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The Llaethliw, and Schooner John Stonard, and Brigantine Xanthus

Shortly after 4 o'clock on the afternoon of the 5th December, a signal of distress was seen flying from a schooner at anchor in the bay. The same Life-boat was launched, and proceeded to the vessel, which proved to be the Llaethliw, of Newquay.

She was riding heavily, and as the gale had been steadily increasing all day, with a heavy sea, and as there was every prospect of a stormy night, the crew of four men wished to be brought ashore, and they were therefore taken into the Life-boat. There were also another schooner, the John Stonard, and the brigantine Xanthus, both belonging to Aberystwyth, at anchor in the bay, and they also signalled for the Life-boat.

The boat therefore proceeded to them,took off the crews of four men from the schooner and six men from the brigantine, and landed them all at Goodwick Quay..