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DEAL.—Signals were observed at about 9 P.M. on the 26th January in the direction of the Brake Sand, and the Gull Lightship also sent up rockets. A strong W.S.W. gale was blowing, accompanied by a heavy sea. The crew of the Mary Somervilla Life-boat were at once snmmoiied, the boat was launched, proceeded to the Brake Sand, and found the brigantine Edina, of Liverpool, bound from London to Pernambuco with a general cargo, lying near the sand. She had been in collision with a large ship, and had lost some of her crew, six of them having jumped on to the other vessel at the time "of the collision, one of whom was killed between the two vessels, while others were missing. Some of the Life-boatmen went on board the vessel, worked all night at her anchors, which had fouled, and took her into Ramsgate Harbour on the following morning.