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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

THURSDAY, 1st May, 1884.

EDWARD BIRKBECK, Esq., M.P., V.P., in the Chair.

Read the following letter from Sir WILLIAM VERNON HARCOURT, Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department:— " Whitehall, " 17th. April, 1884.

" SIR, "I have had the honour to lay before the QUEEN the loyal and dutiful Address of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION on the occasion of the death of His Royal Highness PRINCE LEOPOLD, the DUKE OF ALBASY, K.G., and I hare the satisfaction to inform you that Her Majesty was pleased to receive the Address very graciously.

" I am, &c., " W. V. HARCOURT.


Read and approved the Minutes of the pre- vious Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and Reward Sub- Committees.

Read the report of the Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to Southsea, Clacton and Walton-on-the-Naze.

Also the reports of the fire District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following stations:— 1. Brighstone Grange, Brooke and Guernsey.

2. Porthcawl.

3. "Wicklow, Wexford (two Boats), Kilmore, Carnsore, Cahore, Courtown, Arklow, Tramore, Duncannon and Dungarvan.

4. Cullercoats, Tynemouth, Cresswell, Aln- mouth, Hausley, Boulmer, Bamburgh, North Sunderland, Holy Island (two Boats), Berwick, Eyemouth, Dunbar and North Berwick.

5. Whitburn, Sunderland (four Boats), Sea- ham, Seaton Carew, West Hartlepool (two Boats), Hartlepool (three Boats), Withernsea and Filey.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting :•— £ s.

Major EDWARD H. THERLOW and Capt. ERNEST H. THERLOW from the Residue of the Estate of the late Rev. E. T. THERLOW 1000 - Stewards of the " Covent Garden" Life-boat Fund, on behalf of The Covent Garden- Life-boat at Caister (additional) 26 5 Worshipful COMPANY OP CLOTH- WORKEKS (additional) 20 - Collected on board the s.s. Orient, per Capt. HEWISOST (additional) ... 10 - —To "be severally thanked.

Also that the following legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— £ s.

The late Mrs. ELIZA BARCLAY, of Dar- lington (duty free) 500 - The late Miss E. P. Horns, of lulae Hill (duty free) 100 - The late JOHN NICKOUJS, Esq., of Camden Eoad (duty free) ... 19 19 Voted the thanks of the Committee to Sims MORGAN, Egg., and JOBS SBEASES, Esq., in recognition of their past valuable services as Honorary Secretaries respectively of the Car- digan and Buckie Branches of the Institution.

Paid 1,9052. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 931, 12s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Life-boats at Newcastle (Co. Do-sm), Porthou- stock, Clacton, Ormes Head and Wexford (No. 2), in rendering the following services:— Lives saved.

Ship Flying Foam, of Liverpool ... 11 Steamer Lady Dalltousie, of Greenock . . 2 Brig Thorlcy, of Hartlepool, brought ashore crew (8) from Swin Middle light vessel.

Yacht Wave, of Liverpool 3 Schooner Egmtmt, of Cork, rendered assist- The North Sunderland, Cullercoats, Hams- gate and Broadstairs Life-boats bad also ren- dered the following services:— Steam trawler Vanguard, of Sunderland, ren- dered assistance; three Cullercoats fishing cobles, rendered assistance; s.8. Bkandinavian, of Gotheuburgh, assisted to save vessel and crew, 16.

(Particulars of some of these services are famished on pages 449-450.) Voted 164i. to pay the expenses of the Douglas No. 2, Caister No. 1, Gorleston, Deal, Margate, Harwich, Aldborough and Southwold Life- boats in putting off with the view of assisting vessels which did not ultimately require the services of the boats.

Also 51.10s. to eleven men of Whalsay Island, Shetland, for putting off in a large fishing boat at great risk, and saving four of the crew of the wrecked barque Alba, of Copenhagen, during a storm from the S.S.E. on the 2nd April.

