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Shore-Boat Services Rewarded By the Royal National Life-Boat Institution In 1883

Jan. 4.—Voted 31. to three fishermen for putting off in a boat and saving at some risk, the crew, consisting of four men, of the Norwegian sciiooner Johanna, which was wrecked on Car Carrig Rock, off the coast of Fifeshire, during a whole gale from the N.E. on the 7th De- cember.

Also 31. to three men for putting off in a boat from Southend, Essex, and assisting to save eight persons from the schooner Hero, which stranded off Southend, during a S.W. j wind and a very rough sea, on the 24th of j October. j Jan. 9.—Six men put off in a boat and towed j safely ashore at Berehaven, Co. Cork, a bout i containing the crew of five men of the brigan- I tine Commodore, "f Dublin, which had misstayed at the entrance to the hurbour, and became a total wreck, during a fresh gale of wind from the E.N.E. to E.S.K.—Reward, 31. j Jan. 23.—Two men who were in a boat fish- ing in Plymouth Sound rescued two other men, 1 whose boat had been run into by a sloop in the i Sound during a strong S.W. wind. Reward, 1Z.

Jan. 24.—The crews of two cobles belonging to Redcar, Yorkshire, put off, during a fresh gale, and saved the crew of four men of the ' schooner Jim Crow, of Yarmouth, bound from Shields to Yarmouth with a cargo of coal, which had struck on the Saltsrar Rocks, and became a total wreck.—Reward, !l. Ids. [ Jan. 24.—The crews of two other Redcar cobles rescued the crew, numbering three men, of the schooner Norfolk 'lar, »f King's Lynn, ! bound from Wisbeach to Lynn, with wheat, j which was lotally wrecked at Redcar during the ;ale. Reward, 41 4s.

Jan. 28.—Six men put off from Cley, Nor- folk, in a bout, and rescued the crew of five men of the schooner Johanne, of Faahorg, Denmark, who had taken to their boat, thtir vessel being in a leaky condition, during a whole gale from the W.—Reward, 4Z. 10s.

Feb. 1.—Voted 10Z. to five men for putting off in a boat from Carriek-a-Raide Island, Co An- trim, and rescuing, at much risk of life, the crew of four men of a fishing yawl, which was in danger of being wrecked, during a gale from the N.W., on the 2nd August.

Also 31. to three men, for putting off in a boat and saving another man, whose boat had been capsized off Eyeries, Co. Cork, during a N.N.K. wind and high surf, on the 26th October.

Also 51. to several men who waded into the surf and rescued, by means of a line and a hawser, the master, his wife and three children, and the crew, consisting of three men, of the ketch Q. E. D., of Dartmouth, which was totally wrecked off Lowestoft, during a whole gale from the N.E., on the 28th October.

Also 21. to four men for saving four men from the boat of the ship Rose of Sharon, of Shields, which, when returning from the shore to that vessel, had been caught in a sudden gale from the N. W., and had been driven out into the Bristol Channel on the 26th November.

Also 11. to the crew of a boat for rescuing three men who had been working on board the s.s. Troubadour, of Liverpool, which had stranded off Drogheda, Ireland, and were in some peril during a gale of wind from the S.W. on the 29th December.

Feb. 1.—Three men put off in a boat and saved at some risk, four out of five persons from a rowing-boat which l:ad been capsized off Worthing by a heavy surf.—Reward, 31.

Feb. 2.—Three men put off in a boat from Shoreham and saved the crew of six men of the fishing smack Louisa, of that port, which had sunk in the harbour during a whole gale of wind from the S. Reward, 31.

Feb. 7.—Four fishermen saved, by means of life-belts and lines, three of the crew of the schooner t-avant, of Beiiumaris, which was wrecked at Crail during a strong N.E. gale and a heavy sea. Reward, 21.

Feb. 12.—Eleven men put off in a boat and rescued the crews, numbering in all thirty-five men, of five fishing-boats, which were in danger in Aekergill Bay, during a gale and a heavy sea. Reward, 51. 10s.

Feb. 23.—Four men belonging to North Sun- derland saved the crew of five men and the master, his wife and child, from the boat of the schooner Parkinson, of Barrow, which had been wrecked on the Knavestone Rock, Fame Islands, during a fresh N.W. breeze and a moderate sea. Reward, II.

