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The Elizabeth

At 5 A.M. on the 2nd April a brig was observed on shore on Baldoyle Bank.

The Clara Baker Life-boat was launched, and, with great difficulty, owing to the strong gale which was then blowing from the E. and the heavy sea, reached the vessel, which was then on her beam ends, her crew having taken refuge in the maintopmast rigging, where the sea was washingwashing over them. As the Life-boat was prevented from going alongside by the wreckage which was lying near, and by the heavy sea, she dropped anchor, veered down on the wreck, and ultimately effected a communication by means of the heaving line. A life-buoy was then hauled out, and the crew, consisting of five men, were taken into the Life-boat and brought safely ashore. The wrecked vessel proved to be the Elizabeth, of Whitehaven, bound from Liverpool to Dundalk with a cargo of coals..