterhead, White- link Bay and Fraserburgh.

Eastern District—Aldborough, Thorpeness, Walton-on-the-Naze, Harwich, Margate, Kings- gate, Broadstairs, Kingsdowne, Walmer, North Deal, Dover, Ramsgate, Bembridge and Hun- stanton.

Western District—Cardigan, Newquay (Car- diganshire), Aberystwith, Barmouth, Aber- dovey, Abersoch, Llanaelhaiarn, Portmadoc and Porthdinllaen.

Irish District—Castletown, Peel, Aranmore, Greencastle, Portrush, New Brighton, Rhyl (two boats), Llanddulas and Llaududno.

Reported the receipt of 1001. from Mrs. SHAW, of Exeter, to defray the cost of the new Life- boat about to be sent to Dartmouth; the boat to be named the Henry and Amanda Shaw, after her late husband and herself.

Decided that the best thanks of the Com- mittee be conveyed to Mrs. SHAW for her highly-valued gift.

Also the receipt of the following other special contributions since the last meeting:— £ s. d.

E. P. WHITE, Esq., and Miss WHITE, of Blackheath (annual subscrip- tion) ... 75 - - H. C. KNOX, Esq., of Junagadb, India 10 10 - Profits of Newspaper started on the s.s. St. Sunniva, on her second Norwegian cruise 592 Proceeds of Entertainments on board the B.M.S. Galicia, per Captain BRTOTOU PARK. ... 45- —To be severally thanked, Also that the following legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— £ s. d.

The late W. 8. LEWIS, Esq., of Mossey Green, Salop, for a William Slaney Lewis Life-boat . 500 - - The late J. H. TARRANT, Esq., of New Kent Road (duty free) . . 100 - - The late JOSEPH SMITHEMAN, Esq., of Dagenham (duty free) . . , 100 - - Also the transmission to their Stations of new Life-boats for Fraserburgh, Staithes and Worthing.

The last-named boat was conveyed to its Station free of charge by the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Company, and was publicly launched at Worthing on Jubilee day.

—The Company to be thanked.

Voted the thanks of the Committee to Mr. J. J. FRANCIS, in recognition of his kind co- operation during the six years he occupied the office of Assistant-Secretary of the Kingsgate Branch of the Institution.

Decided that various works be carried out at the Stornoway, Pakefield and Holyhead Life- bout Stations, at an expense of 1,503/.

Paid 6,4n4Z. 9«. 6d~. for sundry charges on various Lite-boat Establishments.

Voted 45.Z. y*. to pay the expenses of the Scilly, Blackpool, and Broadstairs Life-boats in rendering the following services:— Lives saved.

S.S. Castleford, of Liverpool .... 25 Schooner Esther Ann, of Belfast Ren- dered assistance.

S.S. Guatemala. Remained by vessel.

The Ramsgate Life-boat assisted to save the schooner Lizzie, of Fleetwood, and her crew of four men.

(Details of these services are given on pages 429-430).

Voted also 421. 15*. to pay the expenses of the Castletown, Cadgwith and North Deal Life-boats, in putting off in reply to signals of distress, when their services were not eventually needed.

Also 71. to seven men for putting off in a shore boat from Huna and rescuing six men from the fishing-boat Helen Ann, of Banff, which had sunk off St. John's Point in the Pentland Firth during foggy weather on the 24th June.

Also 31. to four men for putting off in a boat and saving four other men whose boat had been upset on Guidore Bar during a strong N.W.

breeze and a heavy sea on the 10th May.

Also 15s. to two men for putting off in a boat and rescuing a woman from a boat which had been upset at Aranmore Island during a mo- derate N.E. wind on the 17th June.

Also 10s. to two men for putting off in a boat and rescuing three persons whose boat had struck a rock and immediately sunk off Innis- keera Island, Co. Donegal, during a S.W. breeze on the 2nd June.

THURSDAY, 4th August.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., M.P., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the pre- vious Meeting.

Also read those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, Building, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered their recom- mendations to be carried into effect.

Read the report of the Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to the St. Anne's, Bembridge and Weston-super-Mare Stations.

Also the reports of the District inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations :— Northern District—Ardrossan, Cullercoats, Tynemouth (two boats), Whitburn, Sunderland (four boats), Alnmouth, Hauxley, Boulmer, Dunbar and Ayr.

Eastern District — Brancaster, Blakeney, Wells, Bembridge and Scarborough.

Western District—Poole, Swanage, Kime- ridge, Weymouth, Lyme Regis, Sidmouth, Ex- mouth, Teignmouth, Burry Port, Torquay, Brixham, Dartmouth and Salcombe.

