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Index to the Gift Life- Boats of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution

{The figures refer to the numbers of the Life-hoats detailed on the ten preceding Pages.) A. B. S., 126. Draper, Daniel J., Life-boat Hounsfield, Mrs., 78. Peach, Misses Frances and A. F. H.. 133. Fund, 136. [late, 141. Howard, Mrs. Atherton, 1S8. Kate, 262. A Friend at Bradford, 54. Drummond, Mrs. Dundas,the Howis, Miss Annie F., 207. Phip on, Mrs., 203. A Lady, 16. Dundee, People's Journal, Huddersfield, collected in, 68. Pickersgill, the late H. W., A Lady, 32. 240, 248. [late, 124. Hughes, Mrs., the late, 148. Esq., R.A., 91. A Lady, 205. Durant, Richard, Esq.. the Hulett, David, Esq., 94. Platt, Mr. Thomas, 269. A Lady (H. H. 253. E. B.,M.P.,andA.andE.I., Ingleby, Rev. Chas., the late, Plimsoll Life-boat Funds, 68. A Lady, per 'Admiral Fish- Cheddar, 29. per G. P. Wragge, Esq., 23. Pooley.G. Ksq., the late. 259. bourne, C.B., 86. E. M. S.. 281. [21?. [ngrani, Herbert, Ksq., M.P., Popuani, Mrs., the fa(e, 220. A Lady, " in memory of a Ldinburgh Working Men's, Friends of the late, 50. Preston, R. A. B. Esq., 145. very dear brother," 154. Edinburgh Ladies' Endow- Ipswich, collected in, 77. QUEEN, UEK MAJESTY THE, " A Scot abroad," 241., ment Fund, 217. [late,229. Irlam.Geo. Esq., the late, 244. 199. Adamson, Miss, 239. Sdleston Dickinson, Esq., the Irlam, the late Miss, 266. ' Quiver " Magazine, col- Ancient Shepherds, Loyal Egdell, Miss, the late, 2, 56. J. L., the late, 70. lected, 75, 84, 289. Order of (A.U.), 186. Egerton, Capt. C. R., R.N., J. M. S., 278. Reid, Peter, Esq., '224. Anderson, Miss, the late, and widow of, 167. Jacomb-Hood, Miss E.H., 10. Richardson, the late Mrs. Niece, 272. Elliott, Mrs., 57. Jewish Scholars' Life-boat Harriot, 219. Anonymous, 196. Ellis, Mrs., the late, 34. Fund, 99. Roberts, Richard, Esq., the Arkcoll, Chas., Esq., 97. "English Mechanic" Life- Jones, Miss M., the late, 161. late, 212. Armitage, E., Esq., R. A.,263. boat Fund, 260 [late, 290. Keble, Rev. T., 76. F142. Robertson, Miss, the late,101. Armstrong, Joseph.Life-boat Farrant, H. A. M., Esq., the Kendall, WM Esq., the late, Rochdale, collected in, 26 Fund, 134. Fielden, Samuel, John, and Ker, Robert, Esq., 227. [251. ftoman Governor of Caer Atton,Bob.,Esq., thelate,152. Joshua, Esqs., 184. [28. Ladies' Own Life-boat Fund, Hun, the late, 248. Barlow, Miss, the late, 24. Firbank, Mr. & Mrs., the late, Lamb, Miss, the late, 177. Rosebery, Ijady, 92. Barnes, R., Esq., the late, 178. Fletcher, Mr. Samuel, the Landseer, Miss, 49. Rous, Admiral, Life-boat Baas, Miss, 118. late, 199. [15, 26. Langworthy, Mrs., 268. Fund, 44. Bates, Mr. Brian,thelate,122. Foresters, Ancient Order of. Leaf,Sons&Co.,Messrs., 105. Royds, C. M. Esq., 198. Beckett, Miss, the late, 18. Forteath, Mrs. Harriott, the Leather, Jos.. Esq., 194. Ryder, James. Ksq., 208. Beckett,the UweJohn, Esq.39. late, 