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The Life-Boat


Words by Vice-Admiral J. E. WARD.

~ 'i mf Last Verse and Music composed by C. H. PURDAT.



Fine ships and boats of ma- ny kinds There are up-on the sea ; PIANO.

mf i tt » • » W f- S Some work'd by sail, and some by steam, And o - ther sorts there be.

•I «l ] ± -*••-*•-*• sfe Repeat in Chorus after each verse.

But of all the brav-est ships and boats That stem the brin - y wave, fe =P -- = r AUGUST 1, 1883.] THE LIFE-BOAT.

185 I rit.

BJ - sgSgg The life - boat is the boat of boats, Built hu- man lives to save! /TV £ nr - n't S p3 =St4W £ i Some ships and boats are built for speed, Whilst some are dull and slow, Being made to carry heavy loads; And some are built for show.

Chorus.—But of all the bravest ships and boats, &c.

Some ships they carry passengers Across the ocean wild; Troops, travellers, and emigrants, From their own land exiled.

CJiarus.—But of all the bravest ships and boats, &c.

Brave boats, too, are those fishing craft, With hardy crews, and stout; And scarce is there a thing that floats We less could do without.

Chorus.—But of all the bravest ships and boats, &c.

'Twas in a fisher's boat our Lord Did work-a miracle, When He the winds and waves rebuked, And bade them " Peace, be still." He, by His power, still guards and guides Upon the stormy wave, Our life-boats and their noble crews, His children's lives to save!.