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The S.S. Libelle

The coxswain of the Palmerston Life-boat was called at 1 o'clock on the morning of the 12th January, and informed that a vessel was ashore on the north side of Tynemouth Sands. The Lifeboat was manned and launched as quickly as possible, and "on approaching the vessel— the s.s. LiMle, of Hamburg, bound from Bergen, Norway, to North Shields, in ballast, with a crew of twenty-one persons, and eight passengers—it was found that two of her boats had been lowered and swamped immediately. The crews were rescued, by the Life-boat and landed on the beach. She then returned to the steamer, took off fourteen men, and having brought them to land, went back once more and returned with the remainder those on board. The wind was blowing a strong breeze from the 8.E., accompanied by a very high sea, which filled the Life-boat twice and broke or damaged several of her oars..