Advanced search

Alpha and Lizzie, and Toiler

THURSO.—On the 8th of January, at 8 A.M., the ketch Crest, of Wick, lying at anchor in Scrabster Roads, showed a signal of distress during a very heavy N.

gale and a tremendous sea. The Charley Lloyd Life-boat proceeded to her assistance, and landed her crew, consisting of two men. At 9 o'clock the schooners Alpha, of Perth, and Lizzie, of Wick, showed distress signals, and the Lifeboat again put off, and brought ashore their crews, numbering four and three men respectively. As the weather con-, tinned very stormy, the Life-boat waskept afloat, in case her services should again be needed. At 2 P.M. the steam trawler Toiler, of Aberdeen, signalled for assistance, and the Life-boat was once more launched, and rescued the crew of seven men from their perilous position..