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EASTBOURNE.—On the morning of the 4th January intelligence was received that a vessel was ashore between the Bell Tout Lighthouse and Birling Gap. The William and Mary Life-boat put off at about 8.15 during a fresh S.E. wind and a heavy sea, and reached the wreck, which proved to be the barque Sjodroninjan, of Stavanger, bound from New York for Hamburg with petroleum. She had stranded on a ledge of rocks nearly opposite Bell Tout Lighthouse at 5 A.M. during a snowstorm. The sea was too rough to enable the Life-boat to go alongside, and she, therefore, anchored ahead and veered down under the bowsprit, whence the crew, numbering sixteen men, descended into her. They were safely landed at the Wish Tower atabout 1 P.M. amidst the cheers of a large number of spectators..