35. Leicester, collected in, 67. Si. Michael's, Paddington, Beckwith, the late Mrs., 257. Foulston, Mrs. Eliza, the Leicester, Miss, 151, 201. Life-boat Fund, 72. [228. Bennett, Mr. W., the late, 55. late, 20. [36. Lcighton, Capt. H., the late, Salt, Sir Titua, Bart., the late, Bewick, Miss, the late, 5. Fox,Children of Mr.and Mrs., p r Miss A. Leighton, Salt, Titus, Esq., 165. Biggs, Miss, the late, 197. Freemasons of England, 81, 216. Settle, collected in, 43, 189. Bird, Samuel, Ksq., 62. 125, 254. [37. Leonard,C.,Esq., the.late,29l. Sister's Memorial, 190. Birkett, Wm., the late, 202. Freemasons ofWarwickshire, Licensed Victuallers, col- Skynner, Jno., E*q., the late, Birtwhistle,Miss,thelate,242. Friends at Manchester, 98. lected from, 51. and Miss Brigden. 104. Blake, Mrs., the late, 265, 282. Frith, J. G., Esq., the late, Lightfoot, J. K., Esq., 237. Smart, Mrs. Francis G., 173. Blane, Capt. Rodney, R.N., and Mrs. Frith, 3. Lingham, Mrs., 182. [230. Smith, Mr- . F. S., the late, x3. Bolton, coll. in, 71. [177. Garden, the late R. T.. Esq., Lloyd, the late Chas., Esq., Smithies, Miss Eliza, the late, Bonrchier, Lady, the late,64. 147, 274. [Mrs., 12, 176. Lockett, Mrs. & Misses, 112. Somes, Mrs., 119. [270. Bower, Miss, the late, 232. Gibb, T. Jones, Esq., and London Sunday Schools, 100. Somerville, W. Esq., 223. Bowers, Mrs., 121. Gloucester, collected in, 132. Louise, the Princess, Life- Somcrville, Miss, the late, 88. Boys of England, 82. Good Templars, Independent boat Fund. 226. [287. South Warwickshire Life- Boy's Own Life-boat Fund, Order of, 17. LuckombP,Mrs.,thelate,110, boat Fund, 130. Bradford, 87. [113, 128. Gordon, the late Capt., 238. Ludlow. the late Ur., 285. Spawforth, J., Esq., 93. [95. Bradshaw Mrs., the late, 211, Gorfenkle, the late Jacob, MacDonald, Mrs., 150. Stanford, John, Ksq.,the late, Brigden, Miss, 1C4. [261,267. Esq., 131. [181, 191. Mackie, Dr., the late, 216. Strafford, the Ban of, P.O., Bristol Histrionic Club, 235. Gould, John, Esq., the late, M. B., 65. the late, 111, 116. [175. " British Workman " Maga- Gray, G. M., Esq., the late. Manchester Branch, 1, 27, 3D, Stratford. T.N. Esq., the late, zine, 60. 241, 245. [late, 256 117, 121,163, 172,178, 181, Sturm, the late .liw. Ksq., 236. Brooke, the Misses, 277. Grindlay, Thomas, Esq., the 191, 208, 2(19, 276. Sykes, the late Mrs. A. E., 33. ! Browne, Mrs. R. F., 273. Grove, Miss J.E. Chafyn, 159. Manchester and Salford Sun- Symes, Mrs. Elizabeth S.,271. Brundret, Mrs., 121. Guerrier, Eev. W. J., 69. day Schools, 209. Teignmouth Bazaar, 120. i Burdon, Mrs., the late, 280. H. W., 117. Manchester Central Co-ope- Thomas, Miss, the late, 264. Burmester, Miss, 79. Haberneld.Lady.the late,174. rative Board, 13, 153. Townend, Mrs., 30. Bury, C., Esq., the late, 73. Hackwood, Thos., Esq., 9. Martin, G., Esq., and Miss Trower, Henry, Esq., and Butcher, R. G., Esq., 292. Hardie, T. K. Esq., 221. Marten. 