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The Ebenezer

BLYTH, NORTHUMBERLAND.—On Sunday morning, the 2nd April, at half-past seven o'clock, a galliot was observed to go ashore on the outer ledge of Seaton Sea Rocks during a strong E. wind and a rough sea. As she was in a perilous position, the Life-boat Salford was immediately launched and proceeded to the vessel, which proved to be the Ebenezer, of Stavanger, bound from Hernosand to Blyth in ballast. The Life-boat's anchor was let go, and she veered alongside as near as she could get and then threw a line on board, by means of which five of the crew were hauled into the Life-boat with a life-buoy through the surf, and were brought safely ashore. One of the crew had previously succeeded in reaching the land with the help of a life-buoy. The vessel's masts fell overboard, and she soon became a total wreck..