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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

THURSDAY, 4th Oct. 1883.

EDWARD BIRKBECK, Esq., M.Pi, V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the pre- vious meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub- Committees.

Read the Reports of three of the District In- spectors of Life-boats on their visits to the fol- lowing Stations:— 1. Hastings, Rye, Winchelsea, Lydd, New Romney, Hythe, North Deal, Walmer, Kings- downe, Dover, Margate, Kingsgate, Broadstairs, and Ramsgate.

3. Blackrock (Dundalk), Newcastle (Dun- drum), Drogheda (two Boats), and Port Erin.

4. Troon, Ayr, Irvine, Ballantrae, Girvan, Port Patrick, Boulmer, Port Logan, Berwick, Longhope, and Stromness.

Reported the receipt of 1001. from JOHN A. METCALFE, Esq., of West Huntington Hall, York, to provide a Life-boat to be called the Gem.

Decided that Mr. METCALFE be thanked for his munificent gift, and that it be appropriated to the new Life-boat about to be sent to St.

David's, Pembrokeshire.

Also the receipt of 2301. 17s. Id. from Mr. G. A. HENTY, Editor of The Union Jack, being the amount contributed by the Readers of that pub- i lication towards the cost of a Life-boat to be | named the W. H. G. Kingston.

j Decided, that the best thanks of the Com- mittee be given to the Contributors, and that j the Watchet Life-boat be appropriated to them.

' Reported the receipt of the following other Special Contributions since the last meeting:— £ s. J.

W. J. GUERRIER, Esq., Putney . , 100 0 0 One hundred and fifty-five English- men, Scotchmen, Welshmen, and Canadians, resident in Texas, United States of America, per ROBERT AMOS, Esq., and E. W.

PALFREY, Esq., Dallas, Texas, ($155) 31 1!) 2 Mrs. STRANGE, Elvaston Place . . 25 0 0 The Rev. J. T. WAREING, Lathom, Ormskirk ....... 20 0 0 Proceeds of a Concert at Howth, on behalf of Howth Life-boat Sta- tion, per W. ARMSTRONG, Esq. . 20 0 0 The Ship's Company of H.M.S.

Eclipse, per Mr. W. L. MARTIN, Captain of the maintop ... 1!) 10 0 The late ANTHONY THOMAS DOYLE, Esq., per FRANCIS T. HELBY, Esq.

Dublin 12 12 0 Offertory on board H.M.S. Tour- maline, East Indies, per the Rev.

JAMES PAYTON, Chaplain . , 478 Collected from the boys and girls of Christ's Hospital, Hertford, per the Rev. J. T. BELL, addi- tional .- 368 —To be severally thanked.

Also reported that the late NATHANIEL VYE, Esq., of Ilfracombe, had left a legacy of 100Z.

(duty free) to the Institution.

The Committee expressed their deep regret at the death of Admiral Sir RICHARD COLLIN- SON, K.C.B., Deputy Master of the Trinity House, who had long been a member of the Committee of Management of the Institution, and had always taken a great interest in its welfare.

Also at the decease of Mr. JOHN JONES, of Newquay, Cardiganshire, who had for many years been the Chairman of that Branch of the Institution.

The Committee expressed their thanks to Mr. P. STONEHAM, late Chairman of the Ilfracombe Branch of the Institution, in acknowledgment of his valuable co-operation during the fifteen years he held that office.

Decided, that the privilege now enjoyed by the owners and masters of fishing-vessels, of purchasing first-class aneroid barometers at one-third the retail price, be extended to the owners and masters of coasters under 100 tons burden. The aneroids to be supplied to |auch owners and masters of coasters, through the local Honorary Secretaries of the Institution, who shall be requested to express to the purchasers, on behalf of the Committee, the hope that they and their crews will be ready and willing to assist in working the Life-boats of the Institu- tion, should necessity arise.

Ordered, that various works be carried oat at the Gorleston, Dunniore and New Ronmey Life- boat Stations, at an expense of 6431.

