Advanced search


On the 6th April, at 4.30 A.M., during a moderate N.E. wind, signal guns were fired from the Gull Lightship. The Lifeboat Bradford proceeded under sail to the North Sand Head and found a barque ashore on the North-east part of the Sand.

The Life-boat let go an anchor, veered close alongside the vessel and advised the master to let go his starboard anchor.

The sea was breaking clean over the ship and the wreck of the fore and main masts which had been cut away was lying alongside. The crew, consisting of ten men, were taken into the Life-boat which then waited to see whether the vessel would float at high water; but finding that there was no chance of her doing so, the boat returned to the harbour, arriving at noon. The wrecked vessel proved to be the Dutch barque Henning, bound from Frederickstadt to Poole, with a cargo of deals and boards..