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The Medal of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution, For the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck


THE beautiful obverse of this medal, executed by the late L. C. WYOIT, Esq., represents the bust of QUEEN VICTORIA, Her Majesty's locks gracefully waving and gathered in a knot behind, from which issues a wreath of oak clustering over the forehead. This life-like portrait of the QUEEN, in high relief, conveys a truly pleasing and faithful likeness of HER MAJESTY at that period (1862), combining the dignity of aspect and benevolence which have always characterised the Queen throughout her long and prosperous reign.

The reverse, representing the Life-boat, in which there are three Seamen, rescuing a fourth from the sea, is a work of great merit. Two of the men are steadying the boat, while the other, stooping, draws in the Shipwrecked Sailor, whose figure is given so as to show the form in the most natural manner; and the expression thrown into his coun- tenance looking up to bis preserver is supplicating in the extreme, while the easy flowing lines of this sailor are finely contrasted by those of his companions : the whole displaying a perfect knowledge of the human frame, and a command of the graver to embody what he had shadowed out to himself.

But there is another pleasing motive for admiration of this beautiful Medal, as the figure who is so humanely extending his relief to the drowning Mariner is a portrait of the Artist, the late WILLIAM WION, Esq., R.A., himself.

The following is a LIST of the GOLD and SILVER MEDALS that have been voted by the Committee of the Institution since its establishment in 1824, to persons whose humane and intrepid exertions in saving Life from Shipwreck on our Coasts have been deemed sufliciently conspicuous to merit that honourable distinction. The Cases will be found recorded in detail in the several Annual Reports of the Institution.

The total number of Medals granted by the Institution up to the present tune is 1,067, 97 of which were in Gold, and 910 in Silver.

Note.—The asterisk (*) after the name denotes the reception of a Gold Medal. The figure after the name signifies the number of honorary distinctions received from the Institution. Abbreviations.—C*. Gd.—Coast Guard. R. C.—Revenue Cruiser. M. M.—Master Mariner.

Acraman, Mr. J., Fishguard.

Adair, Mr. R., Coxswain Ballywalter Life-boat.

Adair, Mr. W., C'. G«., Dun- drum.

Adam, Mr. J., ?. Gd., New- castle. (2) Adams, Mr. Thomas, M. M.

Agar, J., O. Gd., Morris Uastle.

Agnes, Samuel, Wivenhoe.

Ahern, John, O. Ga., Kilmore.

Aikin, J..O. Gd., Cushendall.

Alexander, W., Coxswain of the Thorpeness Life-boat.

Allan, Jas., Holy Island.

Allen, Mr. Luke Jas.,M.M., Wivenhoe.

Amis, Edward, late Coxswain of the Palling Life-boat Anderson, Mr. John G., R.N.

Annis, Mr. M., (?. G". (2) Anthony, Mr. Owen, M.M., Holyhead.

Armstrong, R., Newbiggin.

Armstrong, Mr. W., Blyth.

Armstrong, W., Newbiggin.

Arnold, Mr. W. H., C'. Gd., Sandown.

Askin, J., C'.Gd. Ballywalter.

Atkins, T., O. Gd., Wainfleet.

Austen,Wm.,.Seaman, Rams- gate Steamer Vulcan.

Autridge, Lieut., R.N.,Doon- beg.

Avisse, Mr. J. N., M. M., Boulogne.

Bacon, Henry, Harwich.

Bacon, Mr. James, M. M.

Bailey, Jas., Boatman, Deal.

Baillie, Lieut. Henry, R.N.

Baillie, Lieut. H., R.N.

Bain, Alex., Seaman, Skerries.

Bake, Lieut., R.N., C'. Gd.

