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HOLY ISLAND.—At 2 P.M. on the 16th of March a large three-masted schooner was seen, during a cessation of blinding snow storms, lying in for the land, and nearing a dangerous reef of rocks near the harbour bar, named the Parten Stiel.

She was evidently a stranger, for she continued running within a few yards of total destruction; but her helm was afterwards put down, and she stood out to sea. In half-an-hour she was again heading for the shore, and the No. 1 Lifeboat, the Grace Darling, was launched, and put off to her assistance. The Lifeboat men pulled out to the bar, against a terrific head wind, and with the help of the position taken up by the Life-boat and by some cobles, the vessel steered safely through the breakers, and was subsequently moored in the harbour.

She was the schooner Repwblik, in ballast from Bremerhaven to St. David, Firth of Forth..