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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

THURSDAY, 5th January, 1882.

EDWARD BIRKBECK, Esq., M.P., V.P., in the Chair.

He expressed his high appreciation of the honour the Committee had conferred on him in electing him Deputy-Chairman of the Institu- tion, and added that his best energies would be devoted to promoting its interests.

Read and approved the minutes of the pre- vious meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Eeward Sub- committees.

Read the Report of the Chief-Inspector of Life-boats to the Institution, on his recent visits to Swansea and Bristol, and those of the five District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations:— No. 1, London District—Kingsdowne, Wal- mer, Ramsgate, Broadstairs, Kingsgate, Mar- gate, Newhaven, and Hayling Island. .

No. 2, Bristol District—St. David's, Solva, Milford, Tenby, Pembrey, Swansea, Porthcawl, Penarth, and Ferryside.

No. 3, Dublin District—Tralee, Valentia, Courtmacsherry, Dungarvan, Tramore, Dun- cannon, Wexford (two Boats), Carnsore, Cour- town. Cahore, Arklow, Wicklow, and Greystones.

No. 4, Edinburgh District — Cullercoats, Tynemouth (two Boats), Blyth (two Boats), Hauxley, Newbiggin, Cresswell, Alnmouth, North Sunderland, Boulmer, and St. Andrew's.

No. 5, Hull District—Whitburn, Sunderland (four boats), Seaham, Saltburn, Redcar, Middles- borough, Upgang, Whitby (two boats), Staithes, Runswick, Robin Hood's Bay, Scarborough, and Filey.

Reported the receipt of 1,1001. from the Civil Service Life-boat Fund, through CHARLES DIB- DIN, Esq., F.R.G.S., Hon. Secretary, being 1,OOOZ. for the endowment of their No. 2 Life- boat, the Charles Dibdin, stationed at Tyne- mouth, and 1002. in aid of the support of their other two Life-boats, stationed respectively at Port Patrick, N.B., and Wexford, Ireland.—To be thanked.

The other special contributions and legacies received by the Institution during the month of December, are given in the Annual Report, published on the 1st May last.] Reported that the following Legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— £ The late JOHN HINKLEY, Esq., of Derby . 50 The late Miss JANE TOWER, of Edinburgh 25 (and 102. each to Edinburgh and Aberdeen . Branches).

Reported the transmission to their Stations of the Newhaven, Wells, and Penarth new Life- boats.

The London, Brighton, and South Coast Rail- way Company had, as usual, kindly granted a free conveyance over their line to the Newhaven new and old Boats.—To be thanked.

Paid 4,2772. 14s. 2d. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 971. 17». to pay the expenses of the Life-boats at Bridlington, Douglas, Dover, Caister, Rye, Hayle, and Padstow, in rendering the following services:— Lives saved.

Sloop New Eagle, of Grimsby ... 2 Schooner Heine de Cceur, of Nantes. . 6 Barque Chin Chin, of Jersey ... 5 Brigantine Menodora, of Hartlepool . 6 French Chassemaree St. Anne ... 7 Schooner Constance, of Swansea . . 10 Barque Millai, of Frame, remained by vessel.

The Life-boats at Scilly, Courtmacsherry, Cullercoats, Caister, Withernsea, and Harwich, had also rendered the following services :— Barque Excelsior, of Hamburg, s.s. Glendevon, and brig Arica, of Whitby. rendered assistance; brigantine Fidele, of Marstrand, Sweden, as- sisted to save vessel and 6 lives; brig Athalia, of Hartlepool, remained by vessel; barge Olive Branch, of Harwich, assisted to save vessel and 3 lives.

Voted also 1731. 6s. 3d. to pay the expenses of the Milford, Broughty Ferry, Dunbar, Rhyl No. 2, Rye, Winchelsea, Walmer, Caister, Cruden, Montrose No. 1, Sunderland, Poole, Clacton, Broadstairs, and Theddlethorpe Life-boats, in assembling their crews or putting off in reply to signals of distress, with the view of rendering assistance to vessels, which did not ultimately require their services.