MAY 1, 1885.] LIST OF GOLD AND SILVER MEDALS. 529 Baker, Lt. G. S., R.N , P.Gd. Bumby,Mr.J.,P.Gd..CloveUy. Cox, H. L., Esq., Surf-eon, Elyard, Lt. Col. J. (2)* Baker, Lt. W. H., R (f , P. 6". Bunt, Mr. John, P. Gd. Army Medical Depart- Erridge, E., Boatman, Deal. Baker, Mr. T.,P.Gd., Brooke. Burnard, Mr. T., Bideford. (2) ment. | Essell, Lieut. Wm. P.. R.N.* Banyard, Mr. John, C'. G . Burne, J., C'. Gd., Penzanoe Cox, Lt. H., R.N., P. Gd. (2)* Erans, Mr. D., P. Gd, Cox- Barlach, Mr. Henry, M. M. Burne, John, Sen., Shields. Cox, Joseph, Coxswain of the swain, Poolbeg Life-boat. Barnard, A.., P. Gd. (2) Burney, Mr. R., P. Gd., Banff. Appledore Life-boat. (3) Evans, Police Constable Barnes, George, Christehurch. Bury, Ld. Viscount, P.C..M.P. Cox, J., jun., Second Cox- ' Henry, Carnarvon. Barrett, Mr. J., C«. Gd. Butcher, James, Lowestoft. swain, Appledore Life- Evans, Capt. Thomas. Carnsore. (2) Butcher, Rich., Lowestoft. boat. ' Evans, Mr. J., Rshguard. Barrett, W.,C'. G i. .Byrne, Mr. Lawrence, C'. Gd. , Cox, W., Kimlore. Evans, Lieut. Thomas, R.N Barrett, W., jun., ditto Craggs, J., C'. Gd., Devonport. Evans, T., sen., New Brigh- Barren, R. N., Esq. Cragie, J., Coxswain of the ton. (2) Barry, Lt G., R.N., Kinsale. Cahill, D. F. S.. Esq., M.D. Southwold Life-boat. Evans, T., jun., New Brigh- Bartholomew, R. J., Esq., Cain, Wm., Isle of Man. Cronne, Dennis, Ballycotton. ton. Rothesay, N.B. Callaway, W., Seaman, Lyme. j Cropper, Peter, Liverpool. i Evans, Wm., New Brighton. Bate, Samuel, Second Cox- Campbell, James, Leestone. I Crosby, Nicholas, Dundalk. Evans, Wm., Pilot, Neath. swain of Padstow Life-boat. Campbell, Miss J., Drogheda. ! Crosswell, Mr. T., Fowey. Evison, Lt. J. C., R.N., P. Gd. Bate, Thomas, Coxswain of Campbell, Mr. Angus, Cutter Crouch, J., Broadstairs. • the Bade Life-boat. Princess Royal. Crouch, R., Broadstairs. Farmer, David, Hayling. Bates, Mr. Thos., P. Gd Cameron, Capt. Orford S., ' Crowden, Mr. J., Chief-Offlcer : Fan-in, Mr. G., H.M.S. Ajax. Batist, J., P. Gd. Dvmchurch. R.N., C'. Gd. of P. Gd. at Muchals, N.B. Fell, Mr. Robert, Coxswain Beatson, G. B. M., Esq., C'. Gd. Candlish, J., Coxswain of the Cubitt, Mr. W., Barton. (2) of Ramsey Life-boat. (2) Lytharn Life-boat. Cubitt, Mr.W. inn., Bacton.* Fellowes, Capt. T. H. B., H.N. Beauclerk, The late Lord Caunell, T., Isle of Man. Culmer, Mr., P. Gd., Leigh. Festing, Lieut., R.N. Charles. Carberry, Patrick, Wexford. Cumisky, W. J., Esq., Bal- Festing, Colonel Sir F. W., Beck, Robert, Point of Ayr. Carbis, Thos., Coxswain of briggan. C.B., K.C.M.G., R.M.A. Beddoe, D., Fishguard. the Penzance Life-boat. (2) Cummins, Mr. J., Coxswain Field, Lieut. Wm. Geo., R.N. Bedwell, Mr. Wm., M. M. Carey, H., Esq., Shrove Head. of the Arklow Life-boat. Field, Mr.W., Milford Haven. Begg, Mr., M. M. Carr,C.S.,Gunner R.C. Sylvia. Cunningham, t Mr. J ., New- Finlay, G., P. Gd, Lambay. Belsey, Hy., Life-boatman, Carr, Mr. Henry, H.M. Cus- castle. Finlay, William, Moutrose. Ramsgate. toms. Wexford. Curnow, Mr. Paul, Coxswain Fish, Chas. E., Coxswain of Bennett, Capt. C. C., R.N * Carr.John, P.Gd.. Dnnmanns. of the St. Ives Life-boat. the Ramsgate Life-boat (2)* Berriman, Mr. James, M .M. Carr, Mr. Samuel, C.O. P.Gd., Curteis, Mr. W., P. Gd. Fish, John, Southwold. Berry, David, Life-boatman, Ring's End Curtis, Steph., Christchurch. Fisher, Mr. S., Horseferry-rd. Ram- eate. Carrington, Mr. J., Master of Fisher, Mrs., North Feroe Bevan, Mr. John, M. M. Steam-tug Liverpool, of Dabine, Lieut., R.N., P. G . Islands. Bickerstaffe, Mr. R., Cox- Harwich. Dand, M. H., Esq., Hauxley. Fitzjames, Mr., R.N., Eu- swain Blackpool Lifeboat. Carrington, Lieut.. R.N. (2) phrates Expedition. Billett, Mr. R., C'. Gd., Cox- Carrington, W. H., Esq. Dark, Mr. William, M. M. Fitzpaulck, J., P. G"., Malin swain of Lydd Life-boat. Carter, Mr. J., P. Gd. Darling, Wm., Light-house Head. Bingham, Mr. Wni. [ter. Casey, M.,Newcastle, Ireland. keeper, Fern Islands. Flann, Wm., Portland. Bishop, Mr. S., C1. Gd.. Cais- Castel, G., Broadstairs. Darling, Grace, his daughter. Fleming, George, Gorleston. Black, A., P. Gd, Strangford. Cay, Capt. R. B., R.N. P. Ga. Darragh, H., P. Gd., Innis Fletcher, T., C1. Gd., Rosslare . Blackmore, Mr. Wm., Chief Chaddock, J., C1. Gd. Bonn. Flynn, P., P. Gd., Kilrusli. Officer Ct.Gd.,Pemance. (2) Chapman, Thomas, Esq., Davies, the late Vice-Admiral Foley, Mr., M. M. Blackwood, Rev. .f. O'Reilly, F.R.S , V.P.* George. (4)* Foley, Mr. J., Port Talbot. Ballywalter. (2) Chaplin, Mr., M. M. Davies, Capt. Thomas, R.N. Forbes, Mr. A., Peterhead. Blair.Lt. Horatio, R.N., P.G". Chappell, Mr. T., Bideford. Davies, George, Hoylake. Fonnby, Joseph, Formby. Blampied, Mr. C., Jersey. Chappell, Capt. W., Bideford. Davison, W., Sunderland. Forward, Mr. T. R., Com Blance, John, Shetland. Chard, J., Boatman. Thorpe. Dawson, Mr. T.. Hartlepool. maniler R. C. Sylvia.* Biissendon, William M. Chesnutt, George, Skegness. Day, Chr., Middlesborough. Foster, J., P., Gd.. Aldboro'. Blois, Capt. J. R., R.N.* Chittenden, E., Broadsiairs. Day, Mr. Thomas, Bideford. Found, Mr. W., M.M. Bolitho, Simon, P.Gd, Bnde. Clark, George, Seaman. Deane, Mr. Henry, P. Gd. Fowell, John, Seaman. Bongourd,H.,Pilot, Guernsey. Clark, Lieut. Joseph, R.N." Delpierre, Jean A., Boulogne. Fowler, Mr. James, M. M. Bonner, G., P. Gd., Collieston. Clayburn, T., Scarboro'. (2) Dent, J., Newbiggin. Fox, Mr. John, Fleetwood. Bouchard, John, St. Martin's. Clayton, Lt., R.N., P. Gd. Desmond, John, Limerick. Foy, Thomas, Rossglass. Bowen, Lieut. C. H., R.N.* CleaveMr.R.,M.M.,Wivenhoe De St. Croix, Mr. P., Jersey.* Prankish, T.H., Bridlington. BoycJ, Henry, C1. Gd. Cloke, W., Pilot, Mevagissey. De St. Croix, Mr. J., Jersey* Franklin, Lt. E., R.N., Hove. Boyd, Mrs. Captain, R.N. Cobb, Rev. C., M.A., Dym- De St. Croix, Mr. P., Jersey.* Fianklin, Mr. J. H., Seaton Boyle, Marcus, Coxswain of church.* Devereux, M., Master Pilot, Carew. Wexford Life-boat. (2) Cockrom,W., H.M.S. Eagle. Rosslare. (3) Fianklin, Mr. M., Seaton Boyle.Lient. Hon. R. F., R.N Ooffey,P.,Tramore,Waterford Dillon, Jag., C1. Gd., Arklow. Carew. Brice, W., P. G"., Greencastle. Colby, Nathaniel, Coxswain of Dobson, T., Coxswain of the Franklyn, Lieut. G., R.N. Bridle, Mr.W.. M. M., Lyme. the Pakefleld Life-boat. Donna Nook Life-boat Freeman, Mr. Henry, Cox- Brine, Thos., Esq., Douglas. Cole, J., Seaman, Wivenhoe. Donkln, A., Cullercoate. (2.) swain of the Whitby Lile- Brinksmead, Mr. W., M. M. Collard, Mr. S., Pilot. Donovan, Dennis, P. Gd. (2) boat. (2) Brittain, Lieut. G. S., R.N.. Collins, Mr. J., Master of the Donovan ,J., P.Gd. Boatman. Freeman, John, Seaman. P. Gd. (2)' American ship Roscius.* Dooley, Lt. D.. R.N., C'. Gd. Freeman, James, Helston. Britton, Mr. J., Master of the Collison.Mr. R., M.M. Douglas, Alexander, P. Gd. Freemantle, Capt. C. W., American Ship Rochester.* Collopy, J., P.Ga.,Porthcawl. Dower, Capt. A., Dungarvan. R.N.* Britton, Mr. Wm., Coxswain Combe, Lt. M., R.N. Downing, Nicholas B., Esq. Freeney, John, Killlney. of the Harwich Life-boat. Coneys, Mr. Anthony, Clifden. Drayson, D., P. Gd. French, Mr. Charles, P. Gd. Broad, W., Esq., Falmoutb.* Connick, Mr. J., Dundalk. Duffy, M., Mullaghmore. Frend, Thos., Life-boatman, Brooks, A., C1. Gd.Dungeness. Cooper, Mr. Hugh, C'. Gd., Dunmore, The Right Hon. Ramsgate. Brown, Henry, Newbiggin. Croinaine Point. The Earl of. Fulton, Mr. Robert, R.N. Brown, James, Dunbar. Cooper, Thomas, Sen., Life- Dunn, Mr. William, M. M. Furlong, A., Fishguard. Brown, Mr. John, Coxswain boatman, Ramsgate. Durban, John, Waliner. of Newbiggin Life-boat. Cooper, Thomas, Jun., Life- Dyer, B., Seaman, Wivenhoe. Galbraith, Mra. E., Whitnev. Brown, Thos. Cresswell. boatman, Ramsgate. Dyer, B., Seaman, Wivenhoe. Gale, Mr. W., M.M., Barking. Browne, Mr. P. R. M. (2)* Coppin, Lt. P., R.N., P. Gd. Dyer, Lt. H. McNeill, R.N. Gallagher. P., Co. Down. Brune, Miss B. M. Prideaux. Corbert, W., Coxswain of the Dyer, Mr. John, Stratton. George, Philip, Coxswain of Brune, Miss E. F. Prideaux. Ardmore Life-boat. Caister Life-boat. Brane, Miss G. R. Prideaux.

