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The S.S. Eden

FLEETWOOD.—It was reported that a steamer was ashore on Sunderland Bank, at 6.30 P.M., on the 27th January, during a gale of wind from the N.W. and a heavy sea. The Life-boat, Child of Hale, proceeded as soon as possible to the vessel in tow of the tug Fylde and found the sea making a clean breach over her. The boat stood by her, and at the request of the master, one of the Life-boatmen was put on board the vessel to take her to some port. After coming off the bank she, being light, would not steam against the wind, so she went before it to Glasson Dock, where she arrived safely. On the 29th the weather moderated, and the Life-boatman, who was siill on board, brought the vessel back to Fleetwood. She was the s.s. Eden, 933 tons register, bound from Fleetwood to Cardiff in ballast, and had a crew of 21 men, the captain, his wife and child, and one passenger on board..