Also 3J. 5s. to six men of Ifeel, co. Kerry, for saving, by means of lines and by wading into the surf, the crew, consisting of eighteen men, of the wrecked smack Pierre, of Boulogne, drariag a S.W. gale on the 19th April.

Also 11.10«. to five men who put off in a boat from lona, Hebrides, and rescued the crew of two men of the sloop Aihalie, of Carnarvon, which was totally wrecked during a strong S.S.E. wind on the 11th March.

Also 21. to four men for putting off from Pwllheli, Carnarvonshire, in a boat, at some risk, and saving a boy from a boat which had been blown out of the harbour, and was in great danger of being carried into the surf, during a strong S.S.W. gale on the 12th February.

Also 11,10s. to three men. for putting off from Redcar, Yorkshire, in a coble, and rescuing one of two persons from a small boat which had been capsized by a heavy sea on the 18th April.

THURSDAY, 5th June.

His Grace the DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND, P.O., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the pre- vious meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub- Committees.

Read the Report of the Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to Liverpool, New Brighton, St. David's, Solva, Abercastle, Fish- guard, Newport (Pern.) Douglas, Castletown, Bert Erin, Peel, Ramsey, Piel and St. Anne's.

Also the Reports of four of the District In- spectors of Life-boats on their visits to the fol- lowing Stations:— 1. Tenby, Milford, St. Bride's, Carmarthen Bay, Pembrey, Swansea, Port Eynon, Solva, Newport (Pern.) and Fishguard (two Boats).

. 2. Silloth, Maryport, Whitehaven, Seascale, Port Erin, Ramsey, Fleetwood, Southport, New Brighton (two Boats), Douglas (two Boats) and Castletown.

3. Longhope, Stromness, Thurso, Ackergill, Huna, Moray Firth, Lossiemouth and Buckie.

4. Grimsby, Mablethorpe, Donna Nook, Sut- ton, Chapel, Skegness, Hunstanton, Brancaster, Wells, Whitby (two Boats), Cromer, Shering- ham and Mundesley.

Reported the receipt of the following Special Contributions since the last Meeting:— £ WILLIAM .NICHOLSON, Esq., J. P., JOHN R. BARLOW, Esq., J.P., and BENJAMIN A. DOBSOIT, Esq., J.P., on behalf of the late Miss CLARE, of Bolton .... 600 HENRY DABBY, Esq., Derby .... 100 Mrs. M. C. BRITTON, per H. STDBBS, Esq., Ballyshannon (additional) .... 20 The MARQUIS OF ELY (annual subscrip- tion) 20 Messrs. COURAGE & Co. (additional) . . 20 Offertory on board H.M.S. Northampton per the Rev. S. S. BROWNE (additional) 1 —To be severally thanJted.

Also that the following legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— £ The late A. F. PATON, Esq., of Alloa. . 200 The late Mrs. E. J. SEABLE, of Truro. . 100 The late CHARLES HACK, Esq., of Norwood 50 Read letter from the Secretary of the Inter- national Fisheries Exhibition of the 15th May, stating that the Special Commissioners ap- pointed by Her Majesty's Government had decided to award to the Institution the prize of £600 offered by the Executive Council of the Exhibition for the best Life-boat, together with a Gold Medal.

Reported the transmission to their Stations of new Life-boats for Hythe, Walmer, Port Eynon and Newport (Pern.).

The South Eastern Railway Company had kindly conveyed the Hythe Life-boat from London to Folkestone, and brought back the old one to London, free of charge.—To be Thanked.

Decided, that new Life-boats be sent to New Brighton and Cullercoats.

Paid 4,044Z. 9s. 2d. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 501. 15s. Gd. to pay the expenses of the Llanddulas, Southport and Rye Life-boats in rendering the following services:— Lives saved.

Brigantine St. Olaf, of Mandal .... 7 Schooner Mary and Ann, of Dundalk . . 3 Schooner Brilliant, of Fowey—remained by (Accounts of these services are given on page 450.) Voted also 321. 12s. to pay the expenses of the Broadstairs, Whitburn, Bude, Rhyl No. 2, and Winchelsea Life-boats in assembling their crews or putting off in reply to signals of dis- tress shown by vessels not ultimately requiring the services of the Boats.