Brane, Miss M. K. Prideaux. Corbet, P., Pilot, Guernsey.

Corbett, W., Ksq., Isle of Man. Earle, Lt. E. C., R.N., Rye.* Kastaway, R.,Boatman, P.Gd. Gerrard, Mr. R. .Pilot, Fleet- wood. Brunton, Lt. J., R.N. (2)* Cork, W., P. Gd.,Fort George. Eddy, R. Pilot, Plymouth. (3) Giles, Mr. W. M. M., Pad- Buck,W. C., Esq.,R.N.,C1.Gd. Corkhill, W., Coxswain of the Edington, Mr. Chas., P. Gd. stow. Buckett, J., Coxswain Brigh- Padstow Life-boat. (2) Edwards, Mr. D., Montrose. GUlespie, Andrew, Gnnner. stone Grange Life-boat. Cornish, Lt. J., R.N., Bovis. Ellis, Henry, P. Gd., Bude. Gilmer, Mr. Wm., Dundalk. Budd, James, Esq., Tramore. Costello, M., Esq., Rosslare. Elphinstone, Geo., Dundalk. Gilson, Lt. T. A.. R.N., P. Gd. Bulkeley, J. B., Coxswain of Coul, Alexander, Montrose. Else, Lieut, R.N., Fowey.* Gimar, Mr. E., Master of the Teignmouth Life-boat. Coul, Charles, Montrose. Elton, Lt. W. H., R.N., C'. Gd. French brig Le Nornum. Bnlley, Lieut. J., R.N. (4)*» Cowin, J., Isle of Man. Elwin, Lt., R.N., Lymington. Gin, N. Francois, Boulogne. 530 THE LIFE-BOAT JOUKNAL. [MAT 1, 1885. Gleeson, R. P., Wexford. Hill, Mr. J., Coxswain, New- Jones, Owen, Anglesey. Lose, Mr. John, C. 0.,C*. B'., Glover, Mr. J., M.M. Gun- castle, Dundrum, Life-boat. Jones, Lt. R., R.N., C . Gd. Swanage. fleet Sand. Hill, Mr. W., Mate. (3)** Ixmchet, L. P. A. B., Anthie. Goldring, Mr. W., M.M., Hillary, Sir A. Wm., Bart. Jones, Mr. T., M. M., Port , Loughot, Uses, Monknasn. Hayling. Hillary, Sir Wm., Bt 4)»*** Talbot. Love, Private Bobert, »3rd Goldsmith, John, Life-boat- Hills, W., late Coxswain of Jones, Mr. T., M. M., Cardiff. ReKiment. man, Ramsgate. the Padstow Life-boat. (2) Jones, Mr. Thos., Holyhead. Lovell. Patrick, Beltnullett. Goldsmith, Richard, Life- Hiivplewhite, Mr. T., M. M., Joy, Mr. George, M. M.* Lndlow, Mr. L, Master of tbe boatman, iVitusgate. Warkworth. Juniper, Wm,, Mundesley, American ahlptjtonwouth,* Goldsmith, Stephen, Life- Hodgson, J., Carver, Sunder. Lnsk, Mr. A., Raeberry, man, Ramsgate.

