Aneroid Barometers
Iltestratton of the Fisheriaaa's Aneroid Barometer as issued bj the National Life-boat Institution.
Its Dial or Face, which is enamelled, is five inches in diameter, being half an inch larger tifta the ordinary Mi-sized Aneroid; sad ttie Case is bronzed to prevent corrosion.
THE Committee "have decided to extend to poor Masters and Owners of Coasters, under 100 tons burden, the privilege of purchasing for eleven shillings and six- pence, one-tMrd the retaE cost, a first- class Aneroid Barometer, which will be of the greatest «se in warning them of tlie coming tempest. For more than a year this boon has been accorded to Masters and Owners of fishing-smacks; and, judging from the fact that applica- tions have been received for more than 1,200 of these valuable instruments, it appears to hare been fully appreciated.
The Committee hope that by this means the loss of life which annually takes place on our coasts among the crews of small vessels may be Tery considerably lessened.
Applications should be made through the Honorary Secretaries of the Branches of the National Life-boat Institution on farioos parts of the coast..