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At 12.30 A.M. on the 18th December, the smack Alicia brought news of a vessel having gone ashore on the Kentish, Knock Sand. The Life-boat Bradford at once proceeded, in tow of the harbour steamer Vulcan, through the Cudd Channel, and steered straight for the Kentish Knock Sands, which are about twenty-five miles distant from Ramsgate. On nearing the Lightship, signals vrere shown, from, her, and a vessel was seen showing a flare abreast of the middle buoy. The Lifeboat was got into a good position, slipped from the tug, and sailed towards the wreck through a very heavy sea, and with some difficulty succeeded in taking off her crew, numbering thirteen men. The sea was breaking right over the wreck, and her foremast, mainmast, and mizen topmast were lying alongside. The Lifeboat and steamer arrived back in the harbour at 11.15 A.M. The wrecked vessel was the barque Egmont, of South Shields, bound from Sfax to Leith with a cargo of esparto grass.