Irish District—Llanddwyn, Holyhead, Rhos- neigir, Rhoscolyn, Cemlyn, Cemaes, Bull Bay, Moelfre, Penmon, St. Anne's and Southport.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last Meeting

£ s. d.

Five contributions of 100Z. each to- wards the endowment of the Life- boat Queensbury, at Scarborough 500 - - " Sunlight" Competition, per Messrs. LEVER BROTHERS, Warrington (additional) 200 - - ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERS, an- nual subscription in aid of the support of their two Life-boats . 100 - - A.HUTCHINSON, Esq.,and the Misses F. and C. HUTCHINSON, Hereford, additional 2G - - WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF CLOTH- WORKERS, additional .... 25 — - WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF SKINNERS additional 10 10 - GEORGE WEBSTER, Esq., further on account of his Life-boat fund . 12 10 - —To be severally thanked.

Also that the following legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution :— £ 8. d.

The late WILLIAM LESTY, Esq., of Stockwell, for the purpose.of pro- viding a Life-boat and house the boat to be named the Lesty .

800Z. New SI. per Cent. Bank Annuities.

The late Rev. WILLIAM WORSLEY, of Torkington (duty free) . . 500 - - The late Mrs. H. D. EVANS, of En- glefield, to provide a Life-boat to be called the George Evans, and stationed, if practicable, near Liverpool, or elsewhere on the River Mersey 350 - - The late Miss HARRIET BAKER, of Belbroughton, Worcester (duty free) 100 - - The late Miss F. E. TANQUERAY, of St. Paul's Road, Canonbury (duty free) 100 - - The Committee expressed their regret at the decease of Mr. J. H. CROCKFORD, who had been Honorary Secretary of the Rochester Branch of the Institution for seventeen years, and de- cided to send a letter of sympathy to his family.

The Committee also specially recognised the good services of Mr. ROBERT BICKERSTAFFE and Mr. JOHN HEPTON, on their resigning the offices of coxswains of the Blackpool and Sunderland No. 2 Life-boats, which they had held respec- tively for many years.

Also the services of Mr. HUGH JONES as second coxswain of the Moelfre Life-boat, which position he had occupied for many years.

Reported the transmission to their Stations of the new Life-boats for Bembridge, Scarborough and Burry Port.

Decided that the present small Life-boat at Weston super-Mare be removed, and that a new and larger boat, possessing all the latest improve- ments, be sent to that Station.

Also that the Sunderland No. 2 Station be abolished, on the recommendation of the Local Committee.

Paid 3.024Z. 13s. 10«L for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 32Z. 14s. Gd. to pay the expenses of the Walmer and Kingstown Life-boats in putting off to the aid of vessels not ultimately needing their services.

Also 21. 5s., in addition to local subscriptions, to six men for putting off in two rowing boats and saving three young men whose boat had been capsized on Walton-on-the-Naze during a strong E. breeze on the 30th June.

Also 11. to the crew of the trawler Susan, of Groomsport, for saving five men from two boats, one of which had put off to the assistance of the other, which were in danger off Bangor, co.

Down, during a gale from the S. on the 13th July.

Also 15». to two men for putting off in a boat and rescuing four men from a boat without oars or sails which was drifting helplessly off Broughty Ferry during a strong gale and a heavy sea on the 3rd July.

Also 15« two men for putting off in a small boat, and rescuing two men whose boat had struck on a rock off Polpear during a N.

wind and a strong breeze on the 18th July.

Also 10s. to a deaf and dumb fisherman of Cadgwith for rescuing two men whose boat had sunk about 300 yards from Cadgwith Beach during squally weather on the 27th June.

THURSDAY, 1st September.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., M.P., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous Meeting.

Also read those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, Building, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered their recommenda- tions to be carried into effect.

Read the Report of the Deputy Chief In- spector of Life-boats on his recent visit to Rochester.

Also the Reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations:— Northern District Girvan. Ballantrae, Sea- ton Carew, Middlesbrough, Redcar, Saltburn, Seaham, Hartlepool (three boats), West Hartle- pool (two boats), Blyth (two boats), Newbiggin, Cresswell and North Berwick.

Eastern District — Bembridge, Worthing, Shoreham, Brighton, Southend (two boats), Newhaven, Rye, Winchelsea, Eastbourne, Has- tings, Lydd, New Romney, Littlehampton, Southsea and Hayling Island.