The Ramsgate Life-boat had also been taken out, but her services had eventually not been needed.

Voted 2Z. to JOHN MCCARTHY of Cahirciveen, co. Kerry, and his three sous for saving five men whose boat was swamped while crossing Ballinskelligs Bay during a strong S.W. wind on the 25th April.

Also 11. (in addition to a reward which they received from the Regatta Committee) to four men for rescuing three of the crew of a boat which had sunk while taking part in the Dundrum Regatta in August last. 11. was also awarded to two men who put off in a boat from the shore and picked up another of the crew, who, unfortunately, died after being landed.

Thursday, 3rd July.

EDWARD BIRKBECK, Esq., M.P., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the pre- vious meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub- Committees.

Read the Reports of the five District In- spectors of Life-boats on their recent visits to the following Stations:— 1. Bembridge, Hayling, Worthing, Shoreham, Brighton, Newhaven, Hastings, Eastbourne, Winchelsea and Rye.

2. Cardigan, Newport, Newquay (Cardigan), Aberdovey, Aberystwith, Barmouth, Rhyl (two Boats), Llanddulas, Llanaelhaiarn, Holyhead, Portmadoc, Llandudno and Rhoscolyn.

3. Piel, St. Anne's, Blackpool, Lytham and Kingstown.

4. Banff, Fraserburgh, Whitelink, Peterhead, Cruden, Newburgh, Stonehaven, Gourdou and Montrose (two Boats).

5. Hasborough, Palling (two Boats), Winter- ton (two Boats), Yarmouth, Caister (two Boats), Gorleston(two Boats), Lowestoft, Pakefleld (two Boats), Southwold (two Boats), Kessingland (three Boats), Dunwich, Thorpeness, Aid- borough, Harwich and Clacton.

Reported the receipt of 6502. from the Central Co-operative Board, Manchester, to defray the cost of the Cullercoats new Life-boat, to be named The Co-operator No. 1.—To be thanked.

Also 6501. from Mrs. 3, H. BlAcDosrAUJ, of Brighton, to provide a new Life-boat to be called The Jane Hannah Mae DmaM, and placed on some part of the English, Scotch, or Welsh coast.—To be thanked.

Also 550?. from Mrs. POMOK, of Clevedon, being the amount of a collection for a. Life-boat to be named The Brothers, and stationed at Redcar,—To be thanked.

Also the following other special contributions since the last meeting:— £ s, d.

Miss PHILIP SMITH, Lucerne. . . 100 - - EDWARD P. WHITE, Esq., and Miss WHITE, Blackheath, annual sub- scription to defray the expense of maintaining a Life-boat . . 75 — - Elder Brethren of the Trinity House 5210 - —To be severally thanked.

Also that the following legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— The late Miss Ass BAIL, of Ball's Pond 1.200 The late WILLIAM Joes PATOIS, Esq., City Coroner, Fifth Share of Residue of Property.

The late Mrs. Traawmi of Edinburgh (dutyfree) 200 The late Mr. Joint DOWSTBS of Black- heath (duty ftee) 100 The Committee expressed their deep regret at the lamented death of (X O. ALWIID, Esq., the valued Chairman of the Great Yarmouth and Caister Branch of the Institution, and directed that the expression of their sympathy be conveyed to his widow in her great afflic- tion, The Silver Medal of the Institution, a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum, and 202., were awarded to Mr. WILLIAM TIESL, late coxswain of the Plymouth Life-boat, on his retirement from that post after twenty-two years' service.

Also the Second Service Clasp and 25Z. to Mr, MARCUS BOYLE, in recognition of his good services fa saving life from shipwreck during the twenty-six years he was Coxswain of the Wexford No. 2 Life-boat Also 25Z. to Mr. Thomas Dobson, who was about to resign the position of Coxswain of the Donna Nook Life-boat which he had held for twenty-seven y«ars, The Silver Medal of the Institution had been previously awarded to Mr. DOBSON in acknow- ledgment of his valuable services in the Life- boat.

