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The Margaret

BRANCASTER, NORFOLK.—At 3 P.M. on the 8th March, a vessel was seen striking on the Flats, and showing signals of distress.

The crew of the Lily Bird Lifeboat mustered, launched their boat as soon as possible, and proceeded to the vessel, by that time aground on the beach at Titchwell. The breakers being very heavy, and the mainmast going over the side to leeward, the Life-boat's anchor was let go to windward, and the boat veered down towards the -wreck; but from the nature of the ground, the anchor could not hold. The crew, therefore, weighed the anchor, and tried again with a similar result. As it was impossible to go alongside without great risk of staving the boat, they remained as near the vessel as was prudent, until the tide fell and all danger ws over. They then landed at Titchwell, afterwards assisting the crew of the barque to da the same about 9 P.M.

She proved to be the Margaret, of Ohristiania, bound from Grimstad to Dover with ice..