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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

THURSDAY, 3rd January, 1881.

Colonel FiTzROY CLAYTON, in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the pre- vious meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub- committees.

Bead the Reports of the five District Inspec- tors of Life-boats on their visits to the follow- ing Stations:— 1. Guernsey, Hayling Island, Bembridge Brighstone Grange, and Brooke.

2. Porthcawl, Penarth, Rhyl (two Boats), Llandudno, Penmon, Holyhead, Llanddwyn, Cemlyn, and Rhosneigir.

H. Douglas (two Boats), Castletown, Ramsey, Arklow, Courtown, Cahore, Wexford (two Boats), Carnsore, and Duncaunon.

4. Huna, Eyemouth, Holy Island (two Boats), Newbiggin, Cullercoats, and Blyth (two Boats).

5. Mablethorpe, Sutton, Donna Nook, Skeg- ness, Chapel, Yarmouth, Gorleston, Caister (two Boats), Winterton (two Boats), and Lowes- toft.

Reported the receipt of 1000Z. from H. M. HARVEY, Esq., of Launceston, to defray the cost of a Life-boat Station.

Resolved that the best thanks of the Com- mittee be conveyed to Mr. HARVEY for his munificent gift, that it be appropriated to the Penzance Life-boat Station, and that the new Boat be named the " Dora," in accordance with his wish.

[The other special contributions and legacies received by the Institution, during the month of December, are given in the Annual Report, published on the 1st May last.] Reported that the following legacy had been bequeathed to the Institution:— £ The late Miss M. A. Thome, of Exeter (duty free) 100 Resolved, that a new Life-boat be sent to North Sunderland, Northumberland, in lieu of the present Boat on that Station, and that its cost be defrayed from the legacy left to the In- stitution by the late Miss ISABELLA BEWICK, of Gateshead, for a Life-boat to be named the " Thomas Bewick," and stationed on the coast of Northumberland.

The Committee expressed their deep regret at the lamented decease of W. H. ECKERSLEY, Esq., who had for many years been the valued Honorary Secretary of the Mayport Branch of the Institution, and directed that the expression of their sympathy be conveyed to his widow in her great affliction.

Paid 50571. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 194Z. 13s. 6d, to pay the expenses of the Life-boats at Holyhead, Rhyl No. 2, Scarborough, Kingstown, Skegness, Grimsby, Fraserburgh, Lytham, and Brooke, in rendering the following services :— Lives saved.

Schooner Dorothy and Mary, of Carnarvon 4 Schooner Lady Stuart, of Chester ... 2 Schooner London, of Hastings .... 5 Two Kingstown Fishing-boats .... G S.S. Victoria, of Gocle 4 Schooner Margaret, of Carnarvon ... 4 Schooner Baroness Strathspey, of Portsoy . 2 Barque Mermaid, of Cardiff 23 Steamer Castle Craig, of Liverpool. . .31 The Newhaven, Ramsgate, Caister No. 1, Lowestoft, Portrush, and Arklow Life-boats had also rendered the following services :— Barque New Brunswick, of Brevig, assisted to save vessel and cargo: s.s. Boadicea, of Shields, brought ashore crew of 24 men from the Tongue Light-ship; barque Zelos, of Grimstad, assisted to save vessel and crew, 10; brig Clara, of Dublin, assisted to save vessel and 7 ; schooner Sioift, of Eye, rendered assistance; trawler Magic, of Hull, assisted to save vessel and 5; s.s. Sltelligs, of Glasgow, helped to save vessel and 16; and Italian barque Marina Benvenuto, rendered assistance.

[Full particulars of these Life-boat services are given in the last Annual Report.] Voted 419Z. Is. 2d. to pay the expenses of the Llanaelhaiarn, Caister No. 1, Kingsdowne, Margate, Donna Nook, Kirkcudbright, Moray Firth, Poolbeg, Maryport, Southport, St. Anne's, Blackpool, Ramsey, Brighstone Grange, Salt- burn, Palling No. 2, Lancaster, Grimsby, Girvan, Wexford No. 1, Courtown, Penmon, Carnsore, Poole, and Porthdinllaen Life-boats, in assembling their crews, or putting off in reply to signals of distress shown by vessels which did not ultimately require the services of the Boats.