The Ratnsgate and Flamborough No. 2 Life- boats had also been called out, but their services had not been eventually needed.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution and a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum to Mr. SAMUEL CARR, Chief Officer of H.M. Coastguard at Ring's End, co. Dublin, and Honorary Secre- tary of the Poolbeg Branch of the Institution, and to Mr. DANIEL EVANS, coxswain of the Poolbeg Life-boat, in recognition of their general services in the Life-boat, and particu- larly on the occasion of the wreck of the ship George S. Oulton, of St. John's, N.B., during the heavy gale of the 22nd October, 1881.

Also the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, to Captain JOHN STRANET, master of the steam tug Toiler, for towing out the Life- boat on the above-mentioned occasion.

Also the Silver Medal and a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum to Mr. JOHN STEELE, in acknowledgment of his brave and valuable services in helping to man the Ayr Life-boat on the occasion of the wreck of the brigantine J. W. Harris, of Dublin, during a severe gale on the 22nd November last.

Also the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, to Captain J. BREW, of the Isle of Man Mail s.s. Mono, and 51. to his crew, in acknowledgment of their services in towing out the Ramsey Life-boat with the view of assisting another distressed steamer during a gale on the 22nd November last.

Also thanks to Mr. GEORGE BROWN, of Porta- ferry, co. Down, together with 51. to himself and four men for putting off in a boat and, at some risk, saving the crew of three men from the schooner Jane, of Carrickfergus, which was wrecked near Portaferry, during a strong gale from the E.S E., on the 20th October.

Also 61. to six men for putting off in a coble from Boulmer, Northumberland, and rescuing the crew of seven men from the fishing lugger Useful, of Cellardyke, which had partly sunk on Boulmer South Steel, during very rough weather on the 19th November.

Also 51.10s. to eleven men for assisting to save two of the crew of the wrecked barque Admiral P. LordensJejold, of Krageroe, Norway, which was wrecked on Saunton Sands, Devon, during a strong N.W. gale, on the 20th December.

Also 52. to five men for putting off in a fishing boat, and, at some risk, saving the crew of four men of the schooner Fire Winner, of Christian- sand, which had been run ashore at Burntisland, during a strong gale from the E., on the 23rd October.

Also 51. to five men for putting off in the Coastguard boat at Leestoue, co. Down, with the view of rendering assistance to a steam dredger belonging to Dublin, which was in distress, during a gale of wind from the S.W. and a heavy sea, on the 1st November.

Also 42. to seven men for putting off in a fishing yawl from Methil, Fife, at considerable risk, and saving one of the crew of the brig Scio, of South Shields, which was wrecked near Methil Harbour, during a fresh gale from the S.W., on the 27th November.

Also 42. to four men for saving two men from a canoe which had sunk off Portacloy, co. Mayo, during a strong gale of wind from the S.W., on the evening of the 31st November.

THURSDAY, 2nd February.

Sir EDW. PERROTT, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.

Bead and approved the Minutes of the pre- vious Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and Reward Sub- Committees.

Bead the Report of the Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visit to Newhaven, and those of the five District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations:— 1. Newhaven.

2. Looe, Fowey, Mevagissey, Portloe, New- quay (Cornwall), Cadgwith, Lizard, Porthou- stock, Falmouth, and Mullion.

3. Greencastle, Portrush, Groomsport, Bally- waiter, Newcastle, Tyrella, Black-Bock, Giles' Quay, and Drogheda (two Boats).

4. Berwick, Eyemouth, and Holy Island (two Boats).

5. Flamborough (two Boats), Bridlington, Hornsea, Withernsea, Hunstanton, Brancaster, and Wells.

Reported the receipt of a contribution of 800?.

from "A Friend," residing near Henley-on- Thames, per Colonel FitzRoY CLAYTON, to de- fray the cost of a Life-boat for the Carnarvon- shire coast, in memory of the late Captain JOHN ALEXANDER STRACHAN, who nobly gave up his life-belt to a poor stowaway and perished, on the occasion of the wreck of the s.s. Cyprian, OK the south shore of Carnarvon Bay, on the 14th October.

Decided that the best thanks of the Com- mittee be expressed to the Donor for his muni- ficent gift, and that it be appropriated, with his sanction, to the new Life-boat Establishment about to be formed by the Institution at Llanaelhaiarn, on the Carnarvonshire coast.