March 1.—Voted the Second Service Clasp to Mr. WILLIAM NORSWORTHY, Chief Officer of H.M. Coastguard at Carnarvon, and 4Z. to four other men, for putting off in a boat, at great risk—the boat beiug driven back four times— and saving the crew, consisting of one man and a boy, from the barge Neptune, of Car- narvon, which had dragged her anchor and stranded on a sandbank off Carnarvon, during a storm from the W.N.W. on the night of the 25th January.

March 4.—Five men put off in a boat and rescued three soldiers who had been sur- rounded by the tide on " North Wharf," Fleet- wood. Reward. 1Z. 5s.

March 24.—The crew of a Winterton yawl brought ashore the crew of ten men of the Norwegian schooner Orienten, who had taken refuge on the Wold Lightship, during a fresh wind from the W.N.W. Reward, 61.

April 14.—During a strong gale of wind from the N.W. and a high sea, the fishing smack Jessie, of Lerwick, was returning to port when her mainmast was carried away and she sustained other damage. She was then between the headlands of Monsa and Bressa Head in a helpless condition, and the boat and her crew were in great danger. On the accident being observed by the master and crew of the fishing- boat Good Design, of Cellardyke, which was some distance from her, they at once pro- ceeded to her, and saved the disabled smack and her crew of five men.—Reward, 71.

April 28.—A fisherman put off in a boat to the rescue of several persons, whose boat, named the Mary, of Errislannin, had capsized off Cliffden Quay during fine weather.—Re- ward, IZ.

May 1.—The crew of a yawl belonging to Scratby, Norfolk, put off and saved one mm from the boat Three Sisters, of Scratby, which j had been upset during a fresh wind from the I N.N.E.—Reward, 5Z.

May 7.—Four men saved five other men from a fishing-boat which had been swamped off Inuishowen Head, Co. Donegal, during a gale of wind from the N.E.—Reward, 4Z.

May 7.—Some men put off and saved four persons from a boat which had been capsized off Bullsmouth, Co. Mayo, during a strong ! breeze from the N.E.—Reward, 2Z. os. , May 9.—The. mate and a seaman of the schooner W. S. Flower put off in a small boat from that vessel during squally weather, and saved four men from a tailing boat which had j capsized and sunk off Brownsea Castle, Dorset.

—Reward, 2Z.

May 16.—One of the crew of the Poole Life- boat rescued four men from a boat which had ; been caught in a squall and capsized in Poole I Harbour.—Reward, 17.

May 19.—Five men put off in a boat from Fleet wood, and saved two soldiers who had taken refuge on a wreck, having been sur- rounded by the tide while attempting to walk ashore from the North Wharf.—Reward, 2Z. Ids.

May 21.—Eleven men saved, at some risk, three other men whose canoe had been filled by the sea and capsized off the Blaskett Island, Co. Kerry, during a moderate N.E. wind.— Reward, 51. Ws.

June 7.—Voted the Silver Medal of the Institu- tion to Mr. W. H. ARNOLD, Chief Boatman in charge of H.M. Coastguard at Sandown, Isle of Wight, in acknowledgment of his gallant services in putting off, through a heavy sea, in the station boat with five other men, and saving, at con- siderable risk, five of the crew of the brigan- tine Jeune Gustave, of Brest, which was totally wrecked off Red Cliff, Sandown Bay, during a strong S.W. gale on the evening of the 10th February. .

July 4.—Two men saved a man from a canoe which had been capsized between Barna and Furlough, Co. Galway, during a N.E. wiud.

—Reward, II.

July 9.—Three men put off in a coastguard boat from Cuapel, Lincolnshire, and saved a man from a boat belonging to Skegness, which had been capsized off Chapel during a strong S.

•wind.—Reward, 11. Is.

July 20.—Thirteen men put off in the yawl Glance, of Caister, Norfolk, and saved the crew, consisting of five men, of the fishing smack, Zero, of Grimsby, which was totally wrecked on the Middle Cross Sand during a N.W. wind.

—Reward, 10Z.

Aug. 9.—Six men of Ballycastle, Co, Antrim, put off in the Coastguard whale Lifeboat, and saved the crew of four men of the schooner J. E. Furlong, of Dublin, which had dragged her anchors in Ballycastle Bay, during a fresh gale from the W.N.W. and a heavy sea.— Reward, 3J.

