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CLACTON-ON-SKA.—About noon on the 2nd September a gale was blowing from the S.S.W., accompanied by a very heavy sea, and as several vessels were lying off the coast, and riding heavily at their anchors, the crew of the Life-boat Albert Edward, with launchers and horses, were held in readiness should their services be called into requisition. At about 2 P.M.

it was seen that the Norwegian barque Rome, bound from Finland to London with a cargo of firewood, had cut away her foremast as well as parted her cable and was driving towards the sand. As soon as it was possible to launch the Life-boat she went out through 'a heavy sea under close-reefed sails, reached the wreck and rescued the crew, consisting of fourteen men, arriving at Clacton with them at 12.40 A.M..