Reported the receipt of 12001. from Mrs. M. A. ELLIS, of York, for the endowment of the Robert and Mary Ellis Life-boat stationed at Whitby.

Decided that the best thanks of the Com- mittee be conveyed to Mrs. ELLIS for her addi- tional munificent contribution.

[The other special contributions and legacies received by the Institution during the month of January are given in the Annual Report, pub- lished on the 1st May last:] Reported that the following legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— £. s. d.

The late G. M. GRAY, Esq., of Wanganni, New Zealand, for a Life-boat for the Scotch coast 500 0 0 The late Mr. EDWARD KILLINGTON, of Yarmouth 100 0 0 Paid 1407Z. 14s. 8d. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 191. 10s. to pay the expenses of the Winterton No. 2 Life-boat in saving six of the crew of the wrecked brig Louisa, of Stettin.

The Life-boat stationed at Cresswell, North- umberland, had saved the brig Swift, of Kra- geroe, Norway, and her crew of eight men.

[Accounts of these services will be found on page 628.] Voted 82Z. 9s. Gd. to pay the expenses of the Ballftutrae, Harwich, Clacton, Palling No. 2, Castletown, Montrose No. 1, North Berwick, and Bye Life-boats in putting off to the aid of vessels which did not ultimately need their assistance.

The Ramsgate Life-boat had also been taken out, but her services had not been called into requisition.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution and a copy of the vote, inscribed on vellum, to Major HENRY SCOTT, Chairman of the Dover Branch, in recognition of his gallant and prompt services in volunteering to take an oar in the Dover Life- boat, and afterwards assisting to rescue five of the crew of the barque Chin Chin, of Jersey, which was wrecked off the South Foreland during a S.W. wind and a heavy sea on the 9th December.

Also the Second Service Clasp to Mr. ROBERT WILDS, coxswain of the Deal Life-boat, in recog- nition of his continued brave services in the boat. The Silver Medal was awarded to him in 1877, and since then he had assisted in the Life- boat to save one hundred and ten lives from various shipwrecks.

Also the Silver Medal of the Institution, a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum, and 11.

each to Mr. WILLIAM NOBSWORTHY, chief officer of H.M. Coastguard at Carnarvon, and to police constable HENRY EVANS, of Carnarvon, for putting off in an open boat, and, at great risk, saving five of the crew of the brigantine Fritz von Gadow, of Barth, Germany, which had cap- sized off Carnarvon during a whole gale from the W.S.W. on the 28th November.

Also 11. to the owner of the boat used on this occasion in consideration of injury which it had sustained.

Also the Silver Medal and a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum to Mr. PETER MUBOOCK, of Glendrishaig, Ayrshire, and 31. to three of his men, for saving, at considerable risk of life, by means of ropes, two of the crew of the schooner Circassian, of Dundalk, which was totally wrecked at Glendrishaig during a N.W. gale on the 21st December.

Also 81. to eight men for putting off in a boat, at some risk of life, and saving the crew of two men of the schooner Scotia, of Carnarvon, which had stranded in Port Erin Bay, Isle of Man, during a strong W. gale and a heavy sea on the 6th January.

Also 51. to three men for putting off in a boat and, at some risk, saving the crew of five men of the smack Espeigle, of St. Malo, which had stranded at Breen Down, Burnham Bay, during a fresh gale from the N.W. on the 18th December.

Also thanks to Mr. CHAPMAN, farmer, of Breen Down, who rendered good service on the last- named occasion in lending horses to transport the boat, and who afterwards took the rescued men into his house, gave them refreshment, and dried their clothes.

Also 51. to the chief boatman and five Coast- guard men for putting off in a boat from Dym- church, Kent, Coastguard Station, and saving the crew of four men of the sloop TTieodor, of Copenhagen, on the 3rd January. The ship- wrecked men had taken to their boat and were drifting out to sea.

Also 51. to the crew of a yawl belonging to Mundesley, Norfolk, for putting off on the 10th January, and taking off from the Hasborough lightship the crew of six men of the wrecked brig Princess, of Whitby, and afterwards landing them at Great Yarmouth.

Also II. 10s. to three men for putting off in a boat from Sennen Cove, Cornwall, and bringing safely to land a boat containing the crew of fourteen men of the Austrian barque Mdlaleel, which had been totally wrecked on the Shark's Fin, near Longships, Cornwall, on the night of the 8th December.

