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Fishing Boats

A sudden gale from the E.N.E. sprang up on the morning of the 4th December, when the fishing-boats had just reached the fishing-ground. As the sea rose very high, only one boat attempted to shoot any lines; all the others ran for the bay.

At about 8 o'clock the sea was breaking off Newbiggin Point, and seeing the danger to which the boats were exposed in making the bay, the Life-boat William Hopkinson of Brighouse was launched. All the boats were safely landed by 11.30, with the exception of the one which shot her lines; she did not reach the bay until 1.30 P.M., when all hopes of her safety had been given up. Amid great excitement she was safely run ashore, 'attended by the Life-boat, which had been out five and a half hours, her crew being drenched and exhausted by their long exertions..