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The Life-Boat to the Rescue. By a Fisherman

THE night was dark and stormy, The sea rolled mountains high, When our coxswain came in haste, And thus did breathless cry : Make haste and launch the Life-boat, A vessel's on the rocks; Be quick and get all ready; Now overhaul these blocks.

We're ready, we are willing To face this stormy sea; We will not shrink from duty, When we can useful be.

Our message is in mercy; Our labour is of love; We ask for Heaven's protection; Our strength is from above.

We'll man the oars, we're ready, And you the boat shall steer ; We know your skill and courage ; No danger we will fear.

There, now then, watch yon breaker, And keep her head well to ; Now, courage, though it's stormy, Yet we will weather through.

We're doing well, the vessel I now see full in view; A light I now see clearly, And I think I see the crew.

I know they see us coming, By the waving of the light ; They know right well their danger ; We are a welcome sight.

There, now then, catcli that cable, Be sure you fix it well; And stand you by and ease it To the rising of the swell.

Now help along all children, The women and the lame: Then we will make all welcome, No matter what their name.

Sit low, and be all steady, Until we get all clear; Our boat is strong and able, So there's no cause for fear.

There, now, I see the harbour, Eight on the leeward bow ; We'll get a hearty welcome From the many watchers now.

Thank God we're round the'pierhead, And safe again once more; And I hear the hearty cheering Of the watchers on the shore.

H. M. C..