Also 51. in aid of a local subscription for the relief of the families of three members of the Saltburn Life-boat crew who had been drowned while out fishing on the 12th January.

THURSDAY, 2nd March.

THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., Chairman of the Institution, in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the pre- vious Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and Reward Sub- committees.

Read the Report of the Chief Inspector on his recent visit to Poole, and those of four of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations:— . 1. Yealm River, Plymouth, Hope Cove, Sal- combe, Torquay, Brixham, Dartmouth, Teign- mouth, Exmouth, Sidmouth, and Lyme Regis.

2. Penzance, Sennen Cove, Scilly, Porthleven, St. Ives, Hayle, Rhyl (two Boats), and Llan- dudno.

3. Howth, Balbriggan, Skerries, Rogerstown, Poolbeg, Kingstown, New Brighton (two Boats), and Southport.

5. Manchester, Blakeney, Sheringham, Cromer, Mundesley, Bacton, Grimsby, Hasborough, Pal- ling (two Boats), Winterton (two Boats), Gorles- ton, Caister (two Boats), Yarmouth (two Boats), Lowestoft, Pakefield (two Boats), Kessingland (two Boats), Southwold (two Boats), and Dun- wich.

[The Special Contributions and Legacies re- ceived by the Institution during the month of February are given in the Annual Report, published on the 1st May last.] Reported that the following Legacies had been bequeathed t the Institution:— £. s. d.

The late OSGOOD TORKINGTON, Esq., of Clapham 1000 0 0 The late WM. SLOCOMBE, Esq., of Holloway 900 0 0 The late HORACE WATSON, Esq., of Wimbledon (duty free) . . . 200 0 0 The late Mrs. J. A. BAKER, of Birmingham (duty free) . . 200 0 0 The late Miss E. W. DANIEL, of Weston-super-Mare .... 100 0 0 Elected Commander GEORGES C. C. CARTER, R.N., Inspector of Life-boats to the vacant Scotch District of the Institution.

Paid 1118Z. 10s. Id. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 101. Is. to pay the expenses of the Dunbar Life-boat in rescuing the crew of three men of the lighter Sophia, of Hull.

The Ayr, Fleetwood, and Port Logan Life- boats had performed the following services:— brigantine Maggie Wood, of Belfast, rendered assistance; barque Venus, of Helsingborg, brought ashore twelve persons and rendered other assistance; galliot Crateforfh, of Whithorn, remained by vessel.

[Details of these services are given on pages 628-9/J Voted 90Z. 16s. to pay the expenses of the Cullercoats, Ardmore, Queenstown, Dunbar, Maryport, Mevagissey, Padstow, Newhaven, Theddlethorpe, and Aldborough Life-boats in assembling their crews or putting off in reply to signals of distress exhibited by vessels which did not ultimately require the services of the Lite-boats.

Voted 101. to five men for putting off in a boat at great risk and rescuing eight men whose boat had been driven away from Is- land Crone, Co. Donegal, by a sudden gale of wind from the S.W., on the 2nd January, leaving them on the island—which is unin- habitable—where they had to remain without any shelter during the night, until rescued at about 10 o'clock on the following morning.

THURSDAY, 23rd March.

The Annual General Meeting of the friends and supporters of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE- BOAT INSTITUTION took place this day at the Mansion House, The Rt. Hon. The LOUD MAYOR OP LONDON in the Chair. The Chair- man opened the meeting with some suitable observations on the great and national character of the operations of the Institution, and ex- pressed his satisfaction to observe that the interest of the public in its success remained unabated.

The Secretary read the Annual Report, which will be found in the May number of the Life- boat Journal.

The meeting was then addressed by THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.RS., V.P.; Sir EDWARD PERROTT, Bart., V.P.; EDWARD BIRKBECK, Esq., M.P., V.P.; Colonel BARNE, M.P.; GEORGE PALMER, Junr., Esq.; ION T. HAMILTON, Esq., M.P.; The LORD MAYOR ; Capt. the Hon.

FRANCIS MAUDE, R.N. ; Admiral AUGUSTUS PHILLIMORE ; Colonel FITZROY CLAYTON ; Gene- ral BURNABY, M.P., and other gentlemen.

