Advanced search

Albert Wilhelm

HAYLE.—The brig Albert Wilhelm, of Barth, Germany, bound from the Isle of Man for Fowey, in ballast, bore up into St. Ives Bay, on the 17th October, during a strong gale from the N.N.W.

and a heavy sea, became embayed, andwas driven ashore on the Hayle side of Hawke Point, the mainmast going by the board as she struck. Information of the casualty having been received, the Isis Life-boat was promptly launched and proceeded to the rescue. Three attempts to cross the bar were "made, and eventually the Boat was compelled to returnashore, seven of the oars having been lost and broken. Fresh oars were obtained, six fresh men took the places of those of the crew who were exhausted by their former efforts, and the Life-boat again put off, succeeded in reaching the vessel, and rescued five of her crew. Four others had previously been taken off by the St.

Ives rocket apparatus, the rocket brigadeworking most gallantly up to their waists in a heavy sea against very great difficulties, the beach at that point being very flat..