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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

THURSDAY, 1st June, 1882.

THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., Chair- man of the Institution, in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the pre- vious meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub- Committees.

Bead the Report of the Chief-Inspector of Life-boats to the Institution, on his recent visit to Weston-super-Mare, and those of the five District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations:—• No. 1, London District—Guernsey, Alderney, Broadstairs, Kingsgate, Margate, Ramsgate, Walmer, Kingsdowne, North Deal, Dover, Hythe, New Romney, and Dungeness.

No. 2, Bristol District—Watchet, Burnham, Porthcawl, Milford, St. David's, Solva, and Littlehaven (St. Bride's Bay).

No. 3, Dublin District—Poolbeg, Kingstown, Greystones, Wicklow, Arklow, Courtown. Ca- hore, Wexford (two Boats), Carnsore, Tramore, Duncannon, Dungarvan, and Ardmore.

No. 4, Edinburgh District—Ayr, Troon, Gir- van, Ballantrae, Port Patrick, Port Logan, Southend, Campbeltown, Whithorn, Kirkcud- bright, St. Andrew's, and Anstruther.

No. 5, Hull District—Bridlington, Hornsea, Withernsea, Hunstanton, Brancaster, and Wells.

Reported the receipt of a contribution of 1,0001. from A. P. HEYWOOD LONSDALE, Esq., to defray the cost of a Life-boat Establishment, the Boat to be named the Heywood.

Decided that the best thanks of the Com- mittee be given to Mr. HEYWOOD LONSDALE for his munificent gift, and that it be appropriated to the Mablethorpe (Lincolnshire) new Life- boat Establishment.

Also the receipt of the following other special contributions since the last Meeting:— £. «. d.

Mrs. BRITTON, per H. STUBBS, Esq., J.P., Ballyshannon .... 50 0 0 J. D. TAYLOR, Esq., additional. . 20 0 0 Collected from passengers of the Union Steamship Company's ves- sel Athenian, per Capt. WAHLEIGH 12 10 9 Proceeds of Concert on board the S.B. Potosi, per Capt. C. E. DAB- LEY 950 Collected by the Children of John Street Baptist Church Sabbath School, Glasgow, per R. COATS, Esq 3 13 6 —To be severally thanked.

Reported that the. following Legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— £.

The late BRIAN BATES, Esq., of Buxton 1,000 The late Mrs. LOCKWOOD, of Upper Philli- more Place 200 The late 0. C. OXLEY, Esq., of Ripon . 45 Reported the transmission to their Stations of the new Life-boats for Palling, Norfolk, and Littlehaven, St. Bride's Bay, Pembrokeshire.

The Palling Boat is named the Heyland, having been presented to the Institution by the friends of the late Lieut. Heyland, R.N., who lost hie life while nobly saving a seaman who had fallen overboard from H.M.S. Minotaur during a gale of wind, on the 25th November, 1880.

Messrs. STEPHENSON, CLARKE & Co., and the Great Eastern Railway Company, had respec- tively given the new Life-boat and Carriage a free conveyance to their Station.—To be thanked.

' Decided to form a Life-boat Station at Weston- super-Mare. The cost of the Station would be defrayed from a Legacy left to the Institution by the late Colonel W. J. HOLT, for a Life- boat to be placed on the shores of [the Bristol Channel.

Reported that various papers relating to the Life-boat work had been handed to Mr. N. TAKAYANIA, who bad been sent to England by the Japanese Government, and who stated that there was a prospect of establishing in Japan a similar society to the NATIONAL LIFE- BOAT INSTITUTION.

Ordered that various works be carried out at the Grimsby, Flamborough, and Littlehaven Life-boat Stations, at an expense of 685L Paid 1,9312. Os. lid. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Reported that the Life-boats at St. Ives, Swansea, and Bude, had rendered the following services: Fishing luggers Quick and Gyles, of St. Ives, landed crews, numbering fourteen men in all, and put fresh crews on the boats; three oyster skiffs belonging to the Mumbles, saved the boats and nine men; smack Boconnoc, of 'Padstow, saved vessel and three men.

[Accounts of these Life-boat services will be found on pages 668-669.] The Newbiggin Life-boat had saved a fishing- coble which had been upset by a squall. Her I crew had been rescued by another coble.

! Voted 452.6«. to pay the expenses of the Rye, | Winchelsea, Palling No. 2, New Quay (Corn- wall), Ardmore, and Kingsdowne Life-boats, in assembling their crews, or putting off to the aid of vessels which did not ultimately require their assistance.

