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The Screw Steamer Venetian

NEW BRIGHTON.—Eockets were observed from the Crosby Lightship, and from the Waterloo and New Brighton Coastguard Stations, on the night of the 12th of. January. The No. 1 Life-boat, Willie and Arthur, put off in tow of the steam-tug Constitution, and found the screw-steamer Venetian, of Liverpool, bound from Boston for Liverpool, with a general cargo and cattle, stranded near the bar. She had been obliged to port her helm so as to pass another steamer, and had been driven ashore on the Little Burbo sand during a fresh gale and a heavy sea. At the request of the master and pilot, the Life-boat remained by the steamer until the tide rose, when she floated with the help of a tug, and proceeded to Liverpool. The Liverpool Lifeboat belonging to the Dock Board also put off and remained by the vessel.

The following is a copy of a letter addressed to the Honorary Secretary of the Institution's branch at New Brighton, by the master of the Venetian:—- " BOOTLB, 16th January, 1885.

"DEAB SlR, " Myself, officers, pilot and crew of the s.s. Venetian beg you to tender our sincere thanks to the coxswain and boat's crew for their prompt response to our signals on being stranded on the Burbo bank at 10 P,M. on Sunday, the llth instant, and for their kind voluntary behaviour in remaining by the ship all night. Enclosed pleaseflnd cheque for 21.6s. Wd., being half the proceeds of a contribution, including my own, collected at the pay table for your Life-boat Institution. The other half goes to the Liverpool boat fund.

" I am, dear Sir, yours gratefully, " W. H. GRANT, " Master B.S. Venetian.".