Gordon, Mr, John, Second Hoed, Mr. F. P., M. M., ship Kavanagb. Peter, Coxswain of the Arklow Life-boat. N.B.

Lyons, Lieut. Wm., R.N. (2) Coxswain of the Tyrella Life-boat. Hogbeu, J., late Coxswain of Kearon, Capt. Edw., Arklow.

Kellv Lieut E R N Macalister, Mr. Robt., Wick. Goss, Capt. T., R.N., C1. Gd. Ramsgate Life-boat.

Hogg, Mr. William, C1. Gd. Kelly', J. M., Ap'pledore.

Tfpiuinii v rt p i Macdonald, George, C1. Gd.

Mackay, M r. James. Gough, J., Fisherman, Water- ford.

Gould, Lt. Win., R.N., C1. G . Holborn, S., Broadstairs.

Holland, Lieut. John, R.N.

Holman, Lieut. T., R.N. jLenuuti, w ., c . wu.

Kennedy, Inspecttng-Lt. A., R.N.,O.Gd. Ballyheige. (2) Mackell, Mr. Patrick, C". G i.

Mackintosh, Mr. Alex., M.M.

MacMahon, Opt. H, M.M., Graham, G., Lt. R.S.. C . G".

Graham, Ovpt. Philip, R.N.* Granby, Mr. Charles, M. M.

Gratuly, Mr., of the R. C, Huod, Hy., late Coxswain of tbe Seaton Carew Lifeboat, Hood. Mr. W., Seaton Carew.

Hook, R., Coxwainol Lowes- K«m«)y] Mr. H., Belfast.

Kennedy, Master J., Belfast.

Kerley, T., C'. Gd., Penzance.

K.f?rrnish Mr John C* tj** East Clare Militia.

Macnamura, Lt. T., R.N., C«. G«.* McArdle, Tliomas, Dundalk. Harpy. toft Lifeboat. (2) KWd 1) I' J8l"jt*roj.iQ i)uHd ?c McCarthy, J., O. Gd., Dun- G randy, Lieut. S, R.N. (V)* Houghton, H., Hartlepool. drum. Grant, Mr. W., Coxswain of the Margate Life-boat. (2) Graves, Mr. J., M. M., Car- Howard. Francis, Private, 6Jth Regiment.

Howe, R.,O.Gd., Ballygerig. King, Mr.'T.,M.M., Harwich.

King, Lt. S., R.N., Southend. McCarthy, 1 as., C1. O*., Ktt- rush.

McCombie, Mr. Thomas, lisle.

Gray, A., O. Ua., Fort George.

Gray, IX, O. G"., Kilmore.

'fray, 'Mr. Geo. Bridlingtoo. Howell, Mr. J., Port Talbot.

Howorth, Capt! Wm., R.N.

Hughes, E., Sen., Cwmerran.

Hughes, G., Pilot, Guernsey. Knight, Mr.' Charles, Mate, Ramsgate Sleamev Vulcan.

Knight, J. T., C'. G*., Sun- Second Officer of Steamer t'rituxss Alexandra.

McCulloch, K., ?. tid., Elie.

(2) Gray, Mr. J.,M.M..Peterhead.

Gray, E. W. ! ., Esq., Dublin.

, Gregory, J., C1. Gd, St. An- | drew's.

Grey, George, Hartlepool. Hughes, Mr. John, Liverpool.

Hughes, Mr. R., Coxswain, Moelire Life-boat.

Hughes, T., Pilot, Holyhead.

Hughes, Mr. W., Fisherman, Kyle, Geo., Assist. Coxswain Holy lslai,i Life-boat.

Kyle, Matthew, Coxswain Holy Island Life-boat. Mcftonaid, Mr. Wm., Irvine.

McGenis, G.. barque Albany.

McGladery, Lt. J., B.N., C'. Gd.

McKenzie, J., C'.G'1., Galway. Griffith, David, Beaumaris. Pittenween, N.B. McKinnon, Mr. J., M. M., Griffith, Robert, Anglesey. Humphreys, Mr. D., Liver- Lake, Mr. A., Chief Officer of (ireenock. Griffiths, Mr. B., M. M., Port- pool. Ci. GI,, Wick, N.B. McMillan, J., Kantyre. madoc. Furry, Mr. Stephen, M. M. Lambert, John, Harwich. McNamee, P , C«. Gd., Dun- Griffiths, G., Pilot, Anglesey. Huss, Mr. T., H.M.S. Hover. Lambeth, Benj., Harwich. manus. Griffiths, T., C'.Gd, Mulbay. HutcMnsou, Mr. H., C1. Gd. LandelU, Mr. Thos., Milford. McNaughten, Neil, O. Gd. Gruer, Wm, ?. G«. Hutchison, Lt., Kingstown. Lane, Lt., R.N., Dartmouth. McQueen, Alex., Seaman. Guy, Mr. Philip,' Bideford. Hutchison, Lieut. W.,E.JT.» Langan, Mr. Michaei, First Maddick. Mr. H., M. M. Hyde, James, Scilly. Officer of Steamer Princess Manby, Capt. G. W.» Hall, Mr. G. E., Lowestoft. Hynds, Mr. John Dimdalk. Alexandra. Manifold, Mr. William, As- Halse, Mr. R., X tta. Hyaes, B., C1. Gd., Galway. Langton, Lieut, T. W., R.N., sist. Coxswain of the Ark- Hamilton, Mr. Geo., 0 . G*. C .G low Life-boat. Hamilton, H. A., Esq. (3)* Hamono, Mr. A., M. M. Hes, The late Mr. John, Large, Mr. J., Master Gun- ner, R.A. Mann, Lieut., R.N., C*. Gd.

