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CLACTON-ON-SEA.—At about 6 o'clock on the morning of the 7th September, during a gale of wind from the W., a schooner was seen high and dry on the Ganfleet Sand, just above the lighthouses flying signals of distress. The Albert Edward Life-boat proceeded to her assistance under sail, and found that she was the Mystery, of Portsmouth, on a voyage to that port from Calais, in ballast. The •wind and sea had greatly increased by this time, but the Life-boat succeeded in getting alongside as the tide rose; took a woman off, and then remained by the vessel, as the Life-boatmen considered there was hope of saving her. Accordingly they set the canvas; kept the pumps going; repaired the wheel-chain, and eventually she dragged over the sand into the 'Wallet Channel, when she was taken safely to Harwich with her crew of four men, and a woman who was also on board. During the time the vessel was crossing the sand the seas broke right over her, making it dangerous work to stand by her..