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The Swift

At 1 A.M. on the 14th June, during a moderate W.S.W. wind and overcast weather, signal guns and rockets were observed from the Gull Lightship, and a flare was also seen in the direction of theGoodwin Sands. The Life-boat Bradford and the Vulcan steam-tug were got ready and went out with all dispatch. They proceeded round the South Sand Head, and found a brigantine on the sand. The Life-boat sailed alongside the vessel, and the master at once engaged the services of the Life-boatmen to get her off. They then clewed up and stowed her sails, and took out an anchor and chain over the sands for about thirty fathoms. On the tide flowing, the chain was hove taut, sail was made, and the vessel floated off.

She proved to be the Swift, of Eye, bound from Caen to Seaham, in ballast-, with a crew of five hands..