Mariole, J. B., French Pilot. Hanning, N., C*. Gd., Dingle.

Hansell, P. S., Broadstairs, Scarborough.

Inkster, Mr. Peter, M. M., Larkin, Thomas, Seaman.

Lavington, Lt. Thos., R.N. Mark, Wm., C1. Gd., Dingle.

Markwell, George, Holy Hansford, John, Weymouth. Shetland. Lazoix, Lieut, of the French Island. Harrington. Mr.Dennis, Bere Marine at Dieppe. Marsh, Capt. D., R.N.,C*.Gd.* Island, Cork. James, Lieut. Horatio, R.Sf.* Leaak, Mr. .Robert, jun., Ire- Marshall, Capt. J., Bideford. Harrington, Mr. Jag., Brtd- James, Lieut. Wm., R.N.* land, near Stromness. Marshall, Mr. John, Jun., llngton Quay. Japp, Robert, Montrose. Leese, Charles, Gunner, R.A. Second Coxswain of the Harrington, T., O. Gd. Jannan, Isaac, late Coxswain Legerton, Mr. Robert, Cox- Seaham Life-boat. Harris, F., Esq., Inspecting Officer, O. G", Seafield. of Ramsgate Lite-boat (2) Jeffers, Rich., C*. Gd., Dingle. swain of Clacion Life-boat.

(2) Martin, Mr. (3has., CX Gd., St. Ives, Cornwall. Harrison, Jacob, Shields. Jefferson, P., Newbiggin. (2) Le Geyt, Miss A. B., Bath. Mason, J., X Gd.. Elie. Hatch, Mr. N. G,,lst Mate Jellftrd, Mr. John, M. M.* Leggett, Edw., Gunner. Matthews. Lt. R. B., R.N.* Ship Berkshire. JenKins, Mr. J., Coxswain Leigh, Lt. T., K.N., (X G". May,Mr. A. C., H.M.S. Korer, Hayden, Mr. F., Sandown of the Swansea Life-boat. (3)** May, W. R., Ct. G«, Bos- Headon, Mr. Richard, Cox- Jenkiiis,L., Pilot/Port Talbot. Leslie, Mr. J., M. M., Stone- castle. swain Clovelly Life-boat. Jenkins, Mr. W., Fishgnard. haven, N.B. Meader, Henry, Life-boat- Heal, J., Fisherman, Ather- Jennings, Mr. Wm., M. M., Li'tt, Lt. S. J., K.N., C*. Gd.« man, !£* m*l?ate. fiBld. Harwich. Levett, Mr. N., late Coxswain Meanis, VVm., Coxswain of Heard, Rich., Esq., C1. Gd. Jennings, W.. C1. G*., Looe. ot the St. Ives Life-boat. Montrose No. 1 Life-boat. Heath, Mr, Joshua, Coxswain Jesse, Commander R., R.N.

of the Fowey Life-boat. Jinks, Mr. R., Chief Officer of Lewis, E.,Seaman, Barmouth.