Paid 3,427i for (sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 120119s. 74 to pay the expenses of the Life-boats at Cadgwith, Filey, Piel, Holy Island Milford, Montrose, Maryport, Ramsey, East- bourne, and Groomsport, in rendering the fol- lowing services:— Lives saved.

A steam fishing launch of Cadgwith, ren- dered assistance.

Fishing yawls of Filey, ditto, Barque China, of Porsgnmd .... JO Schooner John Royle, of Chester ... 4 Fishing-boat ATa»C5r, of Holy Island . . 5 Schooner Slaney, of Wexford .... 3 Steamer Knnmmore, of Peterfiead ... 10 Steamer Saving to K, of Mary port 5 Norwegian barque flereward—-rendered assistance.

Barque luaixilla, of Dratninen .... 8 Schooner Miss Priteliard, of Carnarvon . 6 Schooner William Henry, of Carnarvon . 3 The Caister, Montrose No. I, Holyhead and Skegness Life-boats had also rendered the fol- lowing services :— Steamer Jsfe, of Newcastle, rendered assist- ance; schooner Marqme, of Anglesea, saved vessel and crew, 4; steamer Ennismore, of Peter- head, assisted to save vessel; briganttae Wonder, of Swansea, saved vessel and crew, 6; and sloop Quod Intent rendered assistance. [Accounts of most of these Life-boat services will be found on pages 238-239.] Voted »lao 248116«. to pay the expenses of the Newquay (Cornwall), St. David's, Margate, Newhaven, Cahore, Ardrossan, Harwich, North Sunderland, Broadstairs, Deal, Winterton No. 2, Fraserburgh, Swanage, Newcastle (Co. Down), Eye, Chapel, and Fleetwood Life-boats, in as- sembling their crows or putting off in reply to signals of distress shown by vessels not ulti- mately requiring assistance.

Also 3/. to six men for putting off in a boat from Sonthend, Essex, and saving the crew of two men from the barge Mary, of Rochester, which had sunk off Southend during a gate from the S, on the 2nd September. A reward of II. 5s. was also granted to the crew of another boat which put off with the view of rescuing the shipwrecked men.

Also tl. to four men of Peiinion, Anglesey, for wading into the sea and saving, by means of lines, the crew of two men of the smack Darling, of Beaumaris, which had stranded on the rocks close to the Menai lighthouse during a, strong S.B. gale on the night of the 1st September, Also 4Z. to four men of Fleetwood, for res- cuing, by means of a cart and by wading into the water, the crew of five men and the master's wife, from the schooner Thonthm, of Fleetwood, which became a total wreck on Barnard Wharf during a W. gale on the evening of the 26th September.

Also SI. to six men of Ballycastle, Co. Antrim, for putting off in the Coastguard whale Life- boat, and saving the crew of four men of the schooner J, E. Furlong, of Dublin, which had dragged her anchors in Ballycastle Bay, during a fresh gale from the W.N.W. and a heavy sea on the 9th August Also 12.108. to the crew of a boat for saving three men from a sailing boat which had cap- j sized on Drogheda, bar during squally weather I on the 28th August.

I And I5«. to three men for saving a boat con-taining three men which was drifting out to sea | off Porthdinllaen on the morning of the 1st ; September.

THURSDAY, 1st Nov.

EDWARD BIBKBKCK, Esq., H.P., V.P., in the . Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the pre- vious Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub- committees.

Read the Reports of the Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to "Whitby, Up- gang, Scarborough, Bridiington, Bwmston, "Wi-thernsea, and Swansea.

Also the reports of the five District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visit* to the following 1. Margate.

2. Braunton, Appledore (two Boats), Clo- velly, Lynmouth, Morte, Ilfracombe, Bade, and Manchester.

3. Greystones, Kingstown, Wicklow, and Bal- briggan.

4. Thurso, Huna, Ackergill, Moray Firth, Buckie, Crudes, Newburgh, Fraserburgh, Peter- head, and Cambeltown.

5. Grimsby, Withernsea, Flaiaborongh (two Bouts), Bridlington, and Filey.

Reported also the receipt of-the following special contributions since the last meeting:—• £ ». d.

