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Shore-Boat Services Rewarded By the Royal National Life-Boat Institution In 1884

Jan. 3.—Voted 201. to the crew of the Salvage I Life-boat, Refuge, of Gorleston, for saving the crew, consisting of two men, of the sloop Freedom, of Boston, which was wrecked on the Cross Sand during a strong wind from the N.N.W. and a high sea, on the 12th December.

Also 51. to the master and crew of the steam- tug Ayr, of Ayr, for saving the crew of two men of the sloop Princess Royal, of that port, during a strong gale and a very high sea, on the 12th December.

Also 31. 15s. to three Coastguardmen and two fishermen for putting off in the Coastguard Life-boat, at Mulroy, co. Mayo, and saving the crew of five men of the schooner Mediterranean, of Aberystwith, which had stranded in Down- ing's Bay, during a strong gale of wind from the N.W. and a very heavy sea, on the 5th November.

Also 31. 12s. to the Coxswain and Second Coxswain of the GirvaN Life-boat, and nine other men, for saving by means of lines the crew of nineteen men of the barque East, of Liverpool, which was wrecked at Ardwell Point, during a violent gale from the N.W., on the 12th December.

Also 31. to four men for taking a boat a dis- tance of eight miles along the coast, and then launching it through a heavy sea, and saving the crew of three men of the schooner Mary and Jane, of Dumfries, which had been blown out of Balcary Bay, Scotland, and wrecked on the 12th December.

Also 21. to eight men for rescuing four men from a fishing-boat, which was capsized near Molranny, co. Mayo, during moderate weather, on the 9th October.

Also 21. to four men for putting off in a boat and saving the crew of four men of the schooner Percy, of Newcastle, which was totally wrecked off Huna, Caithness-shire, during a gale from the N.W., on the 10th August.

Jan. 24.—Five men put off in a boat and saved, with some difficulty and risk, two of the crew of the keel Vivid, of Barton, port of Hull, which had sunk off Whitton, Lincolnshire, during a fresh gale from the K.W.—Reward, 11. 17s. 6d.

Jan. 26.—Fifteen men put off in a boat from Coldingham, Berwickshire, and rescued the disabled fishing-boat Alice and Ann, of Preston- pans, and her crew of seven men, during a strong gale. —Reward, 71. 10s.

Jan. 30.—Four men put off in a boat and towed to Pwllheli, North Wales, two boats con- taining thirteen persons belonging to the ship Eulomene, of Liverpool, which had been wrecked on St. Patrick's Causeway.—Reward, 21.

Feb. 2.—Seven men saved, by means of lines thrown from the North Pier at West Hartle- pool, the crew of six men of the brigantine Crown, of Rye, which parted her towrope and was driven behind the pier, where she became a total wreck.—Reward, 51. 5s.

Feb. 7.—Voted 15s. to some fishermen for bringing ashore from the Longstone Light- house the crew of the wrecked steamer Monarch, of Sunderland, on the 29th December.

Also 10s. to a man who put off in a boat and rendered assistance to the crew of the schooner Erin's Pride, of Dundrum, which stranded near Dundrum Bar during a moderate S.E.

gale and a heavy sea, on the 24th September.

Feb. 12.—Four men put off from Pwllheli, Carnarvonshire, in a boat, at some risk, and saved a boy from a boat which had been blown out of the harbour, and was in great danger of being carried into the surf, during a strong S.S.W. gale.—Reward, 21.

Feb. 16.—Six men put off in the Coastguard whale-boat, at Studland Bay,. Dorset, at con- siderable risk, and saved the crew of three men of the smack Acorn, of Poole, which stranded close to Poole bar during a moderate E.S.E.

gale.—Reward, SI.—51. was also granted to a Coastguardman who was one of the crew of the Boat on the occasion, and was seriously injured.

Feb. 20.—Four men put off in a boat, and rescued three of the crew of the fishing-boat Ellen, of Youghal, which was capsized in Youghal Harbour during a strong S.S.W. wind.

—Reward, 21.

April 3.—Voted 41. 10s. to nine men for putting off in the Coastguard whale-boat at Minehead, Somersetshire, and saving the crew of three men of the stranded cutter Glance, of Cardiff, during a N.W. gale, on the 19th November.

March 11.—Five men put off in a boat from lona, Hebrides, and rescued the crew of two men of the sloop Athalie, of Carnarvon, which was totally wrecked during a strong S.S.E.

wind.—Reward, 21. 10s.

March 19.—Six men of Keel, co. Kerry, saved by means of lines and by wading into the surf, the crew, consisting of eighteen men, of the wrecked smack Pierre, of Boulogne, during a S.W. gale.—Reward, 31. 5s.

April 2.—Eleven men of Whalsay Island, Shetland, put off in a large fishing-boat at great risk and saved four of the crew of the wrecked barque Alba, of Copenhagen, during a storm from the S.S.B.—Reward, 51. 10s.

April 18.—Three men put off from Redcar, Yorkshire, in a coble, and rescued one of two persons from a small boat which had been cap- sized by a heavy sea.—Reward, 11. 10s.