Lewis, Mr. G., C'. Q*., New Mearns, Wm. Juu., Coxswain Montroae No, 2 Life-boat. Heavy, P., Constable, Knock. Coast. Guard, Cardigan. port, Pembroke. Mearns, Mr. R., jun., M. M., Hein, Mr. F. J., M. M. Joachim, Capt., R.N. (4) Lewis, J., Seaman, Harwich. Moutroee. Henin, P., Boulogne-sur-Mer. Jobson, Lt. C., R.N. (2)** Lewis, Mr. Thos., Dundalk. Metberell, Lt. R. R., K.N., Hennesssy, J., C". Gd. John, Mr. W., Breafcsea. Lewis, W, Seaman. (2) Ct, Gd.* Henry Lieut., R.N O. G*. Johns, Mr.Rich.,Mevagissey. Lewis, W., Aberystwith. Mewse, A., Boatman, Lowes- Henslow, Lt., R.N.,(X Od. Johns, Rich., Seaman, Fowey. Ley, J., Pilot, Mevagissey. toft. Kenwood, T., O. G4., Fowey. Johns, R. 0., Coxswain of the Lilfen, Thomas, Lowestoft. Middleton, John, Deal. Herbert, The Hon. Auberon. Tramore Life-boat. (3) Likely, Henry, Limerick. Milburn, JoJjn, SbielQs. Herrinirton.B.,Southwold (2) Johns, Mr. W., M. M. Linuker, Mr. Hiram, New Milburn, Wm., Isle of Man. Hick, Mr. M.. Scarborough. Johnson, Admiral W. W. Brighton. Miller, J., C'. G"., Devonport. Hicks, Barnard, Scilly. P., the !ate.» Lindsay, Lieut. A. J., R.A. Miller, W., Ramsgate. Hicks, Geo., C'. & *., Tyrella. Johnson, Wm., Yarmouth. Lindsay, Lieut. Jas., R.N.* Milligan, Mr. G., yarmonth. Hicks, Samuel, Seaman. Johnston, Mr. B., M. M. Lingard, Lieut. J., R.N., Mills, C., C'. Gd., Clifden. HiKgs S, jun., Esq., the Jones, Capt.C.Gray,R.N., the Whitby.* Minter, 0., Boatman, Deal. late, (2) late. (2) Lithaby, P., ?. Gd. Boatman. Milchel, J., Pilot,, Guernsey. Higgins, W., Second Cox- Jones, Mr., X Gd., Wicklow. Llewt'llyn, Mr. David, C'. Gd. Mitchell, C., Pan Isaac. (2) wain Penzance Life-boat. Jones, Mr., C . Gd., Swords. Llewellyn, M., Fishguard. Mittin, Philip, Wexford. Highland, Owen, Anglesey. Jones, Mr. E., M. M., Llewellyn, Martha, ditto. Moar, Mrs., Burra Ness. Hildebrand, H., Esq. Cllfden. Jones, Henry, Penzance. Lloyd. 0., C' Gd., Lulworth. Monger, Mr. Thomas, Cox- (2) j Jones, J., Pilot, Portbcawl. Lloyd, Lt. S., R.N., Ct. Gd* swain of Tenby Life-boat. MAT 1, 1885.] LIST OF GOLD AND SILVER MEDALS. 531 Moody, Samuel, Skegness. Peake, James, Esq., H.M. Roberts, Mr. T., Coxswain Stap, Mr. R., O. Gd., Dunbar. Moody, Samuel, Coxswain of Dockyard, Devonport* of Holyhead Life-boat. Start, Lt. P., U.N ., Ct.Gd.(2)* Skegness Life-boat. (2) Pearce, Rich., Esq., Penzance. Robertson-Macdonald, Vice- Starke, Mr. J., C .Gd., Queens- Moore, Gunner Jae,, Coast Pearse, Jan, Pilot, Porthcawl. Admiral D. town. * Brigade, Royal Artillery. Pearse, T., Pilot, Porthcawl. Robertson, Lieut. R., R.N.* . Steane, Lt. J., R.N., Rye.* Moreno, Mr., Master of the Peart, John, Motitrose. Robertson, Lt. J. H. M., R.N. Steel, Mr. C., C'. Gd.» Austrian Barque Km. Pedder, Lt. W., R.N., ?. Gd. Robins, Mr. J. Gunn, C*. Gd Steele, John, Esq., Ayr. Morgan, John, Thurso, N.B. Peeblea, Mr. John, Irvine. Robinson, Mr. J., Aberdeen. Stephens, A., Tramore. Morgan, Lt. R., R.N., C1. Gd. Peebles, Mr.T., M.M., Irvine. Robinson, Lieut., R.N. Stephenson, Mr. B., Coxswain Morgan, Mr. T., R.C., Shark.. Peirson, S. H. .G"., Bally- Robinson, T., Whitby. of the Boulmf r Life-boat. Morris, Capt. J. Row, R.N.* Kerig. Rockcliffe, W., Suuthport. Stevens, Henry, Gunner R.A. Morris,R., Seaman, Holyhead. Penney, Robert, Ramsgate Roderick, E, C«. Gd., Dun- Stewart, W.,Ct.Ga., Ardmore. Morris, Mr. W. E.. Port Life-boatman. mamis. Stokes. Mr. R.. late Cox- Madoc. Pepper.J ., O.U"., Lvmlngton. Roderick,J.S., Esq., Ardmore. ! swain of Poole Life-boat. Morrison, Lt., R.N., ?. G*. Perkins, Jas., C1. Gd., Bnde. RiKigers, J., Royal Charter.* Storr, J., Whitby. Morrison, W., Ballywalter. Perrott, Sir Edward Q. L., Roe,R.,Esq., J.P., Lynmouth. Stone, J., X Gd., Boscastle. Morrison, Mr. Silvester, C*. Bart., V.P.* i Rose,W.,Boatman,Lowestoft. Stragnell, Lt., R.N. Gd., Sennen Cove. Petrie, Ellen, Shetland. : Ross, Capt. Sir Thos., R.N.* Strahan, Mr. H., Pilot. Mortley, Mr., C . G4., Pad- Phillips ,T., Newcasile.lrelnd. Ross, K., C1. a*., Curracloe. Strains, Mr. J., C1. G». .stOW. Picard, Mr. P., French M. M. Ross, R., C'. Gd., Dunmore. otreader, Mr. W. T., H.M. Moss, J., Boatman, Walmer. Pilcher, Mr. Stephen, Cox- Rossiter, T., Wexford. Customs, Shoreham. Madd. Wm., Harwich. swain Tramore Life-boat. Rothery, Lieut. J., R.N. Strong, Mr. Fran. F. M. Mulligan, James. Sligo. Pillar. W., Uunner, H.M.S. Rowe, W., C'. Gd., Diugle. Sttowger, Mr. G., Coxswain, Murdoch, Mr. Peter, Glen- Jiagle. Rowe, W., Scilly. Kessingland Life-boat. drishaig, Ayrshire. Pinwimb, T., Pilot, Exmouth. Rowe, W., Seaman, Helston. Stuart, Lt. J., R.N., C'. G". Murphy, James, (X Gd., St. Pitt, E., C1. GJ., Atherfleld. Rowlands, Mr. T., M. M., Stuart, Lt. T, R.N., O.Gd. (2) Ives, Cornwall (2). Pomeroy. H., C1. Ga. Newport, Pembroke. Stubbs, C, Seaman. Murphy, Mr. Adam, Cox- Porter, William, Seaman. Rowlands, Mr. W., Coxswain, Stubbs, H., Atherfleld. swain of Tyrella Lite-boat. Powell, Mr. John, M. M. Holyhead Life-boat. (2) Stugglns, Mr. W., Second Murphy, Mr. Michael, C'.Gd., Pratt, Lt. Jas., R.N., ?. 6". Ruddock, J., Boatman, Filey. Coxswain of Teignmou.tfc Coxswain of New Romney Pratteut, Lieut. John, R.N.* Russell, K., Esq., J.P. Life-boat. Life-boat. Preston, Mr.,C .Gd.. Newton. Rntter, Mr. J., Scarborough. Sullivan, J., Newhaven. Murray, A., (XGd.,Elle. Prewel, R., X Gd., Kilrnsh. Rymer, Lt. D., R.N., X G*.» Sumner, Mr. R., Formby,* Price, Thos., Beaumaris. Superville, Mr., M. M, Bor- Nelson, Mr. W.,R.N., ?. G«. Pride. C.. C1. t)d.,Chrlstchurch. Salmon, C., Gorleaton. deaux. Nepean, Capt. St. Vincent, Prior, Mr. George, C. O., Samderson, Lieni. J . P., R.N., Sunry, W., Peniance. R.N. C'. Gd., Ballywalter. C1. G"., Bridge of Don. Sutherland, D-.C'.G''. Kater- Ncwnham, Lt. N., R.N., Cf. Prior, Lt. T. H., K.N., &. G"1. Sands,Mr.R.,M.M., Bahamas. line. G ». Prosser, Mr. H., C'. Gd. Sarony, Mr. O., Scarborough. Sutler, Mr. J, M. M. Newsom, Mr. W., M. M., Purdy, H., C'. Gd., Tyrella. Sauvage, Mr., French Fish- Sutton, Mr. C., Port Talbot. Harwich. Puxley, H., Esq., Dunboy. ing-boat IsabeUe. Swarhrick, Mr. W., M. M. Nichol, Mr. J., M. M., Mon- Pym, Lt.R. E, R.N., Whitby.* Sawtell, Mr. Edwin, C1. Ga. Synimes, Lt. H. A. S., R.N. trose. Scanlan, Maurice, (?. Gd., C'. G".* Nicholas, Matt., Coxswain of the Sennen Cove Life-boat. Quadllng, Mr.B. E,C'.Gd.(2)* Belderig.