Voted 20Z. to the crew of the Salvage Life- boat Refuge, of Gorleston, for saving the crew, consisting of two men, of the sloop Freedom, of Boston, which was wrecked on the Cross Sand during a strong wind from the N.N.W. and a high sea, on the 12th December.

Also 51. to the master and crew of the steam- tug Ayr, of Ayr, for saving the crew of two men of the sloop Princess Royal, of Ayr, during a strong gale and a very high sea, on .the 12th December.

Also 31. 15s. to three Coastguardmen and two fishermen for putting off in the Coastguard Life-boat, at Mulroy, Co. Mayo, and saving the crew of five men of the schooner Mediterranean, of Aberystwyth, which had stranded in Down- ing's Bay, during a strong gale of wind from the N.W. and a very heavy sea, on the 5th November.

Also SI. 12s. to the Coxswain and Second Coxswain of the Girvan Life-boat and ten other men, for saving by means of lines the crew of nineteen men of the barque East, of Liverpool, which was wrecked at Ardwell Point, during a violent gale from the N.W., on the 12th December.

Also 31. to four men for taking a boat a distance of eight miles along the coast, and then launching it through a heavy sea, and saving the crew of three men of the schooner Mary and Jane, of Dumfries, which had been blown out of Balcary Bay, Scotland, and wrecked on the 12th December.

Also 21. to eight men for rescuing four men from a fishing boat, which was capsized near Molranny, Co. Mayo, during moderate weather on (he 9th October.

Also 22. to four men for putting off in a boal and saving the crew of four men of the schooner Percy, of Newcastle, which was totally wrecked off Huna, Caithness-shire, during a gale from the N.W., on the 10th August.

THURSDAY, 7th February.

His Grace the DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND, P.O., in the Chair.

Bead and approved the Minutes of the pre- vious Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub- Committees.

Read the Report of the Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to West Hartle- pool, Tynemouth, Cullercoats, Anstruther, Crail, St. Andrew's, Auchencairn, and Clacton.

Also the Reports of the five District In- spectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations:— 1. Selsey.

2. Rhoscolyn, Cemaes, Bull Bay, Moelfre, Llanddulas, Weston-Super-Mare, Burnham, and Watchet.

3. Tramore, Dungarvan,Ardmore, Ballycotton, Q.ueenstown, Courtmacsherry, Valentia, Tralee, Newcastle, Tyrella, and Youghal.

4. Tynemouth (two Boats), Cullercoats, An- struther, St. Andrew's, Kircudbright, Ayr, and Whithorn.

5. Hunstanton, Brancaster, Wells, Blakeney, Sheringham, Cromer, Mundesley, Hasborough, Palling (two Boats), Gorleston, and Pakefield (two Boats).

Reported the receipt of 6501. from the Editor of The Quiver, being the amount contributed by the readers of that Magazine to defray the cost of the new " Quiver No. 1" Life-boat, recently sent to Margate. To be thanked.

[The other special contributions and legacies received by the Institution, during the month of February, are given in the Annual Report, published on the 1st May last.] Reported that the late Miss ANNE TORR, of Great Grimsby, had bequeathed a legacy of 19Z. 19s. to the Institution.

Voted the thanks of the Committee to the Rev. J. SLATER, the Rev. E. G. HARVEY, G. H. PRICE, Esq., and J. L. FLETCHER, Esq., in recognition of their past valuable co-operation as Honorary Secretaries respectively of the Hasborough, Mullion, Weymouth, and Lland- dulas Branches of the Institution.

Also to Capt. PAINTER, of the s.s. Aquila, of Weymouth, for his kind services in collecting contributions on board that vessel in aid of the Weymouth Branch of the Institution.

Resolved that new Life-boat Stations be formed at Crail, Fifeshire, and Balcarry Point, Auchencairn Bay (Kirkcudbright).

Also that these stations be respectively ap- propriated to the legacies left to the Institution by the late Miss CATHERINE PATERSON, of Edin- burgh, and Mr. DAVID HAY, of Edinburgh, for Life-boats for the Scotch coast.