Voted also 51. to ten men belonging to Stennis, Shetland, for putting off in a boat, at much risk, and rescuing the crew of four men of the sloop Saabet, of Mandal, Norway, which was wrecked at Stennis during very unsettled weather on the 29th April.

Also 22. to five men residing at Seaford, Sussex, for putting off in a boat and saving three men from the boat Little Dick, of New- haven, which had been capsized off Seaford, during squally weather, on the 2nd April.

Thursday, 6th July.

The Chairman of the Institution in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the pre- vious meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub- Committees.

Read the Report of the Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to Weston-super- Mare, Burnham, Cardiff, Swansea, Whitby, Fraserburgh, Peterhead, Banff, Lossiemouth, Bamborough, Hartlepool, Hythe, Hastings, Petts, and Winchelsea.

Also the Reports of the five District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations:— 1. Bye, Winchelsea, Hastings, Eastbourne, Newhaven, Shoreham, Worthing, Brighton, Selsey, Chichester, and Hayling.

2. Fishguard (two Boats), Cardigan, New- quay, Swansea, Holyhead, Rhoscolyn, Rhos- neigir, Cemaes, Llanddwyn, Cemlyn, and Bull Bay.

; 3. Youghal, Ballycotton, Queenstown, Court- macsherry, Valentia, and Tralee.

I 4. Broughty Ferry, Buddon Ness, Arbroath, | Gourdon, Montrose (two Boats), Stonehaven, | Newburgh, Cruden, Stromness, Longhope, Thurso, Ackergill, Huna, Fraserburgh, Lossie- 1 mouth, Buckie, Banff, Whitelink Bay, and Peterhead.

5. Blakeney, Sheringham, Cromer, Mundesley, Hasborough, Palling (two Boats), Winterton (two Boats), Gorleston, Caister (two Boats), Yarmouth (two Boats), Lowestoft, Pakefield (two Boats), Kessingland (two Boats), South- wold (two Boats), Dunwich, Aldborough, Thorpeness, Harwich, and Clacton-on-Sea.

Reported the receipt of the following Special Contributions since the last Meeting:— £. i. d.

Worshipful Company of Cloth workers, additional . . . . 21 11 0 Collected on board the Allan Line s.s. Grecian, per Capt. LE GAL- LAIS 257 Collected in Rev. CANON GIRDLE- STONE'S School Chapel, Sunning- dale 1 10 8 —To be severally thanked.

Also that the following legacies had been | bequeathed to the Institution:— £.

The late HENRY MORGAN GODWIN, Esq., of Brighton 1000 The late JAMES NAISH OLDHAM, Esq., of Bridlington Quay 500 The late Mrs. ANNE WILLIAMSON, of Manghold, Isle of Man 100 The late Miss EMILY PADDON, of Brighton 100 The late GEORGE CHEESMAN, Esq., of Dorking 50 The late Miss ELIZABETH JEFFREY, of Nottingham (duty free) 

Decided that, on their retirement, the thanks of the Committee be given to J. PICKOP, Esq., and the Key. T. W. MANNING, in acknowledg- ment of their kind co-operation in the manage- ment respectively of the Blackpool and Carnsore Branches of the Institution.

Paid 3948Z. Is. 5d. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Reported that the Board of Trade had for- warded to the Institution two Gold Medals, eleven Silver Medals, and thirteen Diplomas, which had been awarded by the French Go- vernment to the Coxswain, Second Coxswain, and crew of the Clacton Life-boat, in recognition of their services in saving, at great risk, the crew of the fishing lugger La Madeleine, of Boulogne, which was lost on the Gunfleet Sands on the 22nd October last.

These gratifying testimonials from the French Government were afterwards presented to the men by the Eight Hon. the Lord Mayor of London at the Mansion House.

(A full account of this noble Life-boat service appeared in the Life-boat Journal for February last, page 456.) Voted 57Z. lOg. to pay the expenses of the Poole, Caister No. 1, and Winterton No. 2 Life- boats in rendering the following services;— Lives saved.

Brigantine Otto, of Hoganas, Sweden . , 9 Brig Aglae, of St. Servan 7 The Eye Life-boat had saved the yacht Spider, of Ramsgate, and nine persons on board that vessel, and the Ramsgate Life-boat had assisted to save the brigantine Swift, of Bye, and her crew of five men.

