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Harriet and Venus

At about 7.35 P.M. on the 28th No- vember, signals from the North Sand Head and Gull Lightships were seen, and the Life-boat and steam-tug proceeded through the Cudd Channel to the North Sand Head. They saw a flare from a vessel on the sand, and on the Life-boat getting alongside she found it was the ketch Harriet, of Goole, bound from Hartlepool to Poole with. coal. The Life-boatmen having been requested to assist to get the vessel off, some of them went on board, let go her anchor, and made sail. The boat then remained by her until the rising tide caused the sea to break over the vessel and boat, when it was thought prudent to take off those on board the former. The master, his wife and three children, and the crew of three men were therefore taken into the Life-boat and put on board the tug.

During this time the schooner Venus, of Exeter, bound from Shields to Teign- month with coal, also ran on the sand.

The crew took to their boat and boarded the steamer. With some of the Life-boat crew they afterwards returned to their vessel, and with the assistance of the steamer she was taken into Ramsgate Harbour. The Life-boat again proceeded to the ketch, which fortunately floated with the rising tide, and some of the Life-boatmen then boarded her, made ail, and stood in towards the land. The Aid came out again, and, taking her in tow, got her safely into Ramsgate Harbour at 4.15 A.M..