Paid 18601. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 3391. 9s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Brighstone Grange, Wexford No. 1, Montrose No. 1, Longhope, Courtmacsherry, Winchelsea, Newbiggin, Tenby, Maryport, Portmadoc, Holyhead, Penarth, Southport, Girvan, and Fishguard No. 2 Life-boats iu rendering the following services:— Lives saved.

Steamer Duke of Westminster, of London . 73 Schooner Jenny Lind, of Wexford ... 4 S.S. Loch Ness, of Dundee . '. . . .18 S.8. Sen Awn, of Aberdeen, rendered assistance.

Schooner Hebe, of Cork, rendered assist- ance.

Brig Silksworth, of Sunderland .... 7 Newbiggin fishing-boats, rendered assist- ance.

Ketch Sarah Jane, of Bridgwater ... 3 Smack Ellen, of Newport 2 Smack Margaret Alice Dale 2 Norwegian barque Alma 12 Barque Haab, of. Moss ....... 6 Steamer Carleon, of Cardiff 20 Brigantine Juan de la Vega, of Corunna, remained by vessel.

Norwegian barque Bjornstjema Sjornson . 11 Barque Nereus, of Liverpool 25 Girvan Lite-boat brought ashore a man who had been injured during a storm on Ailsa Craig.

Smack Three Sisters, of Cardigan ... 3 The Arbroath, Harwich, Ramsgate, Deal, Broadstairs, Clacton, and Caister No. 1 Life- boats had also rendered the following services : —Arbroath fishing boats, remained in attend- ance ; barge Jessie, of Rochester, saved vessel ; sloop Venus, of Guernsey, and barque Herring- ton, of Whitby, assisted to save vessels and 11 ; brigantine Edina, of Liverpool, saved vessel and 3; brig Guide, of Brazil, rendered assistance; s.s. Hawthorn, of London, rendered assistance; schooner Sarnian Gem, of Guernsey, rendered assistance; and schooner Mizpah, of Dover, remained by vessel.

(Accounts of these services are given on pages 415-422.) Voted 486Z. 14s. to pay the expenses of the Brooke, Newquay (Cardiganshire), Hasborough, Palling, New Brighton No. 2, Penmen, Caister No. ], Rye, Holyhead, Winchelsea, Cromer, Watchet, Silloth, Southend (Essex), Barmouth, Braunton, Harwich, New Romuey, Margate, Lytham, Maryport, Ilfracombe, Sutton, Scar- borough, Swansea, and Hartlepool No. 3 Life- boats in assembling their crews or putting off in reply to signals of distress shown by vessels which did not ultimately require the services of the boats.

Voted 450Z. in aid of the local fund for the relief of the widows and orphans of two of the crew of the Clacton-on-Sea Life-boat who were unfortunately drowned by the upsetting of the boat while on service on the night of the 23rd January.

The Second Service Clasp of the Institution was voted to ROBERT LEGERTON, coxswain of the Life-boat, in recognition of his valuable services on the above-named occasion. A reward of 3Z. each was also granted to the cox- swain and crew of the boat in consideration of the exceptional risk and exposure they incurred, and further sums of 21. and II. each were awarded to two men who were prostrated for a time through this unfortunate accident.

Voted also 251. to H. PAYNTER, one of the crew of the St. Ives Life-boat, whose leg was broken on the occasion of the exercise of the boat on the 27th February, thus preventing him for a long time from following his usual occu- pation.

Also 21. to four men for putting off in a boat and towing to Pwllheli, North Wales, two boats containing 13 persons belonging to the ship Eulomene, of Liverpool, which had been wrecked on St. Patrick's Causeway on the 30th January.

Also 15s. to some fishermen for bringing ashore from the Longstone Lighthouse the crew of the wrecked steamer Monarch, of Sun- derland, on the 29th December.

Also 10s. to a man who put off in a boat and rendered assistance to the crew of the schooner Erin's Pride, of Dundrum, which stranded near Dundrum Bar during a moderate S.E. gale, and a heavy sea on the 24th September.

Thursday, 6th March.

EDWARD BIRKBECK, Esq., M.P., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the pre- vious Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub- Committees.

