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Our Sailors

THE tide is full, the wind is fair, The hour is striking now, And word goes round, with hearty cheer, "Up anchor to the bow." The capstan creaks as bars are manned By sailors stout and true; The captain smiles as from the strand The anchor comes to view.

With sails unfurled to catch the breeze, And cargo trim and taut, The gallant ship glides o'er the seas, Towards her destined port.

Oh, pray the God that rules the main, To keep that vessel fair, And make the voyage, though long, a, gain, That all may blessings share.

God help and bless our seamen brave, When tempests fierce alarm; Be swift to hear, be strong to save, Make bare Thy mighty arm.

When silent on the deck they tread In midnight reverie, When thunder near the breakers dread God help our men at sea.

God watch and save our kinsmen dear, In sunshine, storm, and calm; When friends are far, when home is near, Oh, shield them safe from harm! Oh, bring the ship and all her crew Safe to our shores again; God bless the men on ocean blue: Let each one say, Amen! And landsmen, too, a voyage must take Across life's stormy sea: Lord, help us all the port to make, In immortality.



The next number of the Life-boat Journal will be published on the 1st February next..