United States Life-Saving Service
FROM the Annual Report of the United States Life-saving Service lately issued, we observe that on the 30th of June, 1885, there were 203 stations, 157 being on the Atlantic, 38 on the Lakes, 7 on the Pacific, and 1 at the Falls of the Ohio, Louisville, Ky. There were 256 disasters to vessels within the field of station operations, and there were 2,206 persons on board these vessels, of whom 2,196 were saved and only 10 lost. The number of vessels totally lost was 56. In addition, there have been 115 disasters to smaller craft, such as sail-boats, row-boats, &c., on which were 233 persons, all of whom were saved, except one; total number of shipwrecked persons succoured at stations, 568; total number of days' succour afforded, 1,686.
In addition to those saved from, vessels, there were 37 persons rescued who had fallen from wharves, &c.
NOTICE.—The next number of the 'Life-boat Journal' will be published on the 1st November next.