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List of the Services of the Life-Boats of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution During the Year 1884

Lives saved.

Alabama, barque, of Helslngborg 13 Albert, brigantine, of Carlisle- saved vessel and 5 Lives saved.

Fairway, s.s., of London, ren- dered assistance.

Flying fbam, ship, of Liver- pool , 11 Lives saved.

Richard Cobden, schooner, of St. Olaf, brigaotme, of Mandal... 7 Samarang, barque, of Newcastle 13 Sarah Jane, ketch, of Bridgwater 3 Sarnian Gem, schooner, of Guern- sey — rendered assistance.

Scotia, barque, of Sunderland — assisted to save vessel and 12 Septimus, brigantine, of Belfast 4 Silksworth, brig, of Sunderland... 7 Sisters, brig, of Belfast 8 Alexander, schooner, of Beau- mariB 4 Girvan Lifeboat brought ashore a man who had been injured on Ailsa Craig, Guide., brig, uf Brazil— rendered assistance. Allegiance, ship — rendered come assistance.

Alma, Norwegian barque 12 Annie, schooner, of Wick— assisted Antelope, smack, of Aberystwyth Hannah, schooner, of Great Yar- mouth — saved vessel.

Hawthorn, s.s., of London — ren- dered assistance.

Hebe, schooner, of Cork — ren- dered assistance.

Selene, barque, of Bremen 16 Herrington, barque of Whitby— assisted to save vessel and 8 James Garjield, dandy, of Ipswich Arbitrator, trawler, of Wexford 6 Arbroath fishing boats— remained In attendance.

Ben Avon, S.B., of Aberdeen— rendered assistance.

Bjornstjerna Sjornson, Norwe- Skandina-oio/n, s.s., of Gothenburg —assisted to save vessel and ... 16 Storm, Sing, steamtug, of Mont- Blackwall, barque, of London- rendered assistance.

Breeze, brig,of Blytb— assisted to save vessel and 7 Jane Sophia, schooner, of Ply- mouth — remained by vessel.

Jenny Lind, schooner, of Wexford 4 Jessie, barge, of Rochester— saved * vessel.

John and Ann, schooner, of Aber- dered assistance.

Thorley, brig, of Hartlepool — brought ashore vessel's crew of 8 men from Swin Middle Light- ship.

Three Sisters, smack, of Cardigan 3 Town of Liverpool, barque, of Whitby — rendered assistance.

Trial, schooner, of Donaghadee — rendered some assistance.

Unda, Norwegian brigantine 6 Usfo , Russian barque — remained by vessel.

Vanguard, steam- trawler, of Sun- derland — rendered assistance.

Venus, sloop, of Guernsey - as- sisted to save vessel and 3 Brilliant, schooner, of Fowey — remained by vessel.

Carleon, steamer, of Cardiff 20 Caterina, smack, of Boulogne — remained by vessel.

Chalciope, brigantine, of Fleet- Juan de la Vega, brigantine, of Corunna— remained by Vessel. Christine, schooner, of Svendborg 6 CuIIercoats fishing cobles— ren- • dered assistance.

Daniel Yorke, wherry of Dundalk 4 Daring, ketch, of Barnstaple — Lady Dal/tonsie, steamer, of Leonar, barque, of Hamburg — rendered assistance.

Loch Jfess, B.S., of .Dundee 18 Deike Rickmers, ship, of Bremer- Loreley, barque, of Arendal — as- sisted to save vessel and 12 Depositor, fhip, of Halifax, N.S. 23 Duke of Westminster, steamer, of Margaret Mice Dale, smack 2 Mary tfc Ann, schooner, of Dundalk 3 Maxima, barque, 01 Swansea- rendered assistance Mayflower, s.s., of Glasgow 4 Mizpah, schooner, of Dover — re- mained by vessel.

Morford and Trubey, barque, of Vidonia, barquentine, of Bridport —remained by vessel.

Vixen, .-mack, of Dublin 4 Earl Beaconsjield, four mast ship, Welsh I'rince, s.s., of Newport... 40 William Henry, smack, of Run- Eboe, barque, of Liverpool — ren- dered assistance.

JSdina, brigantine, ,f Liverpool — Total lives saved by Life-boats in 1884, in addition to Eighteen Egmont, schooner, of Cork— ren- dered assistance.

Blizat schooner, of Penzance 6 £lizabelh, Ann, schooner, of Car- narvon, and another schooner belonging to Rtmcorn — saved Mystery, schooner, of Poitsmouth, Nereus, barque, of Liverpool 26 Newbipgin and N. Sunderland fish- ing-boats—rendered assistance.

Paolo., schooner, of Hamburg — During the same period the Institution granted rewards for saving lives by fishing and other boats 169 Ellen, smack, of Milford 3 Petrel, schooner, of Montrose— remained by vessel. Total of Lives saved) 792 Ellen, smack, of Newport 2 Umbla, barque, of Stavanger 10 Emily, steamer, of Sunderlaud ... 9 Sapid, smack, of Cardigan 3 Regi&n, s.s., of Liverpool 26 It should be specially noted that the Life-boat crews excepting when remunerated by theovmers of vessels for property salcage services, are paid by the Institution for their efforts, whether successful or not, in saving life..