April 25.—JOHN MCCARTHY of Cahirciveen, co. Kerry, and his three sons saved five men whose boat was swamped while crossing Ballinskelligs Bay during a strong S.W. wind.—Reward, 21.

May 7.—Two men went along the rocks, up to their waists in water, and saved, by means of lines, three men from a boat which had been driven by the wind into the breakers near Gate- holm Island, Pembrokeshire, during a fresh wind from the S.W.—Reward, II.

May 20.—Three persons rescued four other persons whose boat had sunk off Valentia, co. Kerry, during a light S. breeze.—Reward, 15s.

May 24.—Two men rescued two persons whose canoe foundered in Poole Harbour, Dorset, during a S.E. wind.—Reward, 11.

June 5.—Voted 11. (in addition to a reward which they received from the Regatta Com- mittee) to four men for rescuing three of the crew of a boat which had sunk while taking part in the Dundrum Hegatta in August last.

11. was also awarded to two men who put off in a boat from the shore and picked up another of the crew, who, unfortunately, died after being landed.

Aug. 2.—Six men put off in a yawl from St.

Monance, Fifeshire, and rescued the crew of five men of the schooner Margarita Joanna, which was totally wrecked at St. Monance, during stormy weather.—Reward, 71.

Aug. 18.—Five men rescued the crew of three men of the boat Coasting, of Penclawydd, which had capsized off Burry Port, Carmar- thenshire, during squally weather.—Reward, , 21. 10s.

Sept. 1.—A man and a boy saved a quarry- man who was drifting out to sea in a small boat off Porthdinllaen, North Wales, during a strong S.W. wind.—Reward, 10s.

Sept. 6.—Two men saved one of the crew of a pilot boat, which had been capsized while attempting to board a vessel off Ilfracombe, during a strong W.S.W. wind and a heavy sea on the 6th September. On observing the man drifting about, clinging to one of the boat's oars, two Cardiff pilot boats proceeded towards him, and a punt from each boat was launched, manned by the two men, by whose combined efforts he fortunately was rescued.—Reward, 21.

The masters of the two pilot boats were thanked by the Institution for their services on the occasion.

Sept. 23.—Thirteen men went out in the steam launch Belle, and saved the steam yacht Kathleen, of Beaumaris, with four persons on board, which was disabled near the Dutchman's Bank, off Anglesey, during a fresh N.N.W.

wind, on the 23rd September.—Reward, (Jl. 10s.

Sept. 24.—A fisherman of Thorpe, Suffolk, rescued another fisherman, whose boat had upset and sunk, during a squall.—Reward, 5s.

Sept. 27.—Three men saved two other men from a wherry which had been capsized during a S.W. wind and a heavy sea, about a mile S. of the South Foreland.—Reward, 11. 10s.

Sept. 28.—Four men put off in a boat and saved two of the crew of the cutter Waterwitch, of Bangor, which had struck on the Foreland Rock, in Donaghadee Sound, and had sunk, during a moderate gale from the W.S.W.— Reward. 31.

Oct. 2.—Voted the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, and 11.10s., to Mr. THOMAS CLARKE, for saving, with much difficulty and risk, in a small punt, two men and a woman whose boat had capsized and sunk in Meva- gissey Bay, Cornwall, during squally weather, on the 18th August. A reward of 10s. was granted to another man, who also proceeded to the rescue in a small punt, and saved one of the crew of the sunken boat.

Also voted a binocular glass, bearing a suitable inscription, to Mr. H. CHALMERS, second mate of the late barque East, of Liverpool, in recog- nition of his services on the occasion of the wreck of that vessel at Ardwell Point, Ayrshire, on the 12th December 1883, when, at much risk, he went along a rope which had been attached to the shore, taking with him a line to rescue the crew. When nearing the land he fell into the sea, but got ashore, with assist- ance, in a very weak state, having sustained an injury to his side.

Nov. 4.—The Refuge volunteer Life-boat stationed at Gorleston, Suffolk, rescued with much difficulty nine of the crew of the dandy Solomon, of Yarmouth, which was totally wrecked on the South Scroby Sands during a strong S.S.W. wind.—Reward, 101.

Dec. 4.—Voted the Silver Medal of the Insti- tution and 10Z. to Mrs. WHYTE, wife of a farm labourer at Aberdour, Scotland, in recognition of her brave services on the occasion of the wreck of the steamer William Hope, of Dundee, in Aberdour Bay, during a heavy gale on the 28th October. She received a rope thrown to her by one of the crew, and secured it by passing it round her body, and planting her feet firmly on the beach while the waves were washing round her; she thus effected a com- munication with the vessel by means of which the crew, six in number, were able to land, and their lives were saved.

Also the Silver Medal of the Institution and 11. to Mr. MAURICE SCANLAN, chief Boatman in charge of H.M. Coastguard at Belderig, co.

Mayo, and 11. each to three other Coastguard- men for putting off in the whale-boat at great risk, the boat being capsized on her return to the shore, and saving three of the crew of the schooner Mary Wilson, of Campbeltown, which was wrecked in Belderig Bay, during a whole gale from N.N.E. and a very heavy sea, on the 9th October. 11. was also awarded to two Coastguardmen who helped to launch the boat.