Also 251. to Mr. ROBERT WILLIAMS, Coxswain of the Portmadoe Life-boat, who bad been uompelled through ill-health to retire from that post which he had occupied for sixteen years.

Reported the transmission of the Barmston New Life-boat to its Station.

Decided, that a new Life-boat Station be formed at Fethard, co. Waterford.

Also that the Life-boats at Blackrock and Youghal (Ireland) be replaced by new ones possessing all the latest improvements.

Also that various works be carried out at the Walton-on-Naze, Balcary, Grail, Penzance, and Totland Bay Life-boat Stations, at an expense of 2,934?.

Paid 4,656111s. 5 J. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments, Voted 761.16*. 4 A to pay the expenses of the Wexford No. 2, Rhyl No. 1, Fishguard No. 1, Deal, and Winterton No. 2 Life-boats, in putting off with the view of rendering assistance to vessels which did not eventually require the help of the Boats, Also 12. to two men for going along the rocks, tip to their waists in water, and saving, by means of lines, three men from a boat which had been driven by the wind into the breakers near Gateholm Island, Pembrokeshire, during a fresh wind from the S.W. on the 7th May.

Also 11 to two men for rescuing two persons whose canoe foundered in Poole Harbour, Dorset, during a 8JE. wind, on the 2ttb May.

THURSDAY, 7th August.

BIRKBECK, Esq., M.P., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the pre- vious meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and Reward Sub- committees.

Bead the report of the Chief Inspector of Life-boats on the transmission of a new self- righting Life-boat to New Brighton by sea, and on his recent visits to New Romney, New- Haven, Swanage, Weymouth, Plymouth, Fal- mouth and St. Ives.

Also the reports of four of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following stations:— 1. Lydd, New Romney, Hythe, Dover, Kings- downe, Walmer, North Deal, Kingsgate, Barns- gate, Margate and Broadstairs.

2. Llanddwya, Rhosneigir, Porfhdinllaen, Cemaes, Cemlyn, Pernnon, Moelfre, Abersoeh, Weston, Burnham and Watchet.

S. Dunmore.

4. Arbroath, Buddon Ness, Broughty Perry, Kildonan, Anstruther, St. Andrews, Tynemouth (two Boats), Blyth (two Boats), Cullercoats, Newbiggin and Cresswell.

Reported the receipt of 6502. from Miss A. V. Howis, of Tulse Hill, to provide* new Life-boat to be named The Emma jPWs&y, after her late sister, and placed on the English and Welsh coast,—To Be thanked.

Also the receipt of 650Z. from B. W. HOMXW, Esq., of York, to defray the cost of a new Life- boat about to be sent to Mley, which is to be named Hdtton the Second.—To 6e thanked, Also the receipt of the following other special contributions since the last meeting;— £ *, A "Youth" Life-boat Fund, per W. INGRAM, Esq., in aid of Skegness Life-boat 139 18 S Loyal Order of Ancient Shepherds, in aid of Good Shepherd Life- boat at Cemlyn (additional). . lit - -£ s. d.

Ancient Order of Foresters, annual subscription in aid of support of Forester and Forester's Pride Life-boats 100 - - Worshipful Company of Drapers, annual subscription . . . . 52 10 - Collected at Glasgow Custom House, 27 - - per M. O'HALLOHAN, Esq. (addi- tional) A. HUTCHINSON, Esq., and the 25 - - 12 10 - Misses CHARLOTTE and FANNY HUTCHINSON (additional).

GEORGE WEBSTER, Esq., further on account of his Life-boat fund .

—To be severally thanked.

Voted the thanks of the Institution to the Rev. I. H. GOSSET, in acknowledgment of his fifteen years valuable services as Honorary Secretary of the Bideford and Appledore Branch of the Institution, which office he had been compelled to resign on account of ill health.