Scarlett, K, Harwich. Synge,TheRev.A,Balbriggan Nicholson, M., Knock.

Nicolle, Mr. Philip, Jersey.

Norcock, Capt. G. L., R.N. CJuayle, Capt. E. (2) tjuigley, Mr. W. T., C«. GO.

Quirke, G., Esq., Duugtas. Scott, Mr. G. R., Beethoven.

Scott, Mr. J., M. M.

Scott, Major Henry, Dover. Talt, Grace, Shetland.

Talbot, C. R. M., Esq., M.P.

Taylor, J., C1. Gd., Dundrum. Norris, Benj., Boatman, Deal. Selly, W. H., C«. Gd., Pen- Taylor, Mr. W..C. 0.,C .Gd., Norris, Mr. James, M. M. Rae, Wm., Whltburn. zauoe. (2) Dunny Cove. (3) Norris, Martin, R.N.R. Randall, Lt. H., R.N., C1. Gd., Sergeant, Lt. J., K.N., C«. Gd. Tert, Mr. W., late Coxswain Norsworthy, Mr. William, (2)" Sewell, Lt.H.F., R.N., C'.G''.* Plymouth Life-boat. C.O. O.Gd., Carnarvon. (2) Randle, Mr. J., Bristol. Sewell, Master John, Belfast. Tegg, Mr.T., M.M., Cornwall. Nott, Capt. E. B., R.N. (2) Rawstone, Lt, R.N, C1. Gd. Shanahan, Mr. Michael, Bere. Terrett, T., Constable, Knock. Ray, J, Boatman, Tenby. Shankey, R., O. Ud. (2) Thomas,J, Ct.Gd., Atherfield O'Neil, Patrick, Scilly. Raye, Lieut H. R., R. M. Shannon, P., C1. Gd., Kllrush. Thomas, J., C'. Gd., Rocken, Orr, Mr. Robt., Irvine, N.B. Read, Lieut. J., R.N., Ct. Gd. Sharrock, J. P., C«. Gd., Bos- Isle of Wight. O'Shaughnessy, Miss Nora. Reade, W. M., Esq., Tramore. castle. Thomas, R. J., Coxswain of O'Sallivan, Mr. M., Here. Reading, Mr. Daniel, Master Shaw, Lt. C., R.N., C«. Gd. New Brighton Life-boat. O'Sulllvan. D.. C1. Gd. of Ramsgate Har. stm. tugs. Shea, D., Coxswain of the Thompson, I)., Thurso, N.B. Owen, Capt. Wm., Holyhead. Redford, J., Cullercoats. Padstow Life-boat. (3) Thompson, Mr. G., Annalong. Owen, Mr. William, M. M.* Rees, Mr. A., Port Talbot. Shea, D., (X Gd., Porthcawl. Thompson, Mr. R. Kirkpat- Owen. Richard, Anglesey. Rees, Mr. T. M., St David's. Shieldon, Robt., Redcar. rick, C. 0., ?. Gd. (3)* Owston, Mr. John, Coxswain Rees, Mr. W., FishRuaru. Simpson, Mr. Jas., late Mate Thonrosotl, W., AmOTenttce. of the Scarborough Life- Reeve, Mr. J., Swansea. of Ramsgate H. Steamtugs. Smack Ruby of Hull. boat. Reilly, Patrick, Private, Sims, J, Ct. Gd., Dungeness. Thorp, Mr. T., Newcastle. A.S.C. Sims, Lt. And., R.N. (2) Tindall. Mr. Smith. M. M.. Page, Mr. Alfred, Master, Regan, D., ?. Gd., Kilmore. Sinclair, Mr. B., Thurso, N.B. Scarborough. Kamsgate Steamer Vulcan. Renowden, J.jC'.Go, Dingle. Sinnott, R., C1. Gd., Mullagh- Tindall, The late W., Esq. Palmer, G., Esq., M.P. (,2)** Revell,Edw., Seaman, Rams- more. Toole, Capt. W., Curracloe. Parker, Mr. Edwin, C". Gd., gate Steamer Vulcan. Smallridge, Mr. J. H., Cox- Toomey, J., Kingstown. Mothecombe. Richards, Mr. E., M. M. swain Braunton Life-boat. Torrens, Capt. John A. W. Parker, Mr. J., Flamboro'. Richards, Mr. T, M. M. Smith,F.,Boatman,Lowestoft. O'N, Royal Scots Greys.* Parker, Mr. Wm., M. M. Richards, James, Penzance. Smith, Hy., Pilot, Gloucester. Town, J., ?. Gd., Folkestone. Parrott, Mr. R., C1. CH ., Richards, Henry, Penzance. Smith, J., Shields. W Traiby. (2) Richardson, Mr. A., M. M. Smith, Mr. J, Thureo. Town, J., C1. Gd, Castle- Parry, Lieut., K.N.* Richardson, W., Esq., Cole- Smith, Mr. Owen, Bideford. gregory. Parry, Mr. Henry, Anglesey. rame. Smith, Peter, (?. Gd., Lydd. Tredwen, Mr. R., Padstow. Parry, Mr. R., M. M., Port- Ridge, Capt. G. A. E, R.N. Smith, T., O. Gd., Ballina. Tregidgo, Mr. W. H., O. Gd., madoc. Ridge, Mr. J., Mate of R.C. Smith, Wm., Bombardier, Newquay. (3) Parsons, Lieut. Thos., R.N. Kite. K.A. Trent, J., AtherfieW. Parsons, Lieut. Rich., H.M. Ridge, Mr. J., C«. G«., Cadg- ; Smith, Mr. W., Aldborongh. Tresillan, Mr. R. 35th Regiment.

