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An Evening Hymn. For Those at Sea In Stormy Weather


" The waves of the sea are mighty, and rage horribly; But yet the Lord who dwelleth on high is mightier." Psalm sciiL-v. 5,

THIS night, O Lord, we lift our cry to Thee

For those who travel on the stormy sea; 

To them, we pray Thee, be in mercy near,

And keep and save them in this night of fear.

How many are the prayers before Thy Throne

To-night, for those now far away from home!

Full many an anxious soul is charged with fear,

Entreating Thee the storm-tossed ship to steer.

Perchance, e'en now beneath the bending mast,

The prayer of agony goes up, "Lord, hold as fast";

Oh! may that prayer and ours, commingling, meet,

And find an answer at the mercy-seat.

Thy voice has still its power, just as of old,

And Thou, in Thy hollowed hand the sea can'st hold;

Speak then, dear Lord, once more, if such Thy will;

Command the angry waters, "Peace, be still."

But yet, O Lord, if such be not Thy will,

In Thy dear hands we leave the loved ones still,

Praying that Thou to each wilt grant the best.

Safe anchorage in the haven of eternal rest. 

(Rev.) A. J. SODEN.