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FBASEBBUKGH.—At 8.30 A.M. on the 25th of October the schooner Eclipse, of Dundee, bound from Suaderland to Little Ferry with coal, showed signals of distress while riding in the bay. The Cosmo and Charles Life-boat proceeded to her assistance, found that she had parted one of her cables and that the crew, consisting of four men, wished to be brought ashore, as the wind was blowing a gale from the W.N.W. and the sea was rough. They were accordingly taken into the boat and safely landed. The vessel drove ashore on the sands south of Fraserhorgh about half an hour after the men had been rescued.

At about 4.30 A.M. on the 12th December, daring a gale from the N.E., which for its violence was said to be the worst experienced on this coast, since the one when the Tay bridge disaster took place, the schooner Baroness Strathspey, of and from Portsoy for Sunderland in ballast, came into the bay and was driven on to the sands about half a mile south of Fraserburgh.

The Cosmo and CJtarles Life-boat put off to her assistance and succeeded in rescuing two of her crew, the other three men having been saved by the rocket apparatus..