Parsons, I.t.W., R.N., (?.& . with.

Rioch, R., (?. G"., Collteston. Smyth, H., C«. Gd., Kilmore.

Snell, Lt. G., R.N., Ct. Gd.* Triphook, Mr. R., R C.

Hamilton, Dumworldly. Partridge, Capt. W. L., R.N., Ritchie, Mr., Sanda. Somerville, Lt.J.,R.N., O.G11. Trott, T., Boatman, Deal. C'. Gd Rivers, T., ?. Gd., Lydd. (2)* Tuckfleld, Mr. T., Bideford. Pascoe, Peter, Porthleven. Roberts, Mr. John, Clogwyn. Southey, Lt., R.N, C«. G4. Tudor,Capt,J.,R.N.,Wlck.(2) Paul, Thos., ?. G"., Bude. Roberts, Mr. R.. Carnarvon.

Payne, Mr. John, C. 0., ! Roberts, Mr. Richard, Assis- Spark, Mr. A., M. M.

Spraggs, J., Seaman, Hayllng Tully, W., Newcastle, [bar.

Tnrnbull,R.,Fishennan,Dun- O. G*., Skerries. tant Coxswain North Deal Stables, R., Holyhead. Turner, Lt. C., H.N. Paynter, Capt. Richard. Life-boat. Stannard,Mr.F., M.M., South- Turner, Mr. Jas., C.O. O.G*.. Peake, Admiral T. L.* Roberts, 0., Pilot, Anglesey. wold. Leysdown, Kent. 532 THE LIFE-BOAT JOURNAL.

[MATT 1, 1885.

Turptn, Mr. J., O. Gd, Sal- combe.

Tutt, B., ?. G1., Bnnmanus.

Tuvache, Mr. M. M. French.

Urell, Mr. Joseph, C. 0., C1.

G i., Hope Cove.

Usher, Mr. J.. Bridlington.

Van Houten, Mr. W., Rotter- dam. (2) Verion, Chas., Life-boatman, Ramsgate.

Vicary, Lt. W, R.N., Ather- field.« Vondy, I, Isle of Man. (3) Waddy, Dr., Churchtown.

Wade, Mr., M. M., Padstow.

Wake, Mr. Baldwin Arden, Mid. H.M.S. Forester.

Wales, G., Broadstairs.

Wales, J., ditto, ditto.

Walker, Lieut., R.N.

Walker, Mr. J., Brigg.

Walker, Mr. W. Lewis, Beau- maris, (2) Wallace, Mr. J., M. M.

Walsh, J., Esq., Lloyd's Agent, Dublin.

Walsh, Mr. Martin, M. M.* Ward, J., R. C. Sylvia.

•Ward, Vice-Admiral J. R.* W Warder, D. T., C«. G«.

Warn, W., sen., Atherfield.

Warn, W.,jun., ditto.

Warren, Lt. C. D., R.N.

Wasey, Capt. E. F.N K., R. N.

(3) Waters, Wm., Soathwold.

Watt, A., Montrose.

Watts, Lieut. W. S., R.N.» Watts, Mr. Charles, M. M.

Watts, Mr. William, M. M.

Waugh, E., C*. Ga., Wex- ford.

Webb, Mr. Wm., Coxswain of Padstow Life-boat.

Weblln, J., C1. id., Tramore.

Webster, Mr John, Cox- swain of Maryport Life- boat.

Wedge, W., C1. G ., Salcombe.

Weekes, Wm. Wall, Seaman.

Weldrake, E., Spurn Point.

Welsh, Mr. M., M. M.

West, Mr. Wm., C1 Gd.

Westbrook, Lieut., R.N.

Wnarrier, Mr. William, En- gineer of Ramsgate Har- bonr Steam-tug. (2) Wheeler, C., Atherneld.

Wheeler, J., ditto. (2) Wheeler, R., ditto.

Wheeler, W., Pilot.

White, Jas., Coxswain of the Fishguard Life-boat. (3) White, John, Coxswain of Howth Life-boat.

White, Joseph, Portland.

White, J. Kearney, Esq., C'. GJ. (2) Whitley, Mr. Elias, Jersey.

Whyle, Mrs.. Aberdour.

Wilds, Mr. Robert, Coxswain of the Deal Life-boat. (2) Wilkie, Mr. C., M. M.

Willcox, J., C". G"., Lydd.

Williams, Mr.D., Aberdovey.

Williams, Mr. H., Coxswain of Kingstown Life-boat.

Williams, Mr. J., Swansea.

Williams, Owen, Cemlyn.

Williams, Rev. 0. Lloyd. (2) Williams, Rev. J.,Anglesey.* Willifims,Mr.J.,Bldeford. (2) Williams, Mr.J.M., Padstow, Willlamson,Mr. R., M.M. (I1 Williamson, Robert, Thurso' Williamson, W., Pilot, Wick.

Wilson,J.,Pilot, St. Andrew's.

Wilson, Mr. J., M. M.

Wilson, Ralph, Holy Island.

Wilson, T., Esq., M.P.* WIUon.T., Pilot, Holylsland.


Wishart, J., Wick, N.B.

Wood, Mr. T. L., ?. G i. (2) Woodham, Lt., R.N., Banff.

Woodward, Geo., Stoker, Ramsgate Steamer Vulcan.

Wordley, 8., Harwich.

Wright, John, Seaman.

Wright, Mr. J., M. M.

Wyatt, G., Seaman, Harwich.

Wylde, Lt. S., R.N., C«. &.

Wyrlll,H., Boat", Scarboro'.

Yare, Ricbd., Stoker, Rams- gate Steamer Vulcan.

Young, A., C1. Gd., Sboreham.

Young, A. H., ?. Gd., Blatch- ington.

Youug, Lt. T., R.N., C'. GO..