Aug. 28.—The crew of a boat saved three men from a sailing boat which had capsized on Drogheda bur during squally weather.—Re- ward, 1Z. 10s.

Sept. 1.—Three men saved a boat containing three, men which was drifting out to sea off Porthdiullaen, North Wales.—Reward, 15s.

Sept. 1.—Four men of Penmon, Anglesey, waded into the sea and saved, by means of lines, the crew of two men of the smack Dar- ling, of Beaumaris, which had stranded on the rocks close to the Menai lighthouse during a strong S.E. gale.—Reward, 4Z.

Sept. 2.—Six men put off in a boat from Southend, Essex, and saved the crew of two men from the barge Mary, of Rochester, which had sunk off Southend during a gale from the S.—Reward, 3Z. The crew of another boat also put off with the view of rescuing the ship- wrecked men.—Reward, 1Z. 5s.

Sept. 24.—A man and his daughter saved two men whose boat had been capsized off Burton Port, co. Donegal, during squally weather.

—Reward, 11. The cost, amounting to 17s. 6 1, of repairing the boat used by the salvors, which was damaged in rendering this service, was also defrayed by the Institution.

Sept. 26.—Six men put off twice in a fishing yawl, at considerable risk, and saved the crews 1, 1884.] THE LIFE-BOAT.

297 of ten men from the schooner Clare, of Carnar- von, and smack Robina, of Dublin, which were iu distress in Peel Bay, Isle of Man, during a very heavy gale,—Reward, M. 10».

Sept. 26.—Four men of Fleetwood, Lanca- shire, rescued, by means of a cart and by wading into the water, the crew of five men and the master's wife, from the schooner Thornton, of Fleetwood, which became a total wreck on Barnard Wharf during a W. gale.

—Reward, 4Z.

Sept. 30.—Eight men put off in a coble from Holy Island and rescued the crew of three men and a boy from a small screw steamer, the Kenil- worth, of Middlesbrough, which was wrecked on False Emanuel Head during squally weather and a very heavy sea,—Reward, 6Z, Oct. 5.—The crew of the fishing-boat Happy Return, of Walmer, rescued Capt. DKEVAR, boat had been capsized while he was endeavouring to cross the Channel from Dover to Calais.—Reward, 4Z.

Oct. 10.—At night signal rockets were ob- served in St. Bride's Bay, and as it was sup- posed that they had been fired by a distressed vessel, some men put off in a boat from St.

Bride's Bay to render assistance had it been required.—Reward, 21. 5s.

Nov. 1.—Voted the thanks of the Committee, inscribed on vellum, and 11. each, to EDWARD CRASKE, ROBERT BISHOP, and JOHN HENRY- DAVIS, for going into the water with lines, and assisting to save the crew of five men of the schooner Alpha, of Faversham, which was wrecked off Cromer, Norfolk, during a heavy gale from the N.N.W. on the 4th October.

Nov. 6.—The crew of the smack Tyro, of Aldborough, brought ashore the crew of seven men of the brig Thankful, of Shields, who had taken to their boat, as their vessel was sinking off Thorpeness, during a gale from the S. by E.

—Reward, 51.

Nov. 19.—Four men put off in a boat, in tow of a steam-tug, and saved the stranded fishing-boat Harriet, of Fleetwood, having one man on board, which was in distress off Fleet- wood during a strong breeze from the W.N.W.

—Reward, 'il.

Nov. 21.—Three men put off in a boat and saved two men from a canoe which had capsized in Stokes' Channel, Poole Harbour, during a strong N.W. breeze.—Reward, 15s.

The following is a copy of a Handbill circulated on the Coasts of the United Kingdom by the Institution, for the purpose of informing Boatmen and others that it encourages laudable exertions to save Life from Shipwrecks:— TO BOATMEN AND OTHERS.

To encourage prompt and energetic exertions in time of Danger on the part of Boatmen and Others, by quickly putting off to save Life in CASES of WRECKS on the Coasts of the British Isles, either by SHORE-BOATS OR OTHER MEANS, Royal National Life-boat Institution GRANTS Rewards of Money or Medals. In all cases the Rewards are given without further delay than is necessary to obtain proof of the merits of each case, and to ensure their being paid to the right parties.

Application to be made to the Secretary. By Order of the Committee.