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Alliance and Golden Light

PENZANCE.—At about 3 A.M., on the 8th December, signals of distress having been observed about a quarter of a mile east of the Albert Quay, the Life-boat Dora was launched and pulled in the direction where the light was first seen.

While on her way she was hailed by the dandy Alliance, of Penzanoe, to windward of her, and after a hard pull reached the vessel which had parted her anchors and was fast drifting on a lee shore. The crew of four men were taken into the Life-boat, which then resumed her search for the other vessel and soon found her.

She was the schooner Golden Light, of Penzance, and was also drifting on a lee shore. Her crew of five men were taken on board the Life-boat, and all were safely landed at about 4 A.M..