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SCARBOROUGH.—On the morning of the 2nd December, 1886, during a heavy gale from the N., the dandy Gustave, of and from St. Yalery-en-Canx for North Shields with flint stone, brought up in the roads about a mile S.E. from the piers, showed signals of distress. The Life-boat, Lady Leigh, immediately put off to her assistance and got within a hundred yards, but dared not attempt to go alongside on account of thetremendous seas. The boat therefore returned to the shore, but at 5.30 when the tide flowed another attempt was made, again without success. At break of day the Life-boat men were more successful, the sea having slightly moderated, the vessel was reached, and her crew of four men were safely landed at 7.30. She afterwards dragged her anchors, stranded, and became a total wreck..