(Details of these Life-boat services are given on pages 665-669).

Voted 17Z. 5g. to pay the expenses of the Lydd (Dungeness) Life-boat in putting off with the view of rendering assistance to a stranded vessel, at midnight on the 30th May. After remaining out some hours her services were not required after all, and she then put into West Bay for shelter, the wind and sea having very much increased.

Voted 1Z. to four men for putting off in a small sailing-boat and saving four other men from a vessel which had been dismasted off Orme's Head during a strong breeze from the N.W., on the 9th June.

Also 10s. to two men for saving two persons from a boat which had been capsized off Port Isaac, Cornwall, during a moderate breeze from the S.E. by E., on the 20th May. The salvors were in a boat in the harbour when the accident occurred, and immediately pulled towards the two men, who were swimming towards the shore, and took them into their boat.

Also 10s. to two men belonging to Greencastle, Co. Londonderry, for putting off in a boat and rescuing a man from a small boat which was drifting out to sea off Greencastle during squally weather on the 7th June, THURSDAY, 3rd August: The Chairman of the Institution in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the pre- vious Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub- Committees.

Read the Report of the five District Inspectors on their visits to the following Stations:— 1. Hythe, Hastings, Plymouth, Yealm River, Hope Cove, Salcombe, Dartmouth, Brixham, Torquay, Teignmouth, Exmouth, and Poole, 2. Moelfre, Llandudno, Rhyl (two Boats), Llanddulas, St. Ives, Newquay, Hayle, Looe, and Mevagissey.

3. Greencastle, Portrush, Groomsport, Bally- walter, Newcastle, Tyrella, Giles' Quay, and Blackrock.

4. Moray Firth.

5. Skegness, Chapel, Grimsby, Donna Nook, Theddlethorpe, Button, Whitburn, Sunderland (four Boats), Seaham, Hartlepool (three Boats), West Hartlepool (two Boats), Seaton Carew, and Saltbnrn.

Reported the receipt of the following Special Contributions since the last meeting:— £. s. d.

Ancient Order of Foresters, annual subscription in aid of the support of their two Life-boats ... 100 0 0 E. BYRON NODEN, Esq., appro- priated from residue of trust fund 50 0 0 ARTHUR HUTCHINSON, Esq., and the Misses CHARLOTTE and FANNY HUTCHINSON, additional ... 25 0 0 —To be severally thanked.

Also that the late W. G. H. OBD, Esq., of Bowdon, Chester, had left a legacy of 250Z. (duty free) to the Institution.

Voted the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, to CHARLES H. COOKE, Esq., F.S.A., its Architect, in acknowledgment of his valuable services, during the past twenty-five years, in building, from his own designs and specifi- cations, two hundred and sixty-five Life-boat Houses on various parts of the Coasts of the United Kingdom.

Bead letter from Mr. EDWARD JACOB, Honor- ary Secretary of the Tramore Branch of the Institution, describing a remarkable case of the restoration by him, by the method recommended by the Institution, of a man apparently dead from drowning at Tramore on the 16th July.— To be thanked.

Paid 1.953Z. 0«. 4 Z. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution to Mr. RICHARD EGBERTS, assistant-coxswain of the North Deal Life-boat, in acknowledgment of his general gallant services in the Life-boat, in assisting to save 'a large number of lives during the past seventeen years.

Also 2Z. 5s. to nine men, for putting off in two boats and saving four persons whose boat had sunk in Achill Sound, Co. Mayo, during a fresh S.W. breeze on the 16th June.

 THURSDAY, 7th September.

EDWARD BIRKBECK, Esq., M.P., V.P., Deputy- Chairman of the Institution, in the Chair.

Bead and approved the Minutes of the pre- vious Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub- Committees.

Head the Report of the Chief Inspector of Life- boats on his recent visits to Worthing and Brigh- ton, and those of the five District Inspectors on their visits to-the following Stations :— 1. Sidmouth, Lyme Regis, Poole, Kimeridge, Swanage, and Weymouth.

2. Falmouth, Portloe, Fowey, Cadgwith, Lizard, Mullion, Porthoustock, Penzance, Hayle, Porthleven, Sennen, Scilly, Padstow, Port Isaac, Bude, Watchet, and Burnham.

3. Poolbeg, Howth, Kingstown, Balbriggan Skerries, and Drogheda (two Boats.) 4. Hauxley, Bamborough, and Tynemouth.

5. Redcar, Middlesborough, Staithes, Buns- wick, Whitby (two Boats), Robin Hood's Bay, Upgang, Scarborough, Filey, Flamborough (two Boats), Bridlington, Withernsea, and Hornsea.

