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EASTBOUBNX.—In the afternoon of the 24th of September, during a strong gale from the S.W., and a rough sea, it was reported that a large vessel was ashore near Bexhill Coastguard Station. The Wittiam and Mary Life-boat was taken to the spot, when it was found that the barque Isabella, of Brammen, Norway, bonnd from Fredriekstadt to Honfteur with a cargo of battens and boards, had missed stays, and had been driven on the rocks. The boat's anchor was let go, and she veered down to the vessel, from the stern of which the crew of eight men dropped into the Life-boat, and were at once landed at Bexhill. When the boat arrived, the sea was breaking heavily over the wreck, her foremast was gone, and only her main and mizen lower-masts were standing; her bowsprit had also been carried away..