Reported that Her Royal Highness the PRINCESS of WALES presented medals to two coxswains of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION on the 3rd March, as rewards for their gallant services in saving life. The cere- mony took place at Marlborough House, in the presence of His Royal Highness the PRINCE OF WALES, attended by Lord COLVILLE OF CULROSS, Colonel STANLEY CLARKE, Mr. HOLZMANN, and Mr. FRANCIS KNOLLYS. There were also present Mr. EDWARD BIRKBECK, M.P. (chairman of the Life-boat Institution), Colonel FITZROY CLAY- TON, Mr. CAVE, Admiral WARD, Mr. CHARLES DIBDIN (secretary), and Captain the Hon. H.

W. CHETWYND, R.N., Chief Inspector of Life- boats. The recipients of the decorations were ROBERT LEGERTON, the coxswain of the Albert Edward Life-boat, stationed at Clacton, who has assisted to save ninety-one lives; and ROW- LAND HUGHES, the coxswain of the Moelfre (Anglesey) Life-boat, who, at the advanced age of eighty-two years, is now retiring from the post after thirty-four years' service, having assisted to save forty-nine lives. Each of the men was personally presented with the medal by her Royal Highness, and they were con- gratulated by their Royal Highnesses on their heroic services.

Read the Reports of the Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to Harwich and Hythe.

Also the reports of the five District Inspectors of Life-boats on their recent visits to the fol- lowing stations:— 1. Southend, Plymouth, Realm, Hope Cove, Salcombe, Dartmouth, Brixham, Torquay, Teignmouth, Sidmouth, Exmouth, Lyme Regis, Swanage, Poole, Kimeridge, and Weymouth.

2. Appledore (two Boats), Ilfracombe, Morte, Brauuton, Lynmouth, Clovelly,- Bude, Looe, Newquay, Port Isaac, Padstow, and Watchet.

3. Ballywalter, Groomsport, Portrush, Green- castle, Aranmore, Drogheda (two Boats), Giles' Quay, Blackrock, and Poolbeg.

1. Port Logan, Port Patrick, Ballantrae, Girvan, Southend, KiMonan, and Campbeltown.

5. Southwold (two Boats), Kessingland (two Boats), Dunwich, Aldborough, Thorpeness, Clacton, Harwich, Hornsea, and Withernsea.

Reported the receipt of 650Z. from W. J. GUERRIER, Esq., to defray the cost of a new life-boat to be named the Good Hope.

Resolved that the best thanks- of the Com- mittee be conveyed to the benevolent donor, and that his gift be appropriated to the new Life- boat about to be sent to Palling, Norfolk.

Also 6501. from Miss Curling to provide a new Life-boat to be named the Curling.

Resolved that the donor be thanked, and that her gift be appropriated to the new Life-boat for Bull Bay, Anglesey.

[The other special contributions and legacies received by the Institution during the month of February are given in the Annual Report, published on the 1st May last.] Reported that the following legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution :— £ The late Mrs. MARY TAIT, of York Ter- race, Regents Park 2000 The late Miss MARY BARKWORTH, of Tun- bridge Wells (duty free) 300 The late Mrs. LOUISA LE CORNEY, of Ply- mouth 25 Reported the transmission to its station of the Clacton-on-Sea new Life-boat. The boat was taken to its station by water, and the Great Eastern Railway Company kindly conveyed the transporting carriage to Clacton, and brought back the old boat and carriage to London free of charge.—To be thanked.

Resolved that a new Life-boat be placed at Southend, in addition to the small one stationed on the Pier at that place, for service on the out- lying sandbanks, and that the Legacy of the late Mrs. F. S. SMITH, of Lisheen, for a Life- boat to be named the Theodore and Herbert, be appropriated to this new station.

Also that various works be carried out at the Lyme Regis, Holy Island, and Littlehampton Life-boat Stations at an expense of 880L Paid 1156Z. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 176Z. 8s. Qd. to pay the expenses of the Cardigan, Tenby, Groonisport, Duncannon, Youghal, Gorleston, Montnwe No. 2, Mable- Ihorpc, and Fishguard No. 1 Life-boats, in rendering the following services:— Lives saved.

Schooner Alexander, of Beaumaris ... 4 Schooner Richard Cobden, of Swansea . . 5 Steamer Emily, of Sunderland .... 9 Ship Earl of Seaconsfield, of Glasgow. . 33 Brigantine Vidonia, of Bridport. Remained by vessel.