Miss L. B. WAkEKB,Wan8tead, in aid of Newport (Pembrokeshire) Life- boat Station 60 0 0 Worshipful Company of Merchant Taylors, additional . . . , . 31 10 (I Additional Collection IE Texas, United States of America, per ROBERT AMOS, Esq. (f 16) ..... 3 5 4 Offertory at Harvest Festival at West London District Schools, Asliford (Staines), on Sunday, 30th Sept, per the Rev. Dr. From . . .300 —To 6« severally thanked.

Also that the following Legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— The late Misses Aasas and JASB TOD, of Edinburgh . . . . 200 0 0 The late SAMCBL NICOL, Esq., of Greenock (duty free). ... SU (J. 0 Also the transmission to their stations of the new Life-boats for Margate, Cardigan, and Withernsea.

The General Steam Navigation Company kindly allowed one of their steamers to tow tie Margate boat to its station free of charge, and the South Eastern Railway Company conveyed the transporting carriage and stores to Margate, and brought hack the old boat and carriage to London, without charge.

—To be thamked Before being gent to its station, the Cardigan Life-boat was publicly exhibited in. Manchester, at the suggestion of the benevolent donor of the boat and the Manchester Branch of the Institu- tion.

Decided, on the application of the local residents, to form a Life-boat Station at Peel, Isle of Man, and to appropriate the station to the legacy left to the Institution by the late Captain MONK, B.N., to provide a Life-boat to be called the John Monk.

Also to form a Life-boat establishment at Totland Bay, Isle of Wight, and to appropriate to it one of the two Life-boats bequeathed to the Institution by the late Mrs, LCCKOMBB, of Brighton.

Voted the thanks of the Committee to Mr. JAMES S. SCOTT, in acknowledgment of his long and valuable co-operation while holding the office of Honorary Secretary of the Oonrtown Branch of the Institution.

Decided that various works be carried out at the Hartiepool, Wiaterton, and Port Eynon Life-boat Stations, at an expense of 1,0281, Paid 1,9801 tor sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 1161. 2s. 6d to pay the expenses of the Life-boats at Ballywalter, Wells, Hew Brighton, Bridlington, Ballycotton, Fraserburgh, Loasie- mouth, and Broadstairs, ia rendering the fol- lowing services :— UTOS saved.

Barque Cuywni, of Glasgow 14 Schooner Kmma, of Jersey 5 Ship Nando, of Yarmouth, N.S. , , . 21 A fishing boat in distress off Bridlington : rendered assistance.

Fishing yawl During, of Ballyootton, saved vessel and ......... 6 Schooner Eclipse, of Dundee .... 4 Schooner Magdalina, of Inverness ... . 4 Ship Wffhelmina, of Hamburg . . *. .22 The Claoton, Withernsea, Caister Ho. 1, and BaniEgate Life - boats had also rendered the following services;—Barque Danmarli, of Bragor, assisted to save vessel and crew, 12; schooner Tony Knmtmann, of Portmadoe, rendered assistance; barque Arab, of Apen- rade, assisted to save vessel and 15: ship Witiuhuim, of Hamburg, assisted to gave vessel and 17.

[Accounts of some of these Services are given on pages 231-241.] Voted also 98?. II*. to pay th« expenses of the Winehelsea, Braunton, Appledore, Saltburn, Triai»by, Cromer, Harwich, Littlehaven, Sun- derlsad Ho. 1, Clacton, Wexford No. 1, and Peterhead Life-boatg, in assembling their crews or patting off to the aid of vessels which did not eventually require their assistance.

The Gourdon Life-boat had alao been launched, with the view of assisting a fishing- boat in distress.