109. friends, 284. Carter, Misses, 21. Hargrave, Chas., Esq., the Mather, Mrs. Annie, 22. Turner-Turner, Mrs. and Cheltenham, collected in, 156. late, 90. Metcalfe,J.Ksq.,thelate,168. Family, 210. Civil Service Life-boat Fund, Hargreaves, Mrs., 123. Meyrick,Stantoii,thelate,l62. " Union Jack " Life-boat 14,89.206.218, 279: Harris, H., Esq., the Iate,102. Middlewood, Geo., Esq., 40. Fund, 155. Clare.Mrs.Leigh.the la.te.172. Harris, Mrs. H., the late, 96. Mincing Lane Merchants.247. Vandeleur, Richard, Esq., Clevedon Life-boat Fund.l 7 1 . Harris, Miss Lucy, 127. Monk,Capt.R.N.,thelate,213. the late, 293. Coal Exchange, London, Harvey, Henry M. Esq., 139. Moore, the late Geo., Ksq., W. B., Colonel, 200. Members of the, 74. Hay, 1)., Esq., the late, 214. Life-boat Fund, 179. Walker, G.. Esq., the late, 42. Collin, Miss, the late, 164. Hay, John, & Co., 195. Morella, the Countess de, 183. Wallace, W., Esq., the late, Corker.C. J.Esq.,thelate,166 Heape, Benjamin, Esq., 115 Munnoch, A., Esq., the late, Wardell, Miss, 7. [260. Corn Exchange, Mark L&ne Hearn, Mrs. Henry, 243. N. R., 48. ' [222. Wesleyan Methodists. 137. Members of the, 66. Heginbotlom, Geo., Esq., the Neale, Miss, the late, and West, K. Thornton, Esq., the Covent Garden Life-bt a late, 186. Miss Herring, 144 late, and Mrs. West, 103, Fund, 63. Heyland Memorial, 106. Nicholls, Miss, the late, 53. 146. Cuningham-Fairlie, Lady.the late, 255. Heywood-Lonsdale, A. P., Ksq., 47. Noble, 5Jre.,. 180.

Northumberland, The Dow- Whitaker, the late John, Esq., 253. Curling, Miss, 187. Hill, Arthur, Esq., 129. ager Duchess of, 8. Wilde, S. J., Esq., for the Cuttell, J. Esq., the late, 4. Hmdley, Job,Mr.,the late, 27. Nottingham; collected in, 6. late Miss M.R.Wilde, 114. D., 19), 233. 249. Hodgson, Miss Kllen, 192. Odd Kelluws (Manchester Williams, Mr. Lloyd, the Dalmer, Mrs. the late, 11. Kollon. R. W., Ksq., 38. Unitv) 45. late, 234. Davfa, Mrs. Geo., the late, 62 Holloml, Mrs., 136. Oliver Goldsmith, the, 288., 160. Denman, Hon. Mrs. Jos., 158 Holt, Col., the late, and Mrs. unslow, Miss, 140. Worcester Cadets Life-boat Derby, collected in, 19. Symes. 157. Out-Pensioners, 275. Fund, 108. Dewar, the late Mrs., 225. Honourable Artil'ery Com- Oxford Dnlversity, 143. [69 Worcester, collected in, 1(17. Dixon, Miss, 46. pany Dramatic Club, 80. Parkin, Thos., Esq.. the late Wright, Mrs., the late, 138. Dodd-, H., feq., the late, 283 Hooper, Miss, 286. [149 Paterson, Miss, the late, 252 X. Y. Z., 231. Downie, Miss, the late, 170 Hope, Rev' F. W., the late Payne, W. J. Esq., the late, 4] Yates, Mrs., the late, 31. THE EXPEHSB OF A LIFE-BOAT MATIOS is £1 O50. ITS COST is MADE up AS FOLLOWS:— Life-boat and her equipment, including Life-belts for the Crew and Transporting-carriage for the Life-boat , . £700 Total . . .£1,050 The average annual expense of maintaining a, Life-boat Station is £70, and the benefactions and contributions of Honors «f Life-boats are earnestly solicited in aid of that fund..