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"One More for the Life-Boat Crew."

The lads are afloat, they have launched the boat Where the moaning storm-birds flew, Oh, wife ! from the shores they cry,' One more,' With strong, steady hand and true! There are lives to save On the frothing wave— One more for the life-boat crew! Nay, shiver not so that I seaward go, Nor shrink from the night's black hue ; There is danger far where our brethren are, And the moments left grow few.

There are lives to save From a yawning grave— One more for the life-boat crew! A kiss for the ways of our courtship days, A kiss for love's Eden-view, When the white cliffs woke as the joy-bells broke, And home held a glory new, Heaven's help I crave, There are lives to save— One more for the life-boat crew! This kiss, my sweet, till again we meet, And another I leave with you For the babe at rest on your brave, brave, breast—• God keep my little lad true, And strengthen his soul When the deep waves roll A call for the life-boat crew ! From The Quiver.


The next number of the Life-boat Journal will be published on the 1st February next..