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Valeria, of Cardiff

CLOVELLY.—During a whole gale from the N.W., accompanied by a tremendous sea, on the 15th October, the steamer Valeria, of Cardiff, bound from Briton Ferry for Portland with a cargo of coal, hoisted signals of distress. The GrahamHughes Life-boat was launched at 3.40 P.M., and on reaching the vessel found that she was riding very heavily with both anchors down. The crew of eight men were taken from their perilous position into the Life-boat and safely landed.

On rounding the pier on her return to the shore a tremendous sea struck the broadside of the boat, heaving her a distance of sixty yards, and landing her broadside on the beach to the eastward of the Life-boat house. Fortunately a number of men were on the spot, and she was quickly run up into safety..