Brig Sovereign, of Whitby ..... 8 Schooner Christine, of Svendborg ... 5 Barge Star, of Rochester 3 Smack Mapid, of Cardigan 3 The Moelfro, Holyhead, Fishguard No. 2, and Newbiggin Life-boats had also rendered the following services:— Schooner Elizabeth Anne, of Carnarvon, and another schooner, saved vessels and one man; barques Ebue, of Liverpool, Maxima, of Swansea, and Leonar, of Hamburg, rendered assistance.

(Accounts of most of these Life-boat services will be Found on pages 416-423.) Voted 263?. 8s. 8d. to pay the expenses of the Llanddwyn, Winchelsea, Douglas, Appledore, Tyrella, Margate, Poole, Aldborough, Harwich, Falmouth, Holyhead, Porthdinllaen, Bridling- ton, St. Anne's, Courtown, Cahore, Kirkcud- bright, Lowestoft, and Huna Life-boats, in assembling their crews or putting off to the assistance of vessels, which did not ultimately require their services.

Also 51. 5s. to seven men for saving, by means of lines thrown from the North Pier, at West Hartlepool, the crew of six men of the brigantiue Crown, of Rye, which parted her towrope and was driven behind the pier, where she became a total wreck on the 2nd February.

Also 1Z. 17s. 6d. to five men for putting of in a boat and saving, with some difficulty and risk, two of the crew of the keel Vivid, of Barton, port of Hull, which had sunk off Whitton, Lincolnshire, during a fresh gale from the N.W., on the 21th January.

SATURDAY, 15th March.

The Annual General Meeting of the friends and supporters of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE- BOAT INSTITUTION took place this day at Willis's Rooms, St. James's, His Royal Highness the PRINCE OF WALES, K.G., in the Chair.

Mr. CHARLES DIBDIN, the Secretary, read the Annual Report, which will be found in the May number of The Life-boat Journal.

His ROYAL HIGHNESS then made some suitable observations on the great and national character of the operations of the Institution, and its officers for the current year were chosen.

The Meeting was also addressed by His Grace the DUKE OF ARGYLL, K.G., K.T.; Admiral of the Fleet, the Hon. SIR HENRY KEPPEL, G.C.B.; the Right Hon. THE LORD MAYOR, M.P.; JOHN HOLMS, Esq., M.P., Sec- retary of the Board of Trade; Sir THOMAS BRASSEY, K.C.B., M.P., Civil Lord of the Ad- miralty; Captain LORD CHARLES BEUBSFORD, R.N.; His Grace the DUKE OF NORTHUMBER- LAND, P.C., D.C.L., President; and EDWARD BIRKBECK, Esq., M.P., Chairman of the Institu- tion.

Various resolutions were moved, seconded, and carried unanimously, pledging the meeting to renewed exertions on behalf of the benevolent and national objects of the Institution.

The resolutions will be found in the May number of The Life-boat Journal.

THURSDAY, 3rd April.

EDWARD BIRKBECK, Esq., M.P., V.P., in the Chair.

It was unanimously resolved " that, having regard to the great affliction that has befallen Her Majesty the QUEEN, the Patroness of the Institution, by the lamented and sudden death of His Royal Highness PRINCE LEOPOLD GEORGE DUNCAN ALBERT, DUKE OF ALBANY, K.G., K.T., its Committee of Management, at their first Meeting, beg to tender to Her Majesty the ex- pression of their deep and earnest sympathy." Bead and approved the Minutes of the pre- vious Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub- Committees.

Elected the members of the Sub-Committees —L. T. CAVE, Esq., Chairman —for the ensuing year.

Read the Reports of four of the District In- spectors of Life-boats on their recent visits to the following Stations :— 2. St. Ives, Sennen Cove, Hayle, Scilly, Penzance, Porthleven, Porthoustoek, Cadgwith, Lizard, Mullion, Palmonth, Megavissey, Portloe, and Fowey.

3. Balbriggan, Skerries, Howth, Kingstown, and Greystones.

4. Ardrossan, Troon, Irvine, Blyth (two Boats), Tynemouth, and Newbiggin.

5. Bridlington Quay, Flamborough (two Boats), Filey, Scarborough, Upgang, Whitby (two Boats), Robin hood's Bay, Runswick, . Staithes, Redcar, Saltburn, and Middlesbrough.

