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POOLS, DORSET.—On the 9th January, at about 2.30 P.M., during a heavy gale from the B.S.E. and a high sea, signals being heard from the sandbanks, the Soys' Own, No. 2, Life-boat was launched, and towed by a steamer to the mouth of the harbour, when it was ascertained that a large brig was lying in Studland Bay with signals of distress flying. The Lifeboat made for the vessel, and found her to be the Victor, of Heustadt, Germany, heavily laden with a cargo of coal. She was riding in a very dangerous position, the sea making a clean breach over her, and her figure-head, cutwater and a portion of her port bow bulwarks had been knocked away. The crew refused to leave the vessel, and the Life-boat therefore remained by her for about an hour, when the wind moderating she returned to her station. *.