Various resolutions were moved, seconded, and carried unanimously, pledging the meeting LO renewed exertions on behalf of the benevo- lent and national objects of the Institution.

The resolutions will be found in the May number of the Life-boat Journal.

THURSDAY, 6th April : The Chairman of the Institution in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the pre- vious Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondeuce, and Wreck and Reward Sub- Committees.

Elected the members of the Sub-Committees, Sir EDWARD PERROTT, Bart., V.P., Chairman, for the ensuing year.

Bead the Report of the Chief Inspector on his recent visit to Penarth, Llanaelhaiam, Bard aey Island and Portmadoc, and those of the five District Inspectors on their visits to the following Stations:— 1. Weymouth, Kimeridge, Swanage, Poole, Brighstone Grange, Brooke, and Bembridge.

2. Porthdinllaen, Abersoch, Portmadoc, Bar- mouth, Aberdovey, Aberystwith, Pembrey, and Ferryside.

3. Lytham, St. Anne's, Blackpool, Fleet- wood, Piel, Whitehaven. Seascale, Maryport, Silloth, Castletown (two Boats), and Ramsey.

4. Tynemouth (two Boats), Cullercoats, Cress- well, Hauxley, Blyth (two Boats), and New- biggin.

5. Thorpeness, Aldborough, Harwich, Clacton- on-Sea, Skegness, Chapel, Donna Nook, Sutton, Theddlethorpe, Seaham, Whitburn, Sunderland (four Boats), Seaton Carew, Hartlepool (three Boats), and West Hartlepool (two Boats).

Reported the receipt of 1,065Z. from GEORGE MIDDLEWOOD, Esq., of Ruffia-th Hall, per Dr. DCSHILL, Hon. Sec. of the York Branch of the Institution, to provide a Life-boat in memory of his late son, who was lost at sea, to be named the Matthew Middlewood.

Decided that the best thanks of the Com- mittee be given to Mr. MIDDLEWOOD for his munificent gift, and that it be appropriated to the Flamborough No. 2 Life-boat.

[The other Special Contributions and Lega- cies received by the Institution during the month of March are given in the Annual Re- port, published on the 1st May last.

Reported that the following Legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution :— £. *. d.

The late CHRISTOPHER RUSSELL BROWN, Esq., of Mile End . . 1000 0 0 The late JAMES MURRAY, Esq., of Newry 900 0 0 The late JOHN HARTMLL, Esq., of Blomfield Gate 100 0 0 The late J. C. COWLET, Esq., of Kilsby 10 0 0 The Committee expressed their deep regret at the death of Lord ROBABTES, who was a Vice- President of the Institution, and one of its oldest and most liberal supporters.

Decided that tlie present Life-boat at Win- chelsea, Sussex, be replaced by a new one, and that it be appropriated to the legacy bequeathed to the Institution by the late Mrs. HARRIS, of Streathain.

Ordered that various works be carried out at the Margate, Penmon, and Bamborough Life- boat Stations, at an expense of 5852.

Paid 4.741Z. 18s. 6d. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 123Z. 8s. to pay the expenses of the Lydd, Whithorn, Tynemouth No. 2, Clovelly, Port Isaac, Appledore No. 2, Thurso, Cemlyn, Fishguard No. 2, Porthcawl, Howth, Blyth No.

1, and Palling No. I, Life-boats, in rendering the following services:— Lives saved.

Brigantine Concordia, of Guernsey ... 6 S.S. Ktttiwake, of Carlisle 7 S.S. Robert Watson Boyd, of North Shields 14 Ketch Blue Bell, of Padstow .... 3 Schooner British Queen, of Wexford . . 4 Smack Mary Stevens, of Padstow ... 4 Schooner Volant, of Wick 4 Schooner Queen, of Inverness .... 4 Flat Three Brothers, of Chester .... 2 Dandy Thomas & Sons, of Aberystwyth . 3 Smack Martha Jane, of Aberystwyth . . 3 Schooner Glanmanai, of Iteaiiznaris . . 3 Schooner Perseverance, of Belfast . . ' 6 S.S. Liban, of Nantes 8 Lugger Emerald Isle, of Howtb.... 2 Brig Elizabeth, of Arklow 5 Galliot Ebenezer, of Stayanger .... 5 Brig Danmark. of Dragor . . . . .10 The Pakefibld No. 1, Caister, Winterton No.