Also to Mr. CHARLES BASHLBY, Chief Officer of H.M. Coastguard at Kessingland, Suffolk, for his kind services as Honorary Secretary of the Kessingland Branch of the Institution during the past nine years.

Accepted a tender amounting to 3601. for erecting a new Life-boat House at Cloughy, Co. Down.

Paid 2,960Z. 19s. 4cZ. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 181. 5s. to pay the expenses of the Margate Life-boat in putting off, on the night of the 28th June, in reply to signals of distress, when her services were not ultimately needed.

Also 61. 3s. to the crew and launchers of the Aldborough Life-boat, for assembling, in reply to signals, on the 30th June.

Also 15«. to three persons for rescuing four other persons whose boat had sunk off Valentia, Co. Kerry, during a light S. breeze on the 20th May.

THURSDAY, 4th September.

Colonel FITZROY CLAYTON in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the pre- vious meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and Reward Sub- Committees.

Read the report of the Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his visits to Liverpool, New Brighton, Kingstown, Poolbeg, Wicklow, Dun- more, Duncannon, Tramore, Fethard, Kilmore, Greystones, Newcastle, Cloghy Bay, Bally- waiter, Groomsport, Belfast, Palling, Gorleston and Yarmouth.

Also the reports of the five District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations:— 1. Littlehampton.

2. Braunton, Appledore (two Boats), Morte Bay, Lynmouth, Ilfracombe, Clovelly, Padstow, Port Isaac, Newquay, Bude, Looe, Fowey, Mevagissey and Portloe.

3. New Brighton, Kingstown, Dunmore, Wicklow, Poolbeg and Tramore.

4. Campbeltown and Southend.

5. West Hartlepool (two Boats), Seaton Carew, Hartlepool (three Boats), Sunderland (four Boats), Whitburn and Seaham.

Reported the receipt of 500Z. from Mrs. R. F. BROWNE, of Dublin, to provide a Life-boat to be named The Richard Brown, and placed, when practicable, on the coast of Dublin.—To be thanked.

Also the receipt of the following other special contributions:— £ s. d.

Honourable Artillery Company Dramatic Club, on account of the Walton-on-Naze Life-boat . 400 - - Tyne Improvement Commissioners 52 10 - Offertory on board H.M.S. Tourna- Zt'n«,pertheBev. JAMBS PAYTON, B.N., Chaplain 75- Collected on board the s.s. Orient, per Captain HEWISON (addi- tional) 5 - - —To be severally thanked.

Also that the following legacies have been bequeathed to the Institution:— £ s. d.

The late Mrs. JANE DODGSON, of Blackburn 5000 - - The late JAMES MOFFAT, Esq., of Port Glasgow 1000 - - The late E. F. CABTBB, Esq., of Earlswood 300 - - The late FRANCIS PARNELL, Esq., of Blackpool 105 - - The late THOMAS BROWNING, Esq., of Queen's Mansions (duty free) 52 10 - Reported that the annual sermons on behalf of the Anglesey Branch were preached in the churches of Llanfaes and Penmon on the 17th August, by the Rev. M. PRICE WILLIAMS and the Rev. ELIJAH OWEN, and that the collections amounted to 32Z.—To lie thanked.

Voted the thanks of the Committee to JAMES GORHAM, Esq., in acknowledgment of his valu- able services as Honorary Secretary of the Chichester Harbour Station of the Institution during the past seventeen years.

Reported the transmission to their Stations of Life-boats for Whitehaven, Littlehampton, and Palling.

The Great Eastern Railway Company had kindly conveyed the Palling Boat to its Station free of charge.—To be thanked.

Decided to replace the Life-boats at present at Groomsport and Ballywalter (Ireland) by new ones possessing all the latest improvements.

Also to accept a tender amounting to 6781.

for erecting a new Life-boat House and Slipway at Totland Bay, Isle of Wight.

Paid 2,943Z. 5s. Id. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

NOTICE.—The next number of the ' Life-boat Journal' will be published on the 1st February next.