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BRIDLINGTON. — At 8 o'clock on the morning of the 8th December, 1880, during a gale from the S., a vessel was reported to be driving on to the North Beach. The Life-boat, William, John and Frances, was launched, but although strenuous efforts were made by the crew, the boat was unable to reach the ship owing to the fury of the gale and the very heavy seas, and was forced to return to the shore, her crew being much exhausted.

She, however, put off again, some of her former crew going out in her a second time, and the places of others being taken by fresh men, and they then succeeded in rescuing the crew of six men from the vessel, which proved to be the brig Orb, of Whitby, bound from Shields for Yarmouth with a cargo of coal: she became a total wreck on the North Beach, half a mile from the pier. One of the Life-boat men was washed out of the boat on the second occasion by a heavy sea, but having on his lifebelt, he was able to reach the land safely by swimming..