2, Kessingland No. 2, Ramsey, and Ramsgate Lifeboats, had rendered the following services : —Smack Alert, of Lowestoft, saved vessel and six lives; barque Canmore, of Dundee, assisted to save vessel and seventeen lives; s.s. Napier, of Shields, remained by vessel; schooner, J. W. T., of Truro, rendered assistance; schooner Countess of Caithness, of Gloucester, saved vessel and four lives; and barque Europe, of Bordeaux, six lives saved.

[Accounts of most of these Life-boat services will be found on pages 629-632.] Voted 971. 10s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Harwich, Berwick-on-Tweed, Winterton No. 2, Braunton, Lytham, Cardigan, Hastings. South- wold No. 1, Margate, Kingsgate, Seaton Carew, and Ilfracombe Life-boats, in assembling their, crews or going out to the aid of vessels not ultimately needing their assistance.

The New Quay, Cornwall, Life-boat had also been taken afloat, but her services were not called into requisition.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, and a copy of the vote, to Mr. RICHARD HEADON, Coxswain of the Clovelly Life-boat, who had been out in the Life-boat on all occasions when she had been afloat on service, and had assisted to save thirty-four lives, during the past twelve years.

Also 10Z. in aid of the family of EDWARD GTJLLEY, late Coxswain of the Courtown Life- boat, who had died suddenly, leaving a widow and a family of young children. He had been connected with the Life-boat as first and second coxswain for fifteen years, and during that period he had assisted in the boat to save many lives.

Also 101. in aid of the widows and families of two men—members of the crew of the Hope Cove Life-boat—who had been drowned by the capsizing of their fishing-boat on the 17th February.

Also 20Z. to the crew of the Life-boat Refuge, of Gorleston, Suffolk, for saving, at very great risk, one man from the s.s. Livadia, of Shields, which had been totally wrecked on the Cross Sand during a strong E. gale and thick weather on the 1st of March.

Also 31. to three men for putting off in a boat from Whitton, Lincolnshire, and at great risk saving the crew of two men from the rigging of the keel Henry, of Doncaster, which had sunk on Whitton Sand, in the river Humher, during a fresh gale from the W.N.W., on the 18th February.

Also SI. to six men for putting off in a boat at considerable risk, and endeavouring to save the crew of six men of a fishing-lugger of North Yell, which was seen to capsize near that place during a severe gale from the N.N.W. on the 21st July. The men, however, were unfortu- nately drowned before help could reach them.

THURSDAY, 4th May.

The Chairman of the Institution in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the pre- vious meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub- committees.

Read the Reports of three of the District Inspectors of Life-boats to the Institution on their visits to tho following Stations:— 2. Tenby, llfracombe, Morte Bay, Clovelly, Bude, Port Isaac, Padstow, Appledore (two Boats), Braunton, and Lynmouth.

4. Alnmouth, Boulmer, North Sunderland, Holy Island (two Boats), Berwick, Eyemouth, Dunbar, North Berwick, Ardrossan, Kildonan, and Irvine.

5. Middlesborough, Redcar, Saltburn, Buns- wick, Staithes, Upgang, Whitby (two Boats), Robin Hood's Bay, Scarborough, Filey, and Flamborough (two Boats).

Reported the receipt of 1,0001. from Mrs. J. H. ELLIOTT, of Leytonstone, to defray the cost of a Life-boat Station; the boat to be named the J. H. Elliott.

Decided that the best thanks of the Com- mittee be given to the donor, and that her munificent contribution be appropriated to the Mundesley (Norfolk) new Life-boat.

Reported the receipt of 1.200Z. from the readers of The Boy's Own Paper, through the Editor, G. A. HUTCHISON, Esq., to defray the cost of two Lifeboats, to be named respectively the Boy's Own, No. I & No. 2.

Decided that the thanks of the Institution be given to the .donors for their generous contribu- tion, and to Mr. HUTCHISON and his coadjutors for their valuable co-operation.

Also that the gift be appropriated to the new Life-boats at Looe, Cornwall, and Poole, Dorset.