Reported the transmission to its Station of the Bamborough Castle (Northumberland) new Life-boat, the John and Betty Cuttell, which, had been presented to the Institution by the late JOHN CUTTELL, Esq., of Holmfirth, and which was publicly named and launched on the 24th August.

On that occasion Miss CUTTELL, sister of the donor, had presented 1,OOOZ. to the Institution for the endowment of her late brother's Life- boat.

Decided that the best thanks of the Com- mittee be presented to Miss CUTTELL for her munificent gift.

Reported also the receipt of the following other Special Contributions since the last meet- ing :— WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OP DRAPERS' £. s. d.

annual subscription . . . . 31 10 0 BACUP CO - OPERATIVE STOKE (Limited) additional .... 10 0 0 —To be thanked.

Also that the following legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— £. s. d.

The late Mrs. MART LUCKOMBE, of Brighton 1450 0 0 The late ALEXANDER MCGREGOR, Esq., of Glasgow (duty free) . 50 0 0 The late HENRY STJTEB, Esq., of Douglas, Isle of Man ... 20 0 0 The late CHRISTOPHER COOKE. Esq.

of Lincoln's Inn Fields ... 10 0 0 Decided that Life-boat Stations be formed at Aramnore Island, Co. Donegal, and Port Erin, Isle of Man.

Ordered that various works be carried out at the Winchelsea, Llanaelhaiarn (Carnarvon- shire),and Weston-super-Mare Life-boat Stations, at an expense of 6502.

Paid 1,1892. 8«. 9d. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

"Voted 901.13s. 10d. to pay the expenses of the Life-boats at Lizard, Dungarvan, Blackpool, Portrush, Peterhead, Wicklow, and Newhaven, in rendering the following services:— Lives saved.

S.S. Mosel, of Bremen 27 Brigantiue Ariel, of Youghal .... 7 Barque Arethusa, of Liverpool ... 10 Schooner Ocean Child, of Belfast . . 3 Ketch Happy Return, of Padstow . . 4 Fishing boat Bon Accord, of Port- knockie 3 S.S. Lake Nepigon, of Montreal ... 52 Schooner Catherine and Alice, of Nevin, re- mained by vessel.

The Maryport Life-boat had rendered assist- ance to the Norwegian barque Erminia, and the Penmon Life-boat had saved the dandy Hope, of St. Ives, and her crew of three men.

(Accounts of these Life-boat services will be found on pages 669-671.) Voted also 1372. 7s. to pay the expenses of the Walmer, Lizard, Ballywalter, Caister No. 1, Swansea, Fleetwood, New Brighton No. 2, Ark- low, Mullion, and Brighton Life-boats in putting off in reply to signals of distress shown by vessels which did not ultimately require the aid of the Life-boats.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution to Mr. RICHARD STOKES, in acknowledgment of his long and gallant services while serving as cox- swam of the Poole Life-boat, during which period he had assisted in saving a large number of lives from shipwrecks.

Voted the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, to Captain W. E. CARVER, 4th Bat- talion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, and to Cap- tain FREDERICK WATT, in acknowledgment of their valuable services in taking an oar in the Portrush Life-boat, and assisting to save seven persons from the schooner Ocean Child, of Bel- fast, and ketch Happy Return, of Padstow, during a gale of wind from the W.N.W. on the 21st August.

Voted 32. 10s. to seven men for putting off in a fishing-boat, on the 12th July, and saving the crew of three men of the ketch Foam, of Leith, who had taken to their boat, their vessel having been totally wrecked at Bounds' Cliff, in Port Isaac Bay. during a moderate gale from the N.N.W.

Also 12. to four men for rescuing the crew of two men from the rigging of the smack Tartar, of Watchet, which had sprung a leak and had been run ashore on Minehead Ridge during a strong S.W. breeze at midnight on the 14th July.

Also 10«. to a lad for saving another lad, who had fallen overboard from a boat belonging to a small yacht off Youghal, Co. Cork, during a gentle N. breeze on the 27th. June. On observing the accident the salvor, who was on board the yacht, hauled the boat up to the vessel; got into it, sculled towards the sinking lad, and at some risk fortunately succeeded in rescuing him.


The next number of the Life-boat Journal will be published on the 1st February, 1883.