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The Civil Service Life-Boat Fund

THE annual meeting of the Committee was held on the 10th January last, at the General Post Office, Mr. W. H. HAINES, of the House of Lords, presiding. The report, read by Mr. CHARLES DIBDIN, F.R.G.S., the honorary secretary, stated that the interest evinced by the Civil Service in the Life-boat Cause had not diminished daring the past year, the subscribers having numbered 6,400, being an increase of 860 on any previous year; and the hope was expressed that in the course of a few months the fund would be able to endow, at a cost of 1,000?., its boat " Civil Service No. 3," stationed at Port Patrick, after which the Committee propose to extend the usefulness of their work by raising the necessary sum for the purchase of a fourth Life-boat for the English coast.

The three boats of the fund have up to the present time attended twenty-seven wrecks, and saved 5 vessels and 149 lives.