Also the receipt of the following other special contributions since the last Meeting:— £. $. d.

Society for the Discharge and Re- lief of Persons imprisoned for Small Debts, additional ... 100 0 0 Profits from Penny Readings at Shepperton, per Rev. W. F. J. HANBURY 430 Proceeds of Recitals at All Souls' Schools, Hampstead, on 16th January, per F. E. A. CAVELL, Esq 200 —To be severally thanked.

Reported that the following legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— £. t. d.

The late Miss MARIA JONES, of Waterloo, Lancaster, for a Life- boat, to be called A Daughter"! Offering 1000 0 0 The late Mrs. A. G. STAMP, of Hull 50 0 0 The Committee expressed their deep regret at the death of Colonel TALBOT CLIFTON, who had long been a Vice-President of the Institu- tion, and a liberal supporter of its funds.

Approved of the appointments of new Honor- ary Secretaries to the several Branches named hereafter, and decided that the thanks of the Institution be presented to the gentlemen who were retiring from Office, as follows, in ac- knowledgment of their long and valuable co- operation :— Captain D. BORROWDALE, Whitehaven.


L. T. COBBOLD, Esq., Harwich.

W. EVEBINQTON, Esq., Skegness.

JOHN MATHEWS, Esq., Penzance.

Bev. T. McCLELLAN, Greencastle.

Rev. A. O. MEDD, Hauxley.

Mr. W. NICOL, Appledore.

C. RITSON, Esq., Burnham.

T. JONES STEVENS, Esq. (Hon. Treasurer), Plymouth.

Rev. B. TYACKE, Padstow.

Ordered that various works be carried out at the Poole, Hartlepool, Silloth, Irvine, Pake- field, and Withernsea Life-boat Stations, at an expense of 604Z.

Paid 1,1702. Is. 6d. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

EDWARD BIRKBECK, Esq., M.P., Deputy-Chair- man, suggested that the Institution might offer to provide owners or masters of decked fishing vessels with Aneroid Barometers at half-cost.

Two sample Aneroids were produced at the Meeting, made respectively by Messrs. Negretti and Zambra and Messrs. Dollond & Co.

Decided that fifty Aneroids be ordered of each maker, and that each instrument be offered to bond-fide owners or masters of decked fishing vessels, at a great reduction on the cost of it to the Institution.

Voted 751. 16s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Southwold No. 1, Hauxley, Arbroath, Harwich, Hayle, Carmarthen Bay, and Clacton Life-boats in rendering the following services:— Lives Saved.

Pilot punt Ben and Louisa, of Southwold 3 Fishing lugger Belle, of Blyth. 6 Brigantine Expedit, of Porsgrund 6 Schooner Henrietta, of London. 4 S.S. Drumhendry, of Glasgow . 2 Yacht Formosa, of Carmarthen 5 Sloop Nordstiernen, of Hangesund 2 The Caister No. 1 Life-boat rendered assist- ance to the stranded B.B. Consett, of Sunderland.

Voted 73Z. 4«. to pay the expenses of the Lowestoft No. 1, Broadstairs, Chapel, Montrose No. 1, Tynemouth, Thorpe, Swanage, and Padstow Life-boats in assembling their crews or putting off to the aid of vessels which did not eventually need their assistance.

The Ramsgate and Winterton No. 2 Life- boats had also been taken out, but their services had not been required.

Voted the thanks of the Institution to Mr.


to two boys for putting off in a small boat from Holywood, co. Down, and rescuing two men and a boy from a boat which had been struck by a heavy sea, and had capsized during a gale of wind from the W.S.W. on the 19th March.

Also 21. to a boats crew for saving four men from a fishing-boat, of Annagassan, co. Louth, which had been struck by a squall and had capsized in Dundalk Bay on the 9th March.

Also 21. to four men belonging to Deal for saving the crew of five men of the fishing-boat Alice, of Dover, which had been swamped by a heavy sea and was in a sinking condition during a sudden gale from the N.N.W. on the 25th March.

Also 1Z. to two fishermen of Arbroath for putting off in a boat and rescuing a man from a small fishing trawler which had gone on the rocks at the harbour bar, Arbroath, and was breaking up, during a fresh S.E. breeze and a strong swell on the 18th April.