Western District—Yealm River, Plymouth, Hope Cove, Looe, Fowey, Mevagissey, New- quay (Cornwall), Falmouth, Porthleven, Lizard (two boats), Mullion, Cadgwith, Porthoustock, and Portloe.

Irish District—Wicklow, Arklow, Courtown, Cahore, Wexford (two boats), Carnsore and Kilmore.

Reported the receipt of £750 from E. HOMAN, Esq., of Finchley, to defray the coat of a new Life-boat to be named the Friern Watch.

Decided that the best thanks of the Com- mittee be conveyed to Mr. HOMAN for his much valued gift, and that it be appropriated to the new Life-boat about to be sent to Weymouth.

Also the receipt of the following other special contributions since the last Meeting :— £ s. d.

THE CYCLISTS' JUBILEE LIFE-BOAT FUND, on account of the cost of a Life-boat, per HENRY STURMEY, Esq 475 - - WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OP DRAPERS (annual subscription) ... 52 10 - Collection at Holy Trinity Church, Southshore, Blackpool, on the 19th December, 1886 ... 36 9 11 Collected on board the steam yacht Ceylon, additional 6 3 - —To lie severally thanked.

Also that the following legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— £ s. d.

The late CHARLES WILLIAM COOTE, Esq., of the Albany, Piccadilly (duty free) 500 - - The late GENERAL GEORGE RAMSAY (duty free) 250 - - The late Miss G. M. HUGHES, of East Bergholt, Suffolk (duty free) 10 - - The late Miss E. G. TAMLYN, of Ilfracombe (to Ilfracombe Branch) 5 — — Deep regret was expressed at the death of Captain J. P. LUCKRAFT, E.N., who had been the Chairman of the Llanelly and Pembrey Branch of the Institution for seven years, and it was resolved to send a letter of sympathy to his family.

Reported the transmission to their Stations of the new Life-boats for Stornoway, Montrose, North Berwick, Falmouth, Whitby, Sunderland and North Deal.

The Committee specially recognised the good services rendered to the Life-boat cause by Mr. HENRY THORNTON, late Coxswain of the Outer Harbour at Ramsgate.

Paid 2,979/. 9s. 9d. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 35/. 19s. to pay the expenses of the Buckie, Mablethorpe and Newport (Pembroke- shire) Life-boats in rendering the following Lives saved.

2 1 services:— Schooner Sen Aigen, boat of the .

Pilot boat of Buckie Barge Paragon, of Milton, Faversham Newport Regatta Committee barge Voted also HZ. 18s. to pay the expenses of the Button Life-boat in putting off to the as- sistance of a vessel: her services, however, were not needed.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, and a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum, to Sergeant PATRICK MCPHILLIPS, of the Royal Irish Constabulary, for putting off in a boat and rescuing a man who, while suffering from delirium tremens, had gone out to sea in a punt without sail or thole-pins and was drifting on to a ledge of rocks off Aranmore Island during a strong N.W. wind on the 19th July.

Fifteen shillings was also granted to two boatmen who took out Sergeant MCPHILLIPS and towed the boat back to shore.

Also 101. to the owner of the filing-boat Jessie Mary of Great Yarmouth, as compensa- tion for damage received by his boat while endeavouring to save life on the occasion of the capsizing of a pleasure-boat in Yarmouth Roads daring a S. wind and squally weather on the 28th July.

Also 41. to the crews of two cobles for rescu- ing two men from a boat which had been capsized in Runswick Bay during a moderate breeze on the 15th August.

Also 21. 5s. to six men for rescuing four men from a boat which had been capsized oft' Seven Heads, Co. Cork, during a strong N. breeze and a rough sea on the 18th August.

Also II. 2s. Gd. to three men for saving two men from the boat Bessie, of Kirkcaldy, which was capsized off Aberdour, Fifeshire, during a heavy S.W. -wind and a rough sea oa the 29th.

July. II. was also granted to the salvors, as compensation for the loss of fishing sustained through effecting the rescue.

Also 11. 15s. to the crew of the fishing-boat Isabel, for rescuing a man who had fallen over- board from a boat off Lerwick during a strong breeze on the 6th August.

Also 11. 10s. to a man for swimming out to try to save life on the occasion of the wreck of the schooner Anne Elizabeth on the rocks at Joppa, Scotland, during a very high sea on the 31st March, and for rescuing a man who had fallen overboard from a small boat off Portobello during a light breeze on the 20th July.

Also 11. 10s. to four men for rescuing a man who was in a helpless condition in a boat in Ballyhorne Bay, Co. Down, during a moderate S. breeze on the 5th August.