Day Star
SOUTHWOLD AND DUNWICH, Onthemorningofthe27thDecember,1886, the schooner Day Star, of and for Ipswich, from Seaham, with coal, was driven on the shoal at Thorpeness, with both anchors down, and became a total wreck during a heavy gale of wind from the N.N.E. and a tremendous sea. The Southwold No. 1 Life-boat, London Coal Exchange, proceeded to her assistance, and succeeded in rescuing four of the crew. The first man to make an attempt to reach the boat unfortunately fell into the sea and was drowned, and this event disheartened the remainder of the men for a time ; but eventually four of them were got into the boat. The master of the vessel, however, could not be induced to venture, and the four men were accordingly taken ashore and landed at Aldborough, two of them having fainted on the way. The captain was afterwards rescued by the Dunwich Life-boat, John Reble, and landed at Thorpe. Whilst effecting the rescue, the Southwold Lifeboat was struck by a very heavy sea, which washed the coxswain overboard.
Fortunately his foot was caught in one of the ropes, and he was safely got into the boat again..