Fishing Boats
The No. 2 Life-boat was also launched, at about 11.30 A.M. on the 8th August, to the assistance of several fishing boats which had been caught in a gale from the S., and were in great danger while making for Montrose. The Life-boat remained about two and a half hours at the harbour mouth, signalling to the boats in which direction to steer, they being strangers to the port. Some of them had narrow escapes of being lost on the Annat Bank.
At 4 P.M. the wind shifted to the W.
and blew a very heavy gale, and two strange boats were then seen making for the harbour. One got inside the buoys; the other hoisted a signal halfmast high, and the first boat then ran back, apparently to the assistance of the other. The Life-boat was again launched and went oat with a steam-tug, and both the boats, which were in considerable danger, one having all the tackling of her mast loose, were with much difficulty towed into safety,.