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ARBROATH, N.B.—At about 8.30 A.M. on the 19th December, the schooner Vigilant, of Dundee, was seen approaching the harbour from the S.W., in a heavy sea and light wind from the S. At about 11 o'clock she was getting close to therocks, apparently making for the harbour.

The tide at the time being half ebb, and there being little water on the bar, it was thought impossible for her to clear the land on either tack, and the Life-boat Peopled Journal No. 2 put off to her assistance. ' On getting alongside, the Life-boatmen advised the master to let go both anchors, the vessel being within three hundred yards of the rocks eastward of the harbour. Two of the Life-boat's Qrew were put on board, at the request of the master, and the boat kept in attendance until the following tide, when the .anchors were recovered, and the vessel.

•yas towed into harbour..