LITTLEHAVEN, PEMBROKESHIRE. — Two schooners were at anchor in St. Bride's Bay, "while a gale of wind was blowing from the S. on the 25th January. It was thought advisable to warn the crew of the Life-boat Friend, to be in readiness should their services be required, as the vessels would be in danger if the wind shifted to the W. or KYW.,as it not unfrequently does on this coast after a S, gale. At about 10 P.M. this occurred, and a watch was kept for any signals that might be shown ; but none were exhibited. At about 10.30 two of the Life-boat men reported that they could see a light Just outside the breakers, on the shore. This proved to be from a boat of one of the v essels carrying her anchor-light, the crew trying to find a place where to land. They finally ran through the breakers and succeeded in getting safely ashora On hearing from the captain that he thought the other vessel would soon be ashore, the Life-1»oat erew -were summoned, one mm.