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The Civil Service Life-Boat Fund

AT the annual meeting of the Committee of the Civil Service Life-boat Fund, on the 12th ultimo, presided over by Mr. C. G. TURNER, Controller-General of la- land Revenue, it was reported by Mr.

CHARLES DIBDIN, the Hon. Secretary, that during the past year the Fund had con- tributed the sum of 1,200Z. to the NATIONAL LITE-BOAT INSTITUTION to defray the expenses incurred by the Society in providing houses, &c., for the four Life- boats presented to it and endowed by the Fund. It was further stated that these Boats had been instrumental in saving 189 lives and three vessels, and it was decided to issue an appeal to the Civil Service for funds to build and endow a fifth Life-boat.

It is interesting to know that this Fund, which has been in existence since 1866, is now subscribed to by nearly every office and department in the service of the Crown, and is the only charity supported by the Civil Service at large.

The number of the subscribers is at pre- sent upwards of 7,700.

It is hardly necessary to add that the Committee of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE- BOAT INSTITUTION are very grateful for the substantial help thus accorded to them, and set a high value on this kind co-operation on the part of the gentlemen connected with the Civil Service.