Reported the receipt of 6501. from Miss LEICESTER to defray the cost of the Whitehaven new Life-boat, the Elizabeth Leicester.—To lie thanked.

[The other special contributions and legacies received by the Institution, during the month of March, are given in the Annual Report, published on the 1st May last. Reported that the following legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— £ The late OXLEY ENGLISH, Esq., of Pall Mall 2000 The late Miss CAROLINE LAMB, of Clifton (duty free) 300 The late Mrs. PALMER, of Tunbridge Wells 100 Reported the transmission to their Stations of the new Life-boats for Kessingland, Suffolk, and Kilmore, County Wexford.

Resolved that new Life-boat Stations be formed at Southsea and Walton-on-the-Naze.

Also that the Life-boats on the following Stations be re-placed with new ones possessing nil the latest improvements, as soon as practic- able :— Hythe, Redcar, Middlesbrough, Filey, New Romney, and Palling.

Also that the gift by Mr. JOSEPH SPAWFORTS, of Barbican, of a Life-boat, to be named the Sandal Magna, be appropriated to the New Romney Station, and that the best thanks 01 the Committee be conveyed to Mr. SPAWFORTH.

Also that the thanks of the Committee be con- veyed to B. A. STOBRAR, Esq., and Mr. SAMUEL UABR, for their past kind services as Honorary Secretaries respectively of the Bamburgh Castle and Poolbeg Branches of the Institution.

Paid 434U. for sundry charges on various life-boat Establishments.

Voted ¥11. 2s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Montrose No. 1, Palling No. 2, and Queenstown Life-boats in rendering the following services :— Lives saved.

3.S. Mayflower, of Glasgow 4 Barque Helene, of Bremen 16 Brigantiue Septimus, of Belfast .... 4 The Newbiggin, Youghal, Montrose No. 2, Palling No. 2, Kingsdowne, and Gorleston Life-boats had also rendered the following ser- vices :—Newbiggin fishing-boats rendered as- sistance; schooner Jane Sophia, of Plymouth, remained by vessel; s.s. Mayflower, of Glasgow, rendered assistance; barque Scotia, of Sunder- land, assisted to save vessel and crew, 12; brig Breeze, of Blyth assisted to save vessel and 7, and barque Tagus, of Shoreham, rendered assist- ance.

(Reports of some of these services are given on pages 416-417.) Voted 1301. 9s. Gd. to pay the expenses of the Stromness, Montrose No. 2, Castletown, Win- terton No. 2, Fleetwood, Ardrossan, New Rom- ney, and Lydd Life-boats in .putting off to the assistance of vessels which did not ultimately need their help.

Voted the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum to DAVID DUNCAN and JAMES WATT, the coxswains of the Montrose Life- boats, in recognition of the many good ser- vices in saving life from shipwreck which they and their crews rendered, and especially on the occasion of the stranding of the s.s. Mayflower, of Glasgow, during a heavy gale on the 9th March. (Vide page 412.) Voted 51. to one of the launchers of the St.

Anne's Life-boat on the 27th January in con- sideration of his illness since the exposure he underwent on that occasion.

Also 3Z. to six men for putting off in the Coastguard whale-boat at Studland Bay, Dor- set, at considerable risk, and saving the crew of three men of the smack Acorn, of Poole, which stranded close to Poole bar during a moderate E.S.E. gale on the 16th February.

51. was also granted to a coastguardruan who was one of the crew of the boat on the occasion, and was seriously injured.

Also 11. 10s. to fifteen men for putting off in a boat from Coldingham, Berwickshire, and rescuing the disabled fishing-boat Alice and Ann, of Presfonpans, and her crew of seven men, during a strong gale on trie 26th January.

Also 4Z. 10s. to nine men for putting off in the Coastguard whale-boat at Minehead, Somerset- shire, and saving the crew of three men of the stranded cutter Glance, of Cardiff, during a N.W. gale on the 19th November.

Also 21. to four men for putting off in a boat, and rescuing three of the crew of the fishing- boat Ellen, of Youghal, which was capsized in Youghal Harbour during a strong S.S.W. wind on the 20th February.