Voted the thanks of the Committee, inscribed on vellum, sad II. each, to EDWAB» CRASKB, EOBBBT BISHOP, and JOHH HBHBY DAVIS, for going into the water with lines, and assisting to save the crew of five men of the schooner Alpha, of Faveraham, which was wrecked off Cromer, Norfolk, daring a heavy gale from the N.N.W. on the 4th October.

Also the thanks of the Committee, inscribed on vellum, to Mr. JOHH HKTCHIMS, Chief Officer of H.M. Coastguard »t Maryport, in recognition of his general valuable services in saving life from shipwreck, and particularly for taking command of the Maryport Life-boat, in the absence of the coxswains, and assisting to rescue the crew of five men of the steamer Havingtoa, of Maryport, which was wrecked off that port during a S.E. gale and heavy sea on the 26th September.

Also 61. to eight men, for putting off in » coble from Holy Island and rescuing the crew of three men and a boy from the s,s. K.etiiliaor&, of Middlesbrough, which was wrecked on False Emanuel Head daring squally weather and a very heavy sea on the 30Gi September.

Also 41, to the crew of the fishing-boat Hupyij Return, of Waliaer, for rescuing Capt. DBEVAK, whose boat had been, capsized while he was endeavouring to cross the Channel from Dover to Calais OB the 5th October.

Also 41 10«. to six men, for patting off twice in » fishing yawl, ftt considerable risk, and I saving the erews of ten. aaea from the BchotaiM Clare, of Carnarvon, and smack llobina, of Dublin, which were in distress in Peel Bay daring a very heavy gale on the 26th Sep- tember.

And 21. 5g. to the crew of a boat for putting off in a boat from St. Bride's Bay in reply to signal rockets, which they supposed had been fired from a distressed vessel, on the night of the 10th October.

THUBSDAY, 6th December.

EDWABB BIRKBECK, Esq., M.P., V.P., in th«s Chair.

Bead and approved the Minutes of the pre- vious Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub- committees.

Bead the reports of the five District In- spectors of Life-boatg on their visits to the fol- lowing Stations:— 1. Yealm, Dartmouth, Plymouth, Hope Cove, Salcombe, Brixham, Torquay, Teigamouth, Ewnouth, Sidmouth, Lywe Regis, Weymouth, Kiimeridge, Swanage, and Poole.

2. Swansea, Pembuey, Ferryside, Tenby, Mil- ford Haven, St, Bride's Bay, St. David's, Solva.

Fishguard (two Boats), Cardigan, Newquay, Aberdovey, Barmouth, Portmadoc, Porthdin- llaen, Llanaelhaiara, Abersoch, and Aberyst- with.

3. New Brighton (two Boats), Southport, Lytham, St Anne's, Blackpool, Fleetwood,  Piel, Seascale, Whitehaven, Maryport, Silloth, and Port Erin.

4. Whithorn, Kirkcudbright, St. Andrews, Anstruther, Banff, Whitelink, Montrose (two Boats), Stonehaven, Gourdon, Arbroath, Broughty Ferry, and Buddon Ness.

5. Whitby (two Boats), Upgang, Robin Hood's Bay, Staithes, Bunswick, Redcar, Salt- bum, Middlesbrough, West Hartlepool (two Boats), Seaton Carew, Hartlepool (three Boats), Whitburn, Seaham, Sunderland (four Boats), Scarborough, Withernsea, and Hornsea.

Reported the receipt of 480Z. from the Civil Service Life-boat fund, per CHARLES DIBDIN, Esq., Honorary Secretary, to provide a new Life-boat, to be named the Civil Service No. 4, making 1,48(W. contributed from this fund during the past year, and 6,3441. 7s. in all since 1866.

Decided that the best thanks of the Com- mittee be given to Mr. DIBDIN and the Sub- scribers to the fund, and that their gift be appropriated to the new Life-boat about to be sent to Walmer.

Also the receipt of the following other special contributions since the last meeting:— £ s. d.

WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF GOLD- SMITHS (additional) . . . . 100 0 0 Ditto CORDWAINERS ditto ... 26 5 0 Ditto SKINNERS, ditto .... 21 0 0 INDEPENDENT ORDER 01- ODD FEL- LOWS (MANCHESTER UNITY), an- nual subscription in aid of their Life-boat at Grimsby ... 50 0 0 Offertory and afternoon Collection in Hadnall Church, near Shrews- bury, on Sunday, 4th November, per the Kev. BROOKE C. MORTI- MER 21 17 4 Mrs. ANNE GOMONDE, Pau (addi- tional) 20 0 0 The Her. C. WHATELEY, M.A., Maidenhead (additional). . . 20 0 0 Collected on board the White Star steamer Republic, on her last trip from Liverpool to New York . 7 10 6 —To be severally thanked.

Also that the following legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— £ s. d.

The late Mrs. HENRY, of Ampthill Square 150 0 0 The late WILLIAM PEAT, Esq., of Derby (duty free) . . '. . . 100 0 0 Voted the thanks of the Committee to the Rev. J. O'REILLY BLACKWOOD, Capt. NATHANIEL SUTTON, and E. J. DEWING, Esq., for their past valuable services as Honorary Secretaries, re- spectively, of the Ballywalter, Cork and Queenstown, and Brancaster branches of the Institution.

Reported the transmission to their Stations of the new Life-boats for Aranmore (co. Done- gal) and Caister (Norfolk).

Decided that various works be carried out at the Kessingland (Suffolk) and Newport (Pem- brokeshire) Life-boat Stations, at a cost of 733Z. 10«.

Paid 1833Z. 12s. 8d. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 12H. 8s. 4d. to pay the expenses of the Lytham, Sunderland No. 4, Caister No. ], Eastbourne, Aldborough, and Tralee Life-boats in rendering the following services:—• Lives saved.

Flat Evelina, of Runcorn 4 Brig Tagus, of Aberdeen, remained by vessel.

Barge Garson, of Wisbeach 4 Norwegian barque New Brunswick. . . 11 Two fishing-boats of Aldborough ... 6 Barque Ostendea, rendered assistance.

The Lytham, Clacton, Ramsgate, Broadstairs, and Chapel Life-boats had also rendered the following services :—Flat Evelina, of Runcorn, saved vessel; brigantine Estafette, of Faversham, assisted to save vessel and crew, 9; barque Duchess, of Shields, assisted to save vessel and 10; schooner International, of London, assisted to save vessel; ketch Annie, of Goole, saved vessel and 3.

(Accounts of these services will be found on pages 231-240.) Voted also 206Z. 8s. 6 /. to pay the expenses of the Sheringham, Peterhead, Cruden, Tenby, St.

Anne's, Aldborough, Thorpe, Harwich, Holy- head, Walmer, Caister No. 1, Winterton No. 2, Irvine, Newhaven, and New Romney Life-boats, in assembling their crews or putting off in reply to signals of distress shown by vessels which did not ultimately need the services of the boats.

The Ramsgate Life-boat had also been taken out, but her services had not been required.

Voted 51. to the crew of the smack Tyro, of Aldborough, for bringing ashore the crew of seven men of the brig Thankful, of Shields, who had taken to their boat, as their vessel was sinking off Thorpeness, during a gale from the S. by E. on the 6th November.

Also 21. to four men, for putting off in a boat, in tow of a steam-tug, and saving the stranded fishing-boat Harriet, of Fleetwood, having one man on board, which was in distress on the 19th November.

Also 15s. to three men, for putting off in a boat and saving two men from a canoe which had capsized in Stokes' Channel, Poole Harbour, during a strong N.W. breeze on the 21st November.

Also I/, to a man and his daughter, for saving two men whose boat had been capsized off Burton Port, co. Donegal, during squally weather on the 24th September. The cost, amounting to 17s. 6d., of repairing the boat used by the salvors, which was damaged in ren- dering this service, was also defrayed by the Institution.


The next number of the Life-boat Journal, containing the Annual